Sunday, June 19, 2016

Brandon Vandenberg (Former Vanderbilt football player) again convicted of rape

CBS News   A Nashville jury has found a former Vanderbilt football player guilty on all charges for his role in the rape of an unconscious woman he'd been dating.

It took the jury just over four hours to find 23-year-old Brandon Vandenburgguilty of five counts of aggravated rape, two counts of aggravated sexual battery and one count of unlawful photography.
CBS affiliate WTVF reported the verdict was reached nearly three years to the day of the assault, which rocked one of the nation's most prestigious universities.
The guilty verdict came after six days of grueling, graphic and emotional testimony -- most centering around the early morning hours of June 23, 2013, the day an unconscious female student from the dance team was sexually assaulted by several football players inside of a dorm room on the Vanderbilt campus.
Jurors had to decide whether to find Vandenburg guilty for things other men were accused of doing to the female student. His defense maintained he was drunk and should not be held responsible for what the others did. But prosecutors argued that he encouraged the rape and was part of it.
"Within two minutes of getting in that room, Mr. Vandenburg is directing someone what to do with a bottle that is in the victim," Assistant District Attorney Jan Norman said during closing arguments on Saturday morning.
"He brought her there, he served her up to three strangers; for whatever reason, it doesn't matter, it's that he did it," Norman added.
Before ending her closing arguments, Norman played the 49 second video clip Vandenburg shot on his iPhone, showing the victim being raped.
"Mr. Vandenburg got enjoyment out of it while it was happening, that enjoyment he got at that moment that is him benefiting from his actions," she added.


  1. Is Brandon Jewish or partly Jewish?

  2. Politically IncorrectJune 21, 2016 at 3:22 AM

    He certainly doesn't possess any Torah, da'as or Da'as Torah...

  3. Charles Martel Infidel-GoyFebruary 19, 2017 at 9:59 PM

    Good question. I did some research and it doesn't seem so. The closest he came: Brandon Vanderburg
    seems to have been close friends with a Jew, although there is no
    evidence he is a racial Jew himself. (He seems to have been a religious
    "Christian", albeit a very bad one)

    The MySpace page
    brandon.85 appears to be his (he used the same username with an '85' for
    a Twitter page since it was his football number, and the MySpace page
    identifies him as being from the Palm Desert, CA area). Two pictures
    show Vanderbilt players, probably practicing rather than playing a game,
    and some of his pics really look like BV (albeit with long hair).

    two of the 14 pictures listed mention a 'jew' as a good friend. One is
    captioned "The family and the jew" showing a family vacation to Boise.
    Since other sources have stated that BV has 2 younger brothers, the
    fourth guy is presumably a Jewish friend or distant relation. Another
    is captioned, "Boise river rafting bro, sorry jewy had to edit u out ur
    beatface would make the picture ugly". There is always the possibility
    that this is some inside joke.

    That said, his Twitter feed features several Bible verses there, including some from the New Testament.

    family retained a lawyer named Alfred Perez, which could be a Converso
    surname, but he doesn't have any obvious Jewish features or associations
    and just seems Mestizo.

    There are rumors that Vanderburg's father hired a prostitute for him at the age of 14... who knows.

    all in all, not very conclusive, but BV is probably just a cucked
    Judeo-Christian whigger. (Another MySpace photo shows him dressed
    "gangsta-style" with a Mulatto friend)

  4. It doesn't matter if he is Jewish or not. There are plenty of sexual predators amoung Gentiles as well as amoung Jews. Sadly, in the Jewish community - especially in the Hassidic community - there is an ENORMOUS problem of child molestation being perpetrated by religious leaders, especially in bath houses. When parents try to call out this sin, they are often ostracized from their own community and treated as traitors. There is an unwillingness in this community to appreciate how much mental harm is done these unfortunate youngsters because of molestation. The problem is widespread and , to a large degree, hidden, even tho many r aware the problem is ongoing.


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