Monday, June 22, 2020

Trump 'Furious' About ‘Underwhelming Crowd' At Tulsa Rally | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. I figured you'd be ecstatic about this. However, lost in your celebration is the fact of sabotage:

  2. Trump staff said there was no sabatoge

  3. And now you believe them?
    Besides, this also plays into his hands with indirect voting. If it's so easy to sabotage this rally, it'll won't be much harder to sabotage the voting process to ensure Biden wins.

  4. yes anything that can happen is considered that it did happen. No evidence of fraud for indirect voting but trump says it happened and that he really won popular vote so it must be true!

  5. n

  6. Again, you're not responding rationally. I didn't say it will happen. I said that if it's possible to fill a stadium with non-existent people so easily and without Trump's people catching on until it was too late, then how much harder will it be to create mass fraudulent ballots? Again, you have to consider the possibility given the technology available today.

  7. again you are ignoring the direct refutation of your conjecture by the Trump team and the fact that a number of investigations have found no significant fraud. So yes Martians exist except when I look at them but that is not how we exist in the real world. We don't claim fraud simply because it is possible

  8. One, I'm pointing out your inconsistency with the Trump team. If they came out tomorrow with "evidence" that all the polls showing Biden is actually trailing Trump by 5 points, would you publish it and say "Well if Trump's team says it..."
    Second, we don't claim fraud simply because it's possible but we do erect safeguard precisely because it's possible. My question was: how hard would it be to create false ballots? I believe that with technology today it would be simple. I therefore suggest that it is possible that someone will attempt to do this in the name of dethroning Trump and that the system should consider this possibility and prepare for it.

  9. yes I would publish it.
    Trump has gone past claim fraud is possible and yes the system is protected against possible fraud

  10. There is no protection against a determined hacker. Look at what China is doing in Australia with its cyber attacks or the recent one by Iran on Israel. We've gotten to the point where we can create videos of people saying things they never did and you can't tell it's fake. You can't convince me there's isn't a way to create fraudulent ballots.


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