Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Mondrowitz :Who protected the monster from deportation?

Times of Israel   There is a monster in Jerusalem as well. No one has ever laid a hand on him either. But this one is definitely real. His name is Avroham Mondrowitz.

Mondowitz is a paedophile who molested up to 300 boys in Brooklyn in a mainly ultra-Orthodox section of the city — we’ll never know the real number of victims — and then skipped out to Israel in 1985 where he twice fended off efforts to send him back to face justice. Mondowitz, who presents himself as an ordained rabbi and Columbia-trained psychologist, and is neither, lives free as a bird in the neighborhood of Nachlaot in central Jerusalem.

The US twice sought his extradition from Israel, in 1986 and again in 2008. The first time the two states discovered incredibly that their extradition treaty covered only sexual abuse crimes against females and not males. The second time they worked with a revised treaty. A lower court ruled for the extradition. The Supreme Court nixed that saying that Israel had 20 years to get this guy hiding in plain sight and to come along after such an extraordinary period of time violates his civil rights. You can’t make this stuff up.

He may gone off the radar in Israel but they have not forgotten Mondrowitz in New York. Just last month the Post ran still another article on how the man they call “New York’s most notorious child molester … got away with it.”

Ultra-orthodox rabbis are renown for spending their entire lives memorizing a multitude of precepts produced by a multitude of sages down their ages and then applying them to every situation in their waking lives so that every minute of every day they will always be doing the right thing. But when it comes to paedophiles in their community somewhere along the line they reached outside the box for their guiding precept. They adopted it from Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru. These are Japanese monkeys. Their names mean see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. In an amazing triumph for the ecumenical movement it turns out that Catholic prelates adopted the exact same precept in regard to paedophiles among the ministers of their faith. Some like the Monsignor William Lynn of Philadelphia, who got up to six years for “child endangerment,” are now in prison. The judge convicted him of shielding, protecting and aiding “monsters in clerical garb.” Mondrowitz got help along the way too up to and including illegal acts of obstruction of justice but we’ll never learn from whom. The Catholics operate in a strict hierarchical system. There but for the grace of decentralization go our child endangerers. [...]

He used the boys sent to him as sex toys, In ultra-Orthodox culture members of the flock are expected to choose a rabbi. When they need guidance in any matter not excluding their personal lives, they seek it from their rabbi. What he tells them is binding. From empirical evidence it appears that all the rabbis on the subject of paedophilia imposed “omerta,” an Italian word meaning a code of silence. No one reported Mondrowitz to the authorities. Then he got careless. He lived in a mixed neighborhood. Mondrowitz developed an appetite for boys of Italian extraction. Their folks were not bound to any omerta. Parents of four boys went to the police. Two cops came round to arrest Mondrowitz. They were too late. He was already en route to Canada and from there headed to the Promised Land. [...]


  1. It's worth reading the whole article.
    If it's all true, Naftali Bennet could do it and discredit Shas. If anyone knows him, please tell him.

    1. How would it discredit Shas? Shas wasn't the interior minister when the extradiction came up, and Shas certainly doesn't run the Supreme court.

      I think it is a travesty that Mondrowitz continues to escape justice, however so long as the Supreme Court blocks it, I don't think there is anything that can be done.

  2. I couldn't finish the poorly written article. "Renown" instead of "renowned", among other things. Statements like "up to 300 victims." I mean, why not go for broke? "Up to 1000 victims" is just as accurate. "At least 300 victims" would have some meaning. The fellow is just trying to be sensationalist. I am in no way trying to melamed zechus on Mondrowitz. Just saying that the article sounds like garbage.

  3. Reebok, Mr Grammar Policeman, it's an amazing article, but you didn't like it because you don't agree with renown vs renowned. (I just spent half an hour googling to see which is correct and I am still not sure.) And your petty, stupid statement about 300 vs 1,000 victims. Really? Is that all you can say? So Mondrowitz gets no criticism from you but the author does. You are an idiot and part of the problem.

  4. Steven, Reebok is right. Sloppy writing, and if there was an editor involved, better he or she should find a new line of work.

    There are definitely some interesting things there, but sloppy writing often indicates sloppy thinking and sloppy research. Think about it: Open up a sefer, see "Amar Rabbi Yitzchak, or maybe it was R' Yosef, or Yossi or something; anyway, it starts with a 'yod'." How confident would you feel that the writer knows what he's talking about?

    By the way, if you google "renown vs renowned" it should tell you what you want. Took me less than a minute.

    1. Sloppy writing indicates sloppy thinking. You are an absolute idiot to say that what he is saying is not valid because he left off an ed. Moron.

      Sorry Mr Mondrowitz and Rabbonim, it's ok to continue raping and covering it up because someone left off the ed.

    2. Where did anybody say anything that remotely implies that it's ok to continue raping and covering it up? The most that could be inferred from Yoel B's post and those of others is that the only original thing the writer points out -- the connection between Mondrowitz and Shas -- can be questioned because the writer presents himself as a sloppy thinker.

  5. The article blames Shas. Have a read.
    The English was atrocious, I could hardly believe it got past an editor.

    1. I saw that, but his arguments make no sense. If the Court won't allow an extradition, you cannot blame the ministry of the Interior. Similarly Likud and Kadima(which held the ministry the second time they attempted to extradite him) should be held equally responsible.

      The writer just seems a bit hysterical.

      Oh, and it is a "Times of Israel Blog" which means whatever the author writes is printed without editing... There are several there that are equally bad by other writers.

  6. I'm amazed at the nitpicking, as though a mediocre writer undermines the facts. Right there is a big part of the problem. If Jews won't turn this guy in, but rather protect him, then their credibility suffers. I used to wear a hat. You guys are representative of the reason I stopped. Way too much insularity, for what? It's Torah to rape little boys, or to protect the guy who did? You're all sick.

    1. How about advocating an illegal abduction? International kidnapping, even if it is to bring a criminal to prosecution, is illegal.

    2. "Rabbi" Michael, your answer says all about you anyone needs to know. Watching Judaism disintegrate is painful to me, and certainly my wife and I do all we can to make halachic Judaism stronger. But if the haredi community falls apart from attitudes like yours, it won't be a bad thing. Having lots of kids is no guarantee of success or perpetuation. People must believe in something to follow it. You give people reason to run away, fast

    3. ????

      For thinking it absurd to advocate criminally prosecutable behaviors?

      Where does it end? Are you OK with Iranians, or Palestinians abducting Israelis whenever they have "committed" a crime that they want to prosecute?

      Now as far as your ad hom on me, please either look through my previous posts on this subject on this blog or my own. You will find that I am for aggressive prosecution of pedophiles, and I am for reporting them to the police.

      What I am against however is hysteria and vigilante justice. The above mentioned article is an example of both.

  7. WOW!!

    Hat tip to new media!

    Somebody shoots a clip on his cellphone, and two days later a major exposé is posted on the whole subject!!

    Did something really happen to the "vigilante", as has been commented on this site? Does anyone know any details?

    If he was in fact beaten up....

    First and foremost our hearts and prayers go out for him. He should have a REFUAH SHELAIMAH.

    Additionally, his being attacked can be used to further discredit the anti-reporting camp...

    How many times have we heard from these geniuses "what should we do with molesters? Beat them up!! But don't C"V go to the police!"

    If somebody can get hurt for shoving MONDROWITZ, even self righteous, Moser calling, protect-establishment-at-all-cost types, should realize there is no alternative to reporting.

    1. The vigilante was beaten to within an inch of his life by some Gerrer guys.

  8. Who blocked it? The animals known as the Israeli Supreme Court blocked it. As evil as his rabbinical supporters are within whatever sect tries to protect him, the Israeli Supreme Court decided to prevent this monster's extradition - No on else. To blame someone else is purely agenda-driven. They are the animals who deserve blame and why does not one hold them accountable?


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