Friday, April 10, 2020

Report: Even Trump’s Allies Are Fed Up with His Press Briefings

One day after the right-leaning Wall Street Journal editorial board came out against Trump’s briefings, which they write “are now all about the President,” the Times reported that a number of GOP allies and advisers of the president would really prefer that he stepped back from the free-wheeling pressers. Republicans in the White House and Congress are “worried” about the briefings and “believe the briefings are hurting the president more than helping him,” describing the president’s daily diatribes “as a kind of original sin from which all of his missteps flow.” Trump “sometimes drowns out his own message,” Senator Lindsey Graham told the Times. (“Any suggestion that President Trump is struggling on tone or message is completely false. During these difficult times, Americans are receiving comfort, hope and resources from their president, as well as their local officials, and Americans are responding in unprecedented ways,” White House spokesman Judd Deere rebutted in a statement to the Times.)

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