Thursday, September 3, 2020

Donald Trump accidentally revealed something very important in a tweet

But every once in a while, Trump unwittingly reveals something important about himself in a tweet. And that happened on Wednesday, with this tweet from Trump himself (bolding is mine):
"The Dow Jones Industrial just closed above 29,000! You are so lucky to have me as your President. With Joe Hiden' it would crash"

 "You are so lucky to have me as your President," is, on its face, a remarkable thing for a president to say. In fact, it's inconceivable that any past president would say that.

Why? Because past presidents have understood that serving as president is both an honor and a public trust. That to be trusted by 330 million Americans with representing their interests both domestically and internationally is a massive gift that should humble anyone who ascends to the office. It is, without question, the highlight and honor of anyone's life who gets to serve.
Trump, as his tweet on Wednesday makes crystal clear, views things very differently. In his mind, he is doing the country a favor in serving as president. He sees the presidency as an inconvenience -- one he is only willing to take on because he believes only he can fix what ails the country.


  1. Poor, pathetic CNN. Trump has been telling everyone for years, in all his various capacities, how lucky people are to have him around as a boss, real estate manager, TV star, president... Seriously, this is the best you have?

  2. Still posting complete nonsense??

    Republicans have moved on and I suggest you do the same:
    Go to for the real corruption.


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