Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The price of reopening the economy: tens of thousands of American lives


 President Donald Trump now knows the price of the haunting bargain required to reopen the country -- tens of thousands more lives in a pandemic that is getting worse not better.
It's one he now appears ready to pay, if not explain to the American people, at a moment of national trial that his administration has constantly underplayed.
Depressing new death toll projections and infection data on Monday dashed the optimism stirred by more than half the country taking various steps to reopen an economy that is vital to Trump's reelection hopes and has shed more than 30 million jobs. Stay-at-home orders slowed the virus and flattened the curve in hotspots like New York and California, but they have so far failed to halt its broader advance, leaving the nation stuck on a grim plateau of about 30,000 new cases a day for nearly a month.


  1. Garnel IronheartMay 5, 2020 at 5:09 PM

    Certainly the numbers cause one to pause.
    However, what is the cost of a continued lockdown? How many people are on the verge of starving to death? How many deaths have there been due to people not being able to access health care? How many chronic illnesses are not being properly treated which will lead to further deaths down the road? What will be the cost on public health of a prolonged, slow, economic recovery?

  2. no doubt about it all those who died from Corona would likely have starved to death from lack of food!?


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