Thursday, March 10, 2022

The GOP wants you to think of Joe Biden when you fill your tank

In the race to politically exploit the high cost of gas, Republicans are banking on voters not caring that they’re lying through their teeth about how much of this is Biden’s fault. The president does not, as they would have you believe, have a dial in the Oval Office that he uses to set gas prices. Meanwhile, suggested fixes the GOP has offered up would do nothing to shrink Americans’ costs, which suits them just fine for now.

1 comment :

  1. Actually the President doesn't have a dial, he has a switch. He switched off the XL Pipeline from Canada which would have had a tremendous impact on North American supply. He banned fracking which did have a tremendous impact on North American supply. And while he was doing that to appease the ecofascists, he turned to Russia and the Middle East to make up the lost supply he directly caused. And to top it all off, as the Arab states watch him about to give Iran everything it wants they're not returning his calls!
    Face it: if Biden were to announce tomorrow that XL was back on and he expects it done in a year, no ifs-ands-or-buts, and he restored all the fracking licences, American domestic supply would bring down American domestic prices. Just a simple fact.


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