Friday, May 13, 2016

Obama administration says everyone has the right not to feel rejected!

“No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” King said. “We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

Wow! - a federal govenerment guarantee that one one will ever reject me or make me feel unwelcome. If you don't make me feel welcome I will get Obama to cut all Federal funds to anything you are connected to! 

So my problem is I feel that this gender legislation makes me feel unwelcome - what office of the government can I contact to make me feel more comfortable?

Or perhaps what this means is that the Federal governement will provide psychotherapy for all those who feel unwelcome and all those who make others feel unwelcome.

Given the current amount of therapists - I think the government will need to initiate an emergency measure to produce an adequate number of therapists to handle the demand created by this policy.

Does anyone know how many transgender individuals are being protected by this program?


  1. Plus this policy will not apply to Zionists and other pro-Israel types.

  2. The stupid liberal sophism,so that a small minority of transgender individuals can
    feel comfortable,the vast majority of females have to feel UNcomfortable that there is a male with them in the washroom.reshoim arrurim.

  3. Why not have a scanner put up in front of the entrance like at the airports and sort them out +-, -+, --, ++, + , -, to each his/her/their own. You can even have a central database and place turnstiles in front, or have a prescanned swipe card on your neck like an EZ-pass. keeping the public toilets public, Insane!

  4. But if someone says he thinks it's crazy for a man to have his .... chopped off, then he should certainly be made to feel unwelcome, because in America where we have freedom of speech and freedom of expression, we don't have the liberty to speak our minds. That is unless we are supporting some sort of craziness.

  5. "Does anyone know how many transgender individuals are being protected by this program?"

    Protected from exactly what?

  6. Not sure who wrote this article but as I am sure the Jewish community would be the first to admit being rejected by others is a very hard way to live life.

  7. They're netter off feeling unwelcome. That way less people will destroy their lives by being transgender. Let them be have like normal human beings and they will be welcome everywhere.

  8. Thank you for saying reshoim arrurim. We must be able to say the truth and that's the truth.

  9. I feel unwelcome, too, in some circumstances. But i'm not a protected class.

  10. Please the read the linked article and tell me that you think this person should be forced to go to the women's bathroom. Get educated about what the issue is before posting the hateful comments, please.


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