Thursday, September 8, 2022

Senate Republicans point fingers as majority hopes slip

More broadly, Senate Republicans are concerned that Trump’s legal troubles are consuming too much of the national spotlight, diverting public attention from what they want to make the 2022 midterm election about: President Biden’s economic record.


  1. "Economic record?" Is that what it is all about?

    No, sir.

    It's about immigration. It's about societal breakdown with violence and degeneracy virtually everywhere in cities from the streets to the public libraries.

    And so it is about Donald Trump, a businessman turned politician, who is, standing up to the political establishment that only seems to care about and power for itself and money from and for its wealthy donors.

    The Special Master appointment basically shreds the Department of Justice's investigation of Donald Trump. It is,all over for the Democrats in the Fall. Get ready for the BLM and Antifa riots as the left finds itself adrift with no issue other than to bash Donald Trump and his supporters.

  2. What could be turned "nonsense" would be anyone maintaining -- without adequate evidence or proof -- that Republican voters care one whit what "Senate Republicans" want the midterm elections to be about.


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