Sunday, February 19, 2023
The Printed Page of the Talmud by Rabbi HAYM SOLOVEITCHIK
Saturday, February 18, 2023
G-d's partner?!
Sanhedrin (38b)A certain heretic said to Rav Idit: It is written in the verse concerning God: “And to Moses He said: Come up to the Lord” (Exodus 24:1). The heretic raised a question: It should have stated: Come up to Me. Rav Idit said to him: This term, “the Lord,” in that verse is referring to the angel Metatron, whose name is like the name of his Master, as it is written: “Behold I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Take heed of him and obey his voice; do not defy him; for he will not pardon your transgression, for My name is in him” (Exodus 23:20–21). The heretic said to him: If so, if this angel is equated with God, we should worship him as we worship God. Rav Idit said to him: It is written: “Do not defy [tammer] him,” which alludes to: Do not replace Me [temireni] with him. The heretic said to him: If so, why do I need the clause “For he will not pardon your transgression”? Rav Idit said to him: We believe that we did not accept the angel even as a guide [befarvanka] for the journey, as it is written: “And he said to him: If Your Presence go not with me raise us not up from here” (Exodus 33:15). Moses told God that if God Himself does not accompany the Jewish people they do not want to travel to Eretz Yisrael.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Tucker Carlson Calls Trump ‘Demonic Force’ in New Legal Filing
On Jan. 6, 2021 Carlson messaged Pfeiffer, and called Trump “a demonic force, a destroyer,” adding, “But he’s not going to destroy us.” Despite this, just three weeks later, the host invited his leading sponsor Mike Lindell on his show; Lindell proceeded to repeat Powell’s conspiracies on air, even previewing them for Carlson’s staff.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Hashgacha protis applies to everything?
Chinuch (#169): There are some groups that believe that Providence applies to every living creature - both man and animal. There are also those who extend Providence further and say it applies to every entity in the world - living or non living. In other words they say that the smallest entity only moves as response to G d’s will and decrees. They go so far as to say that even when a single leaf falls off a tree that G d decreed that it should fall. That it is impossible that its falling be delayed and advanced by an instant. However such a belief is ridiculous - extremely far from human intelligence. There are also evil groups that assert that there is no such thing as Providence for anything in the world whether for people or the rest of living creatures. This view is the view of heretics and it is evil and bitter. However we Jews believe that Providence applies to living creatures only in general – other than man. In other words, the different species are sustained so that the species themselves don’t become extinct. In contrast we believe that regarding man that there is Providence for each and every person which varies according to his deeds. This teaching we know by tradition passed down by the great sages - as well as many verses that teach these principles.
Everything is for the best
Recently received an email from someone who deals with those who have had a rough life such as aguna divorce or death of a spouse or child or debilitating illness or alzheimer's. He noted for some of these people hearing the reassurance :"All is for the best and G-d is in contol" isn't helping at since they have experienced such devestation without seeing any silver lining in the clouds. There have been no miraculous last minute salvation that people usually talk about to prove that G-d is running the world. He asked whether there is another approach?
I noted there is another approach which readily acknowledges the tragedy and badness of some people's situation and which makes no attempt to sugar coat the pain. That is to say the suffering is a test and that there is compensation in Olam Haba. One such approach is called Yessurim from G-d's love. It is described in Berachos 5a
And if he did attribute his suffering to dereliction in the study of Torah, and did not find this to be so, he may be confident that these are afflictions of love, as it is stated: “For whom the Lord loves, He rebukes, as does a father the son in whom he delights” (Proverbs 3:12).
Sanhedrin (47a) Rabbi Natan says: It is a good sign for the deceased when he is punished after his death and does not receive an honorable burial or eulogy, as his lack of honor brings him atonement for his sins. For example, if the deceased was not eulogized, or if he was not buried, or if a wild animal dragged his corpse, or if rain fell on his bier, this is a good sign for the deceased. Learn from the baraita that a eulogy is delivered for the honor of the dead, so that when he is deprived of this honor, he achieves atonement for his sins.
Santos ‘Bestie’ Is Far-Right Activist Tied to Disgraced Albanian Prime Minister
The woman Rep. George Santos called his “best friend” is a Republican fundraiser and conspiracy-theory spreader who spent years promoting an Albanian politician barred from entering the United States for corruption—work that raised concerns among legal and ethics experts who spoke with The Daily Beast.
In the space of two election cycles, Evi Kokalari—who sometimes uses her ex-husband’s surname Angelakis—went from a small-time Queens real estate broker whose dabbling in politics never extended beyond a couple gifts to local campaigns, to a jet-setting Republican operative who hosted events for Santos and GOP luminaries including former Rep. Lee Zeldin and Trump acting intelligence director Ric Grenell.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Woman not happy with Rabbinic ruling
Gittin (35a) A certain woman appealed to Rabbah son of R. Huna [to enforce payment of her kethubah]. He said to her: What can I do for you seeing that Rab would not enforce payment of a kethubah and my father also would not enforce payment of a kethubah to a widow? She said to him: At least grant me maintenance. He replied: You are not entitled to maintenance either, since Rab Judah has said in the name of Samuel: If a woman claims her kethubah in the Beth din, she has no claim to maintenance. She said to him: Turn his seat upside down! [May he be humiliated (Rashi)] —He gives me the worst of both authorities. They turned his seat over and put it straight again, but even so he did not escape an illness.
Benefits of having a Rebbe
Tanis (23b) R. Mani used often to attend the discourses of R. Isaac b. Eliashab and he complained: The rich members of the family of my father-in-law are annoying me. The latter exclaimed: May they become poor! And they became poor. Later on R. Mani complained: They press me for support and R. Isaac exclaimed: Let them become rich! And they became rich. On another occasion he complained: My wife is no longer acceptable to me. R. Isaac thereupon asked: What is her name? He replied: Hannah. Whereupon R. Isaac exclaimed: May Hannah become beautiful! And she became beautiful. He then complained: She is too domineering over me. Whereupon R. Isaac exclaimed: If that is so, let Hannah revert to her former ugliness! And she became once again ugly.
Monday, February 13, 2023
Angel is a name of the Shechinah
Zohar (3:187a) “The angel which hath redeemed me from all evil bless the lads” (Gen. XLVIII, 16). ‘These words’, he said, ‘were uttered by Jacob in the spirit of holiness, and therefore they must contain some mystery of wisdom.”Angel” is here one of the names of the Shekinah, applied to her when she is a messenger from on high and receives radiance from the supernal mirror, for then she is blessed by the Father and Mother, who say to her: Daughter, go, mind thy house, attend to thy house; go and feed them, go to the lower world where thy household wait for sustenance from thee; here is all which they require. Then she is “angel”. True, she is in many places called “angel” when she does not come to give sustenance to worlds, and further she gives sustenance not in this name but in that of “the Lord”. She is, however, called “angel” when she is sent by the Father and Mother, and “Lord” when she rests on the two Cherubim. When she first appeared to Moses she was called “angel”, but to Jacob she appeared only under the figure of Rachel, as it is written, “And Rachel came with the sheep”.
Leifer held victim’s family problems over her head to discourage outcry, court told
In opening statement, Australian prosecutor says former Haredi school principal told student she’d ‘tell everyone’ about her issues at home if girl disclosed Leifer’s abuse
Science is better than politics
Notorious missionaries have moved to Israel after being exposed in the United States.
Two weeks ago, a family calling themselves "Isaacson" arrived in Jerusalem from the United States and settled in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Nachlaot. This would be an unremarkable piece of news, were it not for the fact that the "Isaacsons," who dress in traditional haredi clothing, are in fact not Jewish at all. Worse still, they are missionaries.
At a wedding some years ago, Rabbi Rosenes asked his rosh yeshivah from ITRI, Rav Shlomo Fisher, if computers are not a “maaseh Satan,” something created for the service of evil. Rav Fisher’s answer shocked him.
“There is no such thing as a maaseh Satan,” Rav Fisher replied. “Computers and cell phones and Internet and all of the technology that is driving the world towards distraction are all only a golem. If we choose to use it for good, Hashem helps us. And if we choose to use it for bad, Hashem helps us.”
אבי הכלה ביטל את השידוך: "ספק נכרי"
רב מחלקת הנישואין סיפר כי בבירור שהתבקש לערוך אחר שורשיו של בחור ישיבה חרדי עלה ספק באשר ליהדותו והשידוך בוטל.