Saturday, April 10, 2021

Abortion and the Igros Moshe

 In conclusion: Given the gravity of abortion, and the immense sanctity of life, it is incumbent upon us to consider Reb Moshe’s shita and its implications fully. We learn that abortion is generally considered murder (although a Jew is not chayav misah, unlike a goy), and is only permissible due to Rambam’s invocation of din rodef. Cases of safek rodef are not pursued, in line with the Koach Shor and the understanding that we don’t apply the din of bo b’machteres in all cases to a rodef. Cases of fetal anomaly are inapplicable, as in such cases the fetus is not a rodef. Reb Moshe rejects proofs from the Maharit and Tosafos (Niddah 44b) cited by the Tzitz Eliezer to allow abortion of a Tay Sachs fetus or in cases where the mother’s health is involved, and instead argues that abortion is only moral where the life of the mother is directly at stake, beyond any doubt.

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