Saturday, December 18, 2021

DeSantis, Social Media Posts Mislead on COVID-19’s Toll in Florida

Daily COVID-19 cases in Florida surged over the past year, as we’ve reported, with the state reaching record-high levels of hospitalizations due to the disease in early August. However, the daily number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in Florida has decreased in recent weeks, according to the Florida Department of Health, as the wave of cases caused by the delta variant subsides. 

 According to data compiled by the New York Times, Florida — the third largest state — has the third most COVID-19 deaths and cases in the nation, with more than 3.6 million cases and more than 59,000 deaths since February 2020. When adjusted for population, Florida’s COVID-19 death rate also ranks 10th among the 50 states, with 278 deaths per 100,000 people.

The steady decline in cases has led to sunny social media posts proclaiming Florida has the “lowest Covid rates in the country without having to institute communist mandates & lockdowns.”

Florida’s recent rise and decline of cases fit a pattern that health experts have seen with other variants, where cases peak and decline over a two-month cycle. 

“There’s this weird two-month thing that goes on. We all picked it up,” Michael Sweat, a professor at the Medical University of South Carolina and a leader of its COVID-19 tracking team, said in a university blog post. “I mean, it’s like every time when you get a wave, it goes up, peaks and declines in about two months.”


    Sorry, Florida is doing fine right now even as Dem states like New York fall apart again.

  2. You obviously didn't read the posts
    NYC is doing fine
    The issue is how many unnecessary deaths resulted from Florida's approach

  3. Right, like when the governor of Florida ordered the hospitals to discharge sick patients back to nursing homes. That was terrible, a real crime. Oh wait, New York.
    Every state, pretty much every major country messed up the response to the virus and causes excess deaths. The media only considers it a crime in conservative places. Like back when Stalin was just breaking a few eggs to make an omelette, New York could kill thousands but hey, they meant well.

  4. When NY did it was in fact publicized and investigated -contrary toy our claim

  5. You think I don't remember? Cuomo was the golden boy! Oh if only he was president instead of Trump! Did he encourage mass gatherings at Chinese New Years? Shhhhhh! Did he send people to nursing homes to die? Well it was Trump's fault because there weren't enough ventilators! It was only when the scale of the deaths came out that your liberal press first started to mention it grudgingly and even then he wasn't pressured to quit or called incompetent. Even then, despite it being Cuomo's decision, it was still Trump's fault!


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