Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Possible cover for abuse book

This is a possible cover - on a scale of 1 to 7 - do you like it 7, dislike it 1 or don't care 4 ?


  1. I dont really care as its your book, and I dont judge a book by its cover anyways. But I dont like it at all

  2. The graphics seem suitable. I would like a few descriptive words characterizing the volume.

    I would rate it 4

  3. It is too dark. Abuse is a terrible, dark issue, but you have to offer the reader some light, some hope.

    The yellow letters are not enough.



  4. I don't particularly care for it.

  5. Dislike.
    I think it's highly presumptuous to represent your book as "Da'as Torah" rather than as a compilation of of your own research and your own conclusions.

    No matter how thorough you have tried to be, calling it "Da'as Torah" gives it a super authority that is unwarranted, not only because you (and not a Godol) are its author, but because the title takes for granted that such super authority even exists.

  6. -2-
    The cover is too dark. Yes it is a dark issue but still...

    I personally find calling it Daas Torah to be a minus. Those interested in Daas Torah will think it presumptuous. Those not interested in Daas Torah will think it is presumptuous.

    Good luck with the book

  7. I give it a 1. It's too gruesome and scary. That may be the mood your designer was looking for, but I feel it's inappropriate for a Sefer. I associate that mood with Hollywood B movies and horror flicks. Is that the mindset you want your readers to have whenever they crack open your book or glance at it in the bookstore?

  8. It looks like a bad Novel cover is it not a sefer it should look like one.

  9. I like the background design and colours alot. But I'm personally not so keen about the size and placement of the words. How about having both 'Da'as Torah' and 'Abuse Issues' in yellow, in the same font, and together in the famed box?

  10. Horrible. It looks unprofessional and more suited for a dark, cheesy novel.

    A sefer should be dignified with simple graphics, if any.

  11. That's funny JERSEY GIRLS's comment on your book cover.
    Is she going to give you a haskama? or write the intro?
    Whay not she is the master of torturing and abusing people....of course she gets your approval first and of course you get the approval of Rabbi Sternbuch...the chain of abuse, However I don't think Rabbi Sterbuch actualy gets the full picture of your sickness and warp sadisim

  12. Nit Gleich- And WHO are you??

  13. I give it a 1. I don't like it at all. Why not just stick with something similar to what you had for your original "Daas Torah" book? (e.g. using the exact same design as the cover for "Daas Torah", but with a different color)

    For the critique that the title "Daas Torah" is too presumptuous - I see where they're coming from. Maybe the presumptuousness (real word?) of the title would be softened if you have a clear subtitle: Maybe something like "Daas Torah - a Jewish sourcebook on abuse."

    Also, have you considered calling this book "Daas Torah II," "Daas Torah Volume 2," or something along those lines? This way, it would be clear to those unfamiliar with your work that you have an earlier publication entitled "Daas Torah."

  14. Nothing personal, but I'd give it a 1.

  15. Sorry, Rabbi, I'd give it a 1.
    What is that image, it just looks like a blob of different shades of black and gray. The image doesn't relate at all to the content- a solid color would be better. The title doesn't really connote any idea about what's inside- maybe a subtitle would be helpful. And the font looks like it's from the '60s.

  16. it seems like a computer screen at the location of the choshen mishpat on the heart of a rebbe type of person. you are trying to say alot but i think maybe a cutaway of a classic wonderful home depicting stench or anger or pain would say it well. maybe iron gates opening to expose skeletons? in fact the book will sell without a cover so just put it out.

  17. This would appear to be the close-up portrait of a clown whose skull-transformed face has melted away, via some misty haze, into not a personal vision at all but rather into something altogether less threatening: the confused image of vague terrain. Once the attractive has proven ugly, b/c the jolly trusted charmer has revealed himself to be in fact a menacing predator, the personal is most safely depersonalized. We are viewing our own face as seen by the (heart's) eyes of an abuse victim.

    That said, I'm with JG; the colors & fonts are 'off' and give the wrong impression. Why the pulpy yellow lettering? What's more, the picture-framing of the subtitle is just altogether strange & out-of-place.

    Nice idea, but even though I generally can go for these kinds of covers, I'm not for this one, even though I like what your artist is trying to do.

    My rating: 2.

  18. 1/2. Sorry, don't like it.

    Maybe another try with a new design?

  19. You should title it "Wives who abuse their husbands".

  20. keep it clean and simpleJuly 26, 2010 at 8:18 PM

    i agree with the above comment about subtitling it as a sourcebook (and perhaps the 2nd one at that). that way it removes the presumptuousness cuz its not (as far as i understood) "your" opinions, but rather a compilation of rabbinic sources whom others would qualify as Daas Torah.

    score: definitely a 1 if not a 0. the colors and font size are totally off kilter. the image is so hazy and just looks like a cheap "reprint" from the 60s.

    From what I understand, this is a sourcebook, not a dreary, depressing novel about abuse with sordid details. so perhaps it's best to keep it simple, with normal font, and scholarly-looking?

    perhaps you can get a medieval print/depiction of sanhedrin or whatnot on the cover. but this blob of nothingness won't do. its too strange.

    hatzlacha raba.


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