Wednesday, July 3, 2024

John Dean says Nixon ‘would have survived’ Watergate under immunity ruling

John Dean, former White House counsel for the Nixon administration, said he believes former President Nixon “would have survived” the Watergate scandal if the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling issued Monday, which largely shields former presidents from criminal prosecution for actions in office, existed at the time.


  1. A hysterical lie. The ruling says the immunity is limited to fulfilling presidential duties under the constitution. Wiretapping wouldn't have been covered by that.
    You know what would have allowed Nixon to survive Watergate? Being a Democrat. The same journalists who so "bravely" exposed him would've buried the story instead.

    1. Wiretapping to preserve demoacracy?
      The clear problem is the loophole provided for anything that can be labeled presidential duties, If appointing fake electorsc an be claimed as presidential - as Trump is in fact claiming - shouldn't wiretapping?

    2. What is the hysterical lie? That the President is immune if the crime is claimed to be an official act?

    3. And the courts are empowered to determine whether it's presidential or not. That check and balance still exists and is being ignored by the media because it doesn't fit their newest libel against Trump.

  2. Mr. Ironheart, if all the mainstream and educated individuals sit on one side of a political spectrum (the democrats) isn't that alone compelling evidence that they are in the right (pun intended).

    1. According to that thinking, Israel really is committing genocide, there really is a famine in Gaza, Bibi really is guilty of multiple corruption crimes, Jews really do control the media and various world governments...

    2. Point taken. How does the left manage to coordinate so effectively? It's like there is only one voice on the left other than the few screaming progressives.

    3. Because the Left values authoritarianism and will follow a strong leader with a consistent message. With the Right it's like herding cats.

    4. Wow! What nonsense!, No authoritarian on the right?!

    5. Are you suggesting that because the left likes the gov (AKA "big brother") they tow to it more? Interesting theory though I'm not sure if that is nearly sufficient to explain the level of synchrony.

      As a side note, I found the following re-tweet by Biden supporter Mark Cuban to be hilariously apocryphal. "In the Democratic party, not everybody gets their way, but everybody gets a voice. In the Republican party, there’s just one voice"


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