Friday, June 25, 2021

Same-sex marriage in New York: A milestone a decade in the making

 Marriage equality is one of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s earliest achievements, arriving at the end of the first legislative session of his first term, on June 24, 2011. Cuomo brokered the passage, convincing four Republican senators to cast votes of conscience to pass the bill.

The vote was a nail-biter. Not until Sen. Stephen Saland, R-Poughkeepsie, rose and gave his support was passage assured.


  1. In an amoral, secular society, what reason could be given for restricting marriage to one-man-one-woman? If common law relationships are allowed then marriage is pretty much just a formality and an excuse to buy a wedding dress.
    The hypocrisy comes out when you talk about polygamy. The same folks who shout "There's nothing immutable about one-man-one-woman" then turn around and say "Two! Two is immutable! You can't have three!"

  2. In an amoral secular society what is wrong with outlawing homosexuality? Yet in America issues like an adult marrying a child, polygamy, and being anti-LGBT are condemned by the same folk some may want to call amoral and secular.

    In fact the liberal Left has a morality. It may not be a carefully articulated firm list of rights and wrongs, yet they do follow a playbook of sorts.

  3. Marrying a child or bestiality remain forbidden because of the issue of consent, not morality.
    Joseph Orlow also makes a very good point - it's one thing to say "Since there's nothing sacred, then 'any two' can be a definition of marriage." It's hypocritical to say "It's sacred not to criticize our redefinition of marriage!"

  4. Mark my words.
    The perverts will try to redefine "consent".
    The lowest age of consent in the world is 11, in some states in Nigeria.
    The age of consent is 12 in the Philippines and Angola.
    The perverts will try to push the same for the USA.

  5. Why do you say perverts? Consent in parts of Europe was 12/14 for the woman/man until a few hundred years ago.

    Most if not all Jews are descendents of couples who married in their young teens.

    Many girls at age twelve in America essentially engage in behavior that used to be considered by many societies to indicate marriage.

  6. I preface, that according to the Torah, a boy, thirteen years old and older, and a girl, twelve years old and older, are considered adults, and are legally responsible for all actions that they do, including any consent they may give for sexual relations.

    I also respect the desire of religious young couples, who are close in age, and want to get married in a kosher marriage, at a younger age than is considered "normal"; provided that no local laws of the land are broken.

    I’m not impressed by modern society virtue signals. The teachings of our ancient Torah are more virtuous than those promulgated by those so-called virtues that are not Torah based.

    I would rather that these couples engage in kosher Torah approved marital relations, than to be tempted to live together in promiscuity and sin; or to be tempted to engage in other sexual outlets that are prohibited by the Torah.

    That being said, the word "perversion" is used to describe a type of human behavior that deviates from that which is understood to be orthodox or normal, and a pervert, by definition, is someone whose sexual behavior deviates from accepted norms.

    I agree that these are relative terms, but since modern society has accepted certain norms, anyone deviating from those norms, is relatively speaking, considered a pervert, and would include those that don’t want to conform to society’s norms regarding the age of consent.

    These people are generally not interested in the morality of the Torah, and their agenda of seeking to lower the age of consent, is generally merely to be able to legally engage in promiscuous behavior without having to fear the law. It is regarding these types of people that I use the pejorative term, “pervert”.

  7. That makes sense. However, to be sure, I am then a pervert because while I do not seek to marry a 12 year old girl, I would not stand in the way of say an 18 year old boy marrying a 12 year girl if I was running a community and the law allowed such unions.

  8. I completely agree. Look at euthanasia. In Canada, a few years ago, giving a lethal injection to a patient, even with his consent, was murder. So they re-defined murder and today if you don't give the lethal injection you're a bad doctor.
    That's the superiority of Torah right there - you can't change definitions just to make yourself feel better.

  9. Those who choose to live without religion, struggle to find absolute values for morality.

  10. Why don't you have a seat?

  11. Why don't you have a seat over there, Joseph?
    There's something you should know. I'm Chris Hanson, from dateline ABC, and we're doing a special...

  12. "Gotcha...contrary to the image I try to project on this blog, I don't do independent research on much of the topics I comment on."

    [Nodding knowingly, yet skeptically] Umm-huuuuhn.....

  13. Proud Conservative MomJuly 6, 2021 at 10:17 PM


  14. Proud Conservative MomJuly 6, 2021 at 10:23 PM

    "I’m not impressed by modern society virtue signals. The teachings of our ancient Torah are more virtuous than those promulgated by those so-called virtues that are not Torah based."



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