Thursday, June 18, 2020

John Bolton betrayed his country

 John Bolton has offered the nation a staggering profile in cowardice. He has left no doubt about his own monumental betrayal of his country.
By his own belated admission, Bolton directly witnessed not one but multiple acts that could have been cited in the impeachment of President Donald Trump. But Bolton did nothing about it while he held a powerful post in the Trump administration. And he stayed quiet and took cover when Congress and the nation pleaded with him to speak out during the impeachment process. Yet now that he has entered book promo mode, Bolton suddenly has summoned the spine that he was sorely missing back when it would have made an actual difference.
Bolton had ample opportunity to speak up throughout the monthslong impeachment of Trump over the Ukraine scandal. House investigators first asked that he appear to give voluntary testimony; Bolton was a no-show. Bolton then retained counsel, who requested a subpoena and promised to go to the courts for adjudication.


  1. Deep Silliness.

    A disgruntled ex-employee writes a tell all book to gain fame and money, and we're expected to take everything in the book as objective unvarnished truth?

    And on top of it all, the very publication of the book may be criminal.

    Let's be clear. Donald Trump has an uphill battle to get re-elected as President. It is going to be a close race. But he he has lots of money and is a known quantity.

    On the other hand, Joe Biden has ample opportunity to make missteps between now and November. He's on the verge of make one of the biggest by selecting a running mate that will alienate a lot of people who might otherwise support him.

    This book could very well help Donald Trump's standing. It's not going to hurt him, that's for sure.

  2. Nonsense - Bolton did not betray his country - he is a great patriot. Bolton had to balance loyalty to the president , and to the stability of his country.

  3. See
    “IRAN Maybe the only good news for Israel is that Bolton has not unleashed a surge of attacks on Trump’s Iran policy. While reportedly Bolton left the Trump administration partially over the possibility that the US president might reduce Iran sanctions – something which never happened – none of the leaks to date suggest that Trump warmed up to any Iranian leaders behind the scenes. This is a win for Israel.”

    Also, see
    “THE TRANSCRIPTS show that on December 29, 2016, just days after Resolution 2334 passed, Kislyak called Flynn. "Since you were interested in the issue of the Middle East and you called me on that issue," the ambassador said, "we wanted to convey to you and through you to the president-elect that we have significant reservations about the idea of adopting now the principles for the Middle East that our American colleagues are pushing for." Kislyak added: "So we are not going to support it in the quartet or in the Security Council, and we have conveyed [that] to our American colleagues."
    The ambassador reiterated: "It's not something that we – Russia – are going to support."
    Flynn responded: "Okay, that's good." Kislyak said Russia was taking into account that US policies may change under Trump and that their Middle East staff was interested in speaking with Trump's advisers on the matter. Later in the conversation, Flynn said: "I appreciate very much the reservations about the current administration's position on the Middle East. That does not do anybody any good right now with... the situation with Hamas and the Palestinian situation. I mean, we'll come up with a solution that's good for everybody." ”
    Who are the bad guys---the Dathan-Abiram types? Not Trump Not Netanyahu.


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