Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ukraine wants to search Iran plane crash site for possible Russia missile debris

A senior security official in Ukraine said Thursday that investigators want to search the site where a Ukrainian plane crashed in Iran the day before for possible debris of a Russian missile, and said there had been a reference online to the existence of such debris.


  1. No doubt liberals will point out that even if the Iranians shot down the plane, the only reason they have missiles in the first place is because of their fear of American and Israeli aggression!

  2. wake up and smell the friday morning shehakol coffee Dear Rav and chacham.

    The America you knew, of your childhood, and the world you knew, the frum America dream is no longer. Western civilisation is in danger because of Islamism, its Russian helpers, and the deluded woke left who see such Gedolei olam as Winston Churchill to be butchers, while they have sympathy for brital killers from Stalin to Pol Pot, to Khomeini, to Arafat etc.
    It seems to me that whilst you mock the idea of secular zionist utopianism, you still harbor utopian Democrat dreams?

  3. Don't you know that if you have athlete's foot condition, it's all Trump's fault? That's because people are so triggered by him, that their body develops this condition.

    Trump is also the cause for your supper being burned. That's because people are so triggered by him, that can't fully concentrate anymore on their cooking, which causes your dinner to be burned.

    Please feel free to add to the list...

  4. why not consider what he has actually done wrong - or you think he is infallible? and therefore never makes a mistake?!

  5. Nobody is perfect, nor are they infallible. However I don't recall you ever reporting a single good thing that POTUS did. "Well", you might justify, "he never did do anything good!".

    That's your problem. A sign of an open mind, is criticizing when necessary, and being able to give credit where credit is due. I see that in Ben Shapiro, who is no fan of POTUS, but will strongly defend POTUS when he thinks that he's correct. That's a balanced approach.

    However you have such a visceral hatred for Trump, that you're incapable of seeing anything good in him. This hatred so consumed you, that it drove you to turn this Torah based blog into a political commentary blog, one focused on criticizing POTUS whenever possible. What a shame, to waste the waning years of your life on "narishkeit"!

  6. Trying to fathom what difference is it, wether the missiles were of Russian make. Lav achbara ganvei, ela chura ganvei! The issue at hand is, who fired the missile at the airplane loaded with innocent passengers that had nothing to do with this particular conflict? And that is depicted in the tracer from whence it eminated. The satellites in the sky can also show what debris has been removed before public access. This public menace has been there all along and still is, ample proof of constant *ongoing imminent* threat and danger to the world at large. Democrat Pelosi, kulay hay, veulay? All should be grateful to President Trump for eliminating RAV TABACHIM aka Grand Butcher of Teheran, father of all Terrorism in the Middle East region, ken yovdu. Hiding behind proxy does not succeed. "Kaasher yaksim hadvorim", Drones beLa"azzzz bzzz... will seek them out.

  7. Your CAPS LOCK seems stuck.

  8. "Ukraine wants to search..."

    After making a Bedikat Chametz of the scene of the crime, it is like Etrogim after Sukkot! Too little too late.

    Trying to fathom what difference is it, wether the missiles were of Russian make. Lav achbara ganvei, ela chura ganvei! The issue at hand is, who fired the missile at the airplane loaded with innocent passengers that had nothing to do with this particular conflict? And that is depicted in the tracer from whence it eminated. The satellites in the sky can also show what debris has been removed before public access. This public menace has been there all along and still is, ample proof of constant *ongoing imminent* threat and danger to the world at large. Democrat Pelosi, kulay hay, veulay? All should be grateful to President Trump for eliminating RAV TABACHIM aka Grand Butcher of Teheran, father of all Terrorism in the Middle East region, ken yovdu. Hiding behind proxy does not succeed. "Kaasher yaksim hadvorim", Drones beLa"azzzz bzzz... will seek them out.

  9. Exactly what the Iranians are claiming now
    Javad Zarif

    A sad day. Preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by Armed Forces:
    Human error at time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster.
    Our profound regrets, apologies and condolences to our people, to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations.

  10. he fortunately plays a lot of golf and watches a lot of television

    holding the president or any other leader accountable is not narishkeit

  11. Your blog banner claims to be about: "Daas Torah - Issues of Jewish Identity"
    Out of the last 50 posts that you made, what's your percentage of "Daas Torah" posts, and how many pertained to Trump and partisan politics?

  12. You are saying that any future terror attack against America, is caused by this hit. However, the Iranian regime has been shouting "death to America" for 40 years.
    As long as Islam exists, there will be terror. With nukes, iran will be much more dangerous.

  13. it has been for many years, this is temporary


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