Sunday, May 17, 2009

EJF promotes conversion for intermarried

Recipients and Publicity commentary on latest developments with EJF "Eternal Jewish Family - R' Tropper's blog":

EJF promotes conference with Kiruv organizations, while its theme is "Converting Intermarried Couples", yet is set to promote the toughest approach to conversion itself, as EJF and Rabbi Tropper are forced to issue an official public apology and explanation to the RCA over another conversion incident. Firstly the apology:

(1) EJF and Rabbi Tropper have issued the following on the official EJF website:

"EJF Updates 05/11/2009

EJF Clarifies Stand on RCA Geyrus

A media report that appeared to challenge the validity of a geyrus performed by a rabbi affiliated with the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) was not authorized by EJF. The report made it appear as if EJF was critical of the geyrus, when in fact EJF was never privy to the circumstances behind the giyur. While questions were raised about the procedure that led up to the giyur, EJF at no time ruled on the status of the conversion. It likewise never authorized anyone affiliated with the organization to address the giyur in the media. EJF International apologizes for any misunderstanding, particularly in a case where the Rosh Bais Din who performed the conversion is a true Talmid Chacham. In commenting on the giyur, Rabbi Leib Tropper noted, “Our standards that are based on the halachic rulings of past and present gedolei yisroel are well known and not subject to compromise. Both EJF and RCA agree that any differences should be aired between rabbinic leaders of both organizations and not in the media.” [to finish reading click on this link and read comments]


  1. Recipients and PublicityMay 17, 2009 at 1:22 PM

    For easier access, here is the full post:

    EJF promotes conference with Kiruv organizations, while its theme is "Converting Intermarried Couples", yet is set to promote the toughest approach to conversion itself, as EJF and Rabbi Tropper are forced to issue an official public apology and explanation to the RCA over another conversion incident.Firstly the apology:

    (1) EJF and Rabbi Tropper have issued the following on the official EJF website:

    "EJF Updates


    EJF Clarifies Stand on RCA Geyrus

    A media report that appeared to challenge the validity of a geyrus performed by a rabbi affiliated with the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) was not authorized by EJF. The report made it appear as if EJF was critical of the geyrus, when in fact EJF was never privy to the circumstances behind the giyur. While questions were raised about the procedure that led up to the giyur, EJF at no time ruled on the status of the conversion. It likewise never authorized anyone affiliated with the organization to address the giyur in the media. EJF International apologizes for any misunderstanding, particularly in a case where the Rosh Bais Din who performed the conversion is a true Talmid Chacham. In commenting on the giyur, Rabbi Leib Tropper noted, “Our standards that are based on the halachic rulings of past and present gedolei yisroel are well known and not subject to compromise. Both EJF and RCA agree that any differences should be aired between rabbinic leaders of both organizations and not in the media.”

    Then this for some background:

    (2) EJF has long had objections to the RCA, such as was reported on the Dei'ah VeDibur website, that also officially hosts pronouncements the VAAD HORABBONIM HAOLAMI LEINYONEI GIYUR headed by Rav Nochum Eisenstein, when in a March 13, 2008 statement it stated:


    Eternal Jewish Family Warns Against Backing Unqualified Dayanim
    By Yechiel Sever

    Following an agreement signed by the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) to set up a network of regional botei din in cooperation with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Eternal Jewish Family (EJF), headed by HaRav Leib Tropper which works extensively to uphold proper conversion practices around the world based on consultations with gedolei Yisroel, is warning against certain Chief Rabbinate officials who are offering support and recognition for modern rabbis who do not operate in accordance with halacha and is urging the Chief Rabbinate to announce publicly that it will not back these rabbis. According to reports in the foreign press the list of rabbis approved for these botei din includes individuals whose kehillas hold minyanim for women.

    Recently officials at the Chief Rabbinate have recognized a number of new rabbis outside of Israel, some of whom are upstanding dayanim. But there are also a number of modern rabbinical organizations whose dayanim do not operate in accordance with halacha and Jewish hashkofoh, and their actions are liable to create major breaches in Kerem Beis Yisroel.

    EJF has voiced its strong support for steps the Chief Rabbinate has taken to strengthen conversion abroad by cooperating with the organization, but at the same time EJF is warning not to submit to pressure of any kind, and to ensure that conversions are performed only by dayanim who have yiras Shomayim and are qualified to uphold the halacha passed down through the generations — especially in the area of conversion, a matter held dear by Torah-true Judaism.

    The organization also notes the importance of distinguishing between rabbonim, who may be very capable of heading a kehilloh, but they are not dayanim who have specialized training and experience — including shimush — needed to sit on the bench of an orderly, permanent beis din. Without this training and experience they should under no circumstances be authorized to serve as dayanim in conversion courts. Proper conversion courts require an av beis din widely recognized as an expert and two other dayanim worthy of the title.

    Recently, with the encouragement of EJF, 13 botei din have been set up around the US to hear cases related to all areas of Jewish law, including conversion. All these botei din include a well-known av beis din.

    EJF welcomes the RCA's initiative to transfer the authority to perform conversions from individual rabbonim to fixed, regional botei din, but at the same time calls on the organization to ensure that the sitting rabbonim are properly trained to serve as dayanim.

    In a related matter, EJF wishes to clarify that information regarding the agreement reached between the Chief Rabbinate and the RCA is being distorted in reports in the general press due to the efforts of several people who have ulterior motives.

    Chief Rabbi Amar has told Rav Tropper that the Chief Rabbinate has only approved seven regional RCA botei din and not 15 as has been widely reported in the press. Also Chief Rabbi Amar has said that rabbis whose kehillas have prayer groups for women will not be approved as dayanim.

    In a conference call among Rav Nochum Eisenstein, chairman of the Vaad HaRabbonim Haolami LeInyonei Giyur founded by HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth zt"l, Rabbi Peretz of the Chief Rabbi's Office, and a reporter for the Jerusalem Post, this message was clearly conveyed. Nonetheless, the Jerusalem Post refused to print a correct of the incorrect information in their previous articles, saying that it was not "interesting" to their readers."

    EJF may be forced to issue more apologies as more cases of confrontation between the RCA rabbis and EJF-connected ones will go head to head.

    Then these facts:

    (3) Another key question to ponder is if those who are going to participate realize that it was precisley these types of confrences sponmsored 100% by EJF that were center of a call by the BADATS and Rav Moshe Shternbuch in repeated written rulings NOT to attend EJF events that was issued and posted on this blog at:

    i Bedatz letter regarding conversion (November 18, 2007), (original document): "...We therefore are turning to the poskim and the roshei yeshivos not to participate in their conventions - such as the one that occurred in America last week. Even if their motivation was to improve the standards of conversions – they are making improvements in one area while making things worse in another. This approach is directly causing serious problems..."

    ii Bedatz Letter regarding EJF signed by Gaavad (February 14, 2008) (original document): "Distinguished Rabbi shlita, I am requesting from you - with every expression of entreaty - to stop and break off association with this organization (Eternal Jewish Family) which is a danger to the future of the Jewish people. Even isolated cases of this type of conversion (of intermarried couples) are extremely problematic. This is explicitly stated by the Achiezer (3:28) that “no kosher beis din should deal with this (the conversion of intermarried couples).” Also look in the Igros Moshe (E.H. 1:27) where he states “this whole issue of conversion of intermarried couples is personally totally distasteful even in isolated cases.” It is simply not acceptable to deal with the issue of intermarried couples in this manner and to openly reinforce their activities with public announcements and notices in newspapers and internet and other such means. They are in effect inviting non‑Jews to participate in a program of conversion through this publicity. It is a really damaging approach which unfortunately will bring about even more intermarriages and invalid conversions. Distinguished Rabbi shlita, please act according to your understanding and wisdom and desist from participating in this program (of the Eternal Jewish Family). It is a public danger. G‑d should assist you."

    iii Rav Moshe Sternbuch - Kiruv for non-Jews and Rav Moshe Sternbuch - Authorized Translation (original document): "...My view is that it is absolutely forbidden to try to proselytize a non‑Jew even if he mistakenly views himself as Jewish. One obvious reason is that such an approach actually encourages intermarriage. If people with only a Jewish father are encouraged to participate in Jewish educational events it will convey the message that in some sense they are actually Jewish. That is because it is commonly accepted that only Jews are allowed to participate in these events. Thus this innovation crosses the red lines that have always been accepted by Torah true Jews...I see this as a violation of following non‑Jewish practices (chukas akum). These rabbis are showing mercy to the Jewish father by a de-facto acknowledgment of the non‑Jewish concept of patrilineal descent...Concerning the specific case that you mentioned of a student whose father is Jewish but the mother is a non‑Jew. One of the kiruv programs wants to include him – even though he still lives with his parents. You mentioned that a number of American rabbis have given halachic rulings that his participation in the program should be encouraged because he might convert. Do not associate yourself with their programs. You will receive much greater reward by disassociating from them than the possible benefit that might result..."

    Now coming up:

    (4) In the meantime Rabbi Tropper and EJF are pushing on as described in the following two most recent infomercials from The Jewish Press and the English-language Hamodia.

    Note that the JP headline is that "Kiruv organizations are joining with EJF" and in the Hamodia headline it touts that "EJF is joining Kiruv organizations".

    If one looks at what the official title of the conference is, mainly "Intermarried Families Pursuing Conversion in Communal and Educational Settings" it means that the convention is about teaching people how to obtain conversions for families already intermarried -- 99.999% of the time "families" do not "intermarry" -- individuals intermarry and they produce "intermarried families" that have children who are either not Jewish halachically if the mother is not Jewish Halachically, OR the children are Halachically Jewish and do not need conversion if the mother is provably Jewish, regardless of her level of observance, so that the theme of the upcoming convention does not really address the topics and headlines of the two infomercials in the JP and the Hamodia (notice how the pro-Agudath Israel party-line paper the English-language YATED NE'EMAN has so far not placed any EJF connected infomercials, ads or articles for quite a while now.)

    It is highly questionable if any of the solid well-established kiruv organizations that are supposed to attend, all with a strict Charedi hashkofa and under watchful Gedolim's guidance need help from EJF and Rabbi Tropper in convincing any of their students not to intermarry because after all that is the foundation of all Orthodox kiruv programs. It would be like EJF joining the AAA and lecturing them about safe driving practices, what is known as "preaching to the converted" or "singing to the gallery" in plain idiomatic English.

    There are more obvious errors of logic and facts, but enough for now.

    Here are the two similar but differently nuanced infomercials:

    Friday, May 8, 2009
    Page 11

    Kiruv Organizations Join Effort Against Intermarriage
    The Eternal Jewish Family International (EJF) has launched a major initiative to stem the tide of the soaring rate of intermarriage in Jewish communities in America, Israel and Europe. EJF is joining Ohr Someach, Nefesh Yehudi, Gateways, Lev Le’achim, Arachim, and Hidabroot to convey to Jewish youth “a direct message on the threat of intermarriage to themselves, their families, and the Jewish future,” according to Rabbi Leib Tropper, rosh yeshiva of Kol Yaakov/Horizons and the chairman of the rabbinical board of EJF.

    EJF is sponsoring a three day conference for rabbonim and kiruv professionals from May 24-26 at the Westin Governor Hotel in Morristown, N.J. Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, rosh yeshiva of Mesivta of Staten Island and the president of EJF’s Halachic Committee, and Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky, rosh yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudath Israel of America, are expected to address the conclave.

    The Eternal Jewish Family, founded in 2005, is an affiliate of Horizons/Lillian Jean Kaplan Jewish Pride Through Education Project. It is dedicated to promoting universally accepted standards for conversion and intermarriage and assisting batei din and rabbonim around the world with the necessary support for this challenging process."

    19 IYAR 5769 | May 13, 2009
    Page C32

    EJF Joins Kiruv Organizations in New Effort Against Intermarriage
    By Raphael Rosenzweig

    The Eternal Jewish Family International (EJF) has launched a major initiative on three continents to stem the tide of intermarriage in Jewish communities in the United States, Israel, and Europe. EJF is joining with the largest and most successful kiruv organizations in reaching out to large numbers of Jewish youth with a direct message about the threat of intermarriage to themselves, their families, and the Jewish future.

    “This epidemic of intermarriage can only be confronted with straight talk about the dangers of intermarriage,” said Rabbi Leib Tropper, Rosh Yeshiva of Kol Yaakov/Horizons and chairman of the Rabbinical Board of EJF. “We can no longer afford to beat around the bush in the hope that the anti-intermarriage message will somehow penetrate.”

    In addition to its own programs through its Horizons division, EJF has already made significant progress with its new partners. Last November it co-sponsored a seminar for student kiruv professionals enrolled in the Ohr Lagolah program of Ohr Somyach, and in March it co-sponsored a major seminar with Nefesh Yehudi in Baden, Austria, for 100 Israeli medical students. Additional seminars are being planned with Gateways and Lev L’Achim. EJF also enjoys good working relationships with such organizations as Arachim and Hidabroot.

    In order to unite all the participants in this initiative, EJF will be sponsoring a three-day conference for Rabbanim and kiruv professionals May 24-26 at the Westin Governor Morris Hotel in Morristown, N.J. Harav Reuven Feinstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of the Mesivta of Staten Island and president of EJF’s Halachic Committee, and Harav Shmuel Kaminetsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah of the Yeshivah Gedolah of Philadelphia and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudath Israel of America, will address the gathering.

    The theme of the conference is “Challenges for Intermarried Families Pursuing Conversion in Communal and Educational Settings.” Among the topics that will be addressed are the devastating impact of improper conversions on families and communities, schools’ responsibilities to verify conversions, the necessity of a conversion l’chumrah, and identifying signs of a fraudulent or questionable conversion.

    The Eternal Jewish Family was founded in 2005 and is an affiliate of Horizons/Lillian Jean Kaplan Jewish Pride Through Education Project. It is dedicated to promoting universally-accepted standards for conversion in intermarriage and giving Rabbanim and batei din around the world the support they need for this challenging process.

    EJF organizes worldwide rabbinic conferences for the purpose of deliberating on universal conversion standards in intermarriage.

    EJF’s efforts to prevent the tragedy of faulty conversions are endorsed by Gedolei Torah around the world."

    (5) And from EJF's own website:

    "EJF Rabbinic Seminar MorristownSee all rabbis events

    Westin Govorner Morris, Morristown,NJ
    05/24/2009 - 05/26/2009

    Rabbonim and educators on the front lines of kiruv know firsthand the challenges of working with intermarried couples who are interested in building Torah homes. In another effort to act as a critical resource and support for their work, EJF has scheduled a rabbinic forum to take place May 24th through 26th at the Westin Governor Morris in Morristown, NJ.

    Prominent speakers will highlight the importance and challenges of preventing intermarried couples from the pitfalls of fraudulent and/or questionable conversions and how to secure a universally accepted conversion for those who are sincere in their commitment to lead an observant Jewish life. Those wishing to learn more about this Rabbinic Forum should contact EJF at(845)357-1022 ext. 106."

  2. Recipients and PublicityMay 17, 2009 at 1:41 PM

    Unless anyone else can confirm to the contrary it seems that Rabbi Tropper and EJF are trying to explain their way out of the following attack article against the RCA that came from the VAAD HORABBONIM HAOLAMI LEINYONEI GIYUR (headed by Rav Nochum Eisenstein) in the section on the Dei'ah veDibur website, that made the serious allegations below.

    If indeed this is the article that Rabbi Tropper is trying to distance himself from, it would indicate a lack of co-ordination between Rabbi Eisenstein in Israel where hard-line views are the order of the day, and the situation in America where pragmatism and moderation is seen as a needed virtue, something that Rabbi Tropper appreciates, at least on a tactical level, and hence his sudden apology because surely the approximately one thousand rabbis of the RCA cannot be happy to have read what the VAAD HORABBONIM HAOLAMI LEINYONEI GIYUR and its ally EJF had to say:

    "9 Adar 5769 - March 5, 2009


    American RCA "Converts" Loyal ChristianBy Yechiel Sever

    Rabbis from the US-based Rabbinical Council of America have "converted" to Judaism a woman who openly declared her loyalty to Christian beliefs.

    Just over six months ago the woman, who was engaged to an assimilated Jew, took her first exam on the way to conversion. When asked about her belief in the holy Torah and the Jewish religion she unambiguously replied that she believes in Judaism "but also in the New Testament." Despite this, the Rabbis went ahead with her conversion.

    Three months ago the conversion candidate in question, who studies at a university in northern New Jersey, was on her winter break. According to testimonials that even reached the rabbis in charge of her conversion at the time, she took part in Christmas celebrations with her Christian parents and family.

    When she contacted the head of the RCA beis din, he appointed to his bench two rabbis involved in wholesale conversions, setting up a "special beis din" to convert her. These rabbis are sadly well-known in the American Torah world for their compromising approach to halacha. They have converted dozens of non-Jews without examining their real intent, thereby increasing the threat of assimilation spreading throughout the US.

    Spokesmen for Vaad HaRabbonim LeInyonei Giyur founded by HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth zt"l and Eternal Jewish Family expressed astonishment over the shamelessness of converting someone who did not conceal her loyalty to Christianity.

    In another development, the RCA granted a problematic rabbi from their ranks permission to perform conversions. This rabbi is well-known in the US for allowing low mechitzos in botei knesses, Torah readings in women's minyanim and he even advised appointing a woman posek in every shul "to avoid discriminating against women."

    When this rabbi became involved in conversions a few years ago, chareidi rabbonim in the US came out against him, saying his conversions cannot be relied on at all. Nevertheless the RCA has now given him permission to perform conversions.

    Eternal Jewish Family is voicing grave concerns over the RCA's conduct and has reiterated calls by gedolei Yisroel zt"l vylct"a not to perform false or dubious conversions that lack legitimate oversight and raze the walls of Kerem Beis Yisroel.The Israeli Chief Rabbinate sent a letter to the U.S. stating that it does not recognize these conversions.

    According to reports, the RCA has been disseminating misleading information on rabbonim approved by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate to perform conversions outside of Israel, creating the false impression that certain rabbonim are authorized to perform conversions though their names have never appeared on the list of approved conversion rabbis."

  3. the Monsey TzadikMay 18, 2009 at 4:41 PM

    There must be something behind the things that made Tropper apologize to RCA. Tropper as most people know hate Modern Orthodoxy (as well as Rabbi Bomzer and Rabbi Noach Weinberg ZT’L) with a vengeance.

    Maybe because the RCA cut him off as a middle man and worked the directly with the Israeli rabbinate Tropper and Kaplan realized that the RCA maybe does not need them or their approval or their money.

    In any case, most people who are seeking orthodox conversion for their girlfriends will choose a modern orthodox approach than Tropper controlling approach. Especially after they read of him nullifying a conversion of a woman who occasionally wore pants or him preventing a convert from going to school.

    I am not sure, but it looks that the EJF tuned down their mantra ‘Universally Accepted Conversion’ because obviously their conversions are not accepted in Israel, and even R’ Eisenstein will take a case by case approach.

  4. Another point to be made is that not all RCA batai dayanim are in the same classification as what discussed above.

    I recognize that they are talking about Rabbi Avi Weiss at one point. This is Orthodox rabbi as close to Conservative, as you can get. He pushes the envelope. What is my point? He is, by far, not representative of the entire Orthodox world.

    People like Rabbi Tropper want the world to be black and white. He has made accusations about all RCA rabbis and batai dayanim based on the most controverial rabbi. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the RCA continues to include this rabbi just to annoy Tropper.

    On a more serious note, I'm sure the RCA could nit pick apart the EJF conversions. Actually, I know of a woman who converted through them in about six months. If the RCA ever converted someone in six months, EJF would be on that story like white on rice.

    Finally, I'm sure you're curious, as to who I am, what my story is and from where I get some of this information.

    I made my giyur through an RCA beis din just before Rosh HaShanah. At my first meeting with this beis din, I was grilled by about ten gray bearded rabbis (maybe one didn't have a beard or the beard was salt and pepper-you get the idea, though.) At the second meeting, I was grilled by about six rabbis. I had two rabbis speaking on my behalf.

    I haven't celebrated Xmas or Easter in about ten years. I have not worn pants since October of 2007. I do not wear low cut or elbow-revealing shirts. I have not had a TV in over two years. I would say that my good friends don't have a TVs. Most of these friends are kollel wives. I am shomer negiah. As you can postulate, I'm not the example of an RCA convert they would like to hear about in order to rip RCA apart.

    I am knowledgeable about what is being done in conversions, as I have a Yahoo discussion group. I have 40 women who are either converting or have converted. I am a member of another Yahoo group with sixty something members and I used to be a member or a large group that promotes EJF conversions. Additionally, I have spoken to conversion candidates not included above. I would say that I have spoken to about seventy converts or candidates or more.


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