Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Eidah finally severely criticizes the Sikrikim


פרסום ראשון: לראשונה תוקפת 'העדה החרדית' את פלג ה'סיקריקים', שבוע לאחר שאנשי הפלג הקיצוני ניסו לחבל בעצרת של 'העדה'.

הבוקר (חמישי) מתפרסמת בעמוד הראשון של הבטאון 'העדה', הודעה רשמית של הנהלת 'העדה החרדית', המגנה את הסיקריקים.

לפני שבוע, בערב ראש חודש שבט, נערכה עצרת תפילה ברחבת בניני זופניק בירושלים, ואנשי הסיקריקים ניסו לחבל בה בשל השתתפות הראב"ד הגר"מ שטרנבוך. הללו שפכו באזור שאריות של דגים מרקיבים וגרמו לבאשה עזה באזור העצרת.

תחת הכותרת 'זעקה גדולה ומרה' נכתב: "אוי לו לדור שכך עלתה בימינו שכמה יצאו אנשים בלי עול, קומץ קטן של יהירים עזי פנים, ריקים ופוחזים משולי המחנה, לחבל כרם בד"צ עדתינו החרדית שיסודה בהררי קודש ובראשה עומדים רבותינו חברי הבד"ץ".


  1. Uvnei Korach lo mesuJanuary 9, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    Not bechinam did yaakov say:
    uvikhalam al techad es kvodi

    1. The Eida has denounced the Sikrikim many many times in the past. This is very fat from being the first time.

  2. We recently discussed R' Rackman, but radical halachic change was not the only thing he wrote about. He also wrote about extremism, and how yesterday's Hareidi can be today's "Consevative". the example he gave, was the movement of moderate Klausenbergers to satmar, and that if a group more extreme than satmar would come along, satmar would be considered "Conservative". I see this process still taking place, as depicted in this news article.

  3. Of course they speak up now, because it directly threatens them. But their silence spoke volumes until now, when they refused to denounce this behavior when it was directed at any other group of Jews. They were silent then because they were perfectly OK with it occurring. They never expected this behavior to turn back on them. Its's kind of hard to be impressed with this denunciation as it is utterly self-serving.
    Insert that famous statement by Martin Niemöller here.

  4. Nogea B'Davar. This would have meant a lot more if it was done before the Sikrikim set up their own Kashrut organization and competing with the Eidah for customers.

    1. There new "kashrus agency" has little traction and is barely known or used by food vendors or customers. It is hardly credible to describe the Eida being worried in the slightest about it.

    2. Yeynam yayin nesech, pitam pas akum, Shamnam shemen davar achar, Daatom kachamor bli daas, ochrei yisrael michutz lamachne kimtsoaraim.

  5. Sikrikim is a generik term... There are at least 11 kinds... These are the אתרא קדישה type

    1. It refers to whichever group or persons you dislike or disagree with at this time.

  6. How can someone interested join the Eida?


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