Monday, April 11, 2022

Rabbi Kaplan - Pesach Event 2022 - "Bittersweet"



Der ukrainische Millionär Maxim Slutski, der kürzlich von der IKG ernannt wurde, um das ukrainische Flüchtlingsprogramm in Wien zu koordinieren, ist eine mutmaßliche Verbindung in einem Milliarden-Dollar-Geldwäscheprogramm, das auf Putins gestürzten Marionettenpräsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch zurückzuführen ist.

Fragen ranken sich weiterhin um den Verbleib von Milliarden von Dollar, die aus dem ukrainischen Haushalt geplündert und vom ehemaligen ukrainischen Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch und seinen Kumpanen aus dem Land geschleust wurden. Während er am 25. Januar 2019 von einem ukrainischen Gericht wegen Hochverrats verurteilt und in Abwesenheit zu 13 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt wurde, muss das Rätsel, wie der vom Kreml unterstützte Politiker schätzungsweise 40 bis 70 Milliarden Dollar an Steuergeldern einfach "verschwinden" ließ, noch gelöst werden. Hier steht, wie die gestürzte Regierung der Ukraine mit 40 Milliarden Dollar davonkam ( davon

Nach Janukowitschs feiger Flucht nach Russland im Jahr 2013 brach eine Gruppe von Journalisten in den leeren Präsidentenpalast ein, ein weitläufiges Landgut mit dem, was als "absurder Luxus" bezeichnet wurde, darunter ein Golfplatz, eine Vintage-Auto-Sammlung und ein privater Zoo, in dem seine berühmten Sträuße untergebracht waren.

Dort gruben sie Unmengen von Finanzunterlagen aus, die enthüllten, wie Janukowitsch und seine Spitzenbeamten Millionen von Dollar aus der Staatskasse in Offshore-Häfen versenkten. Die vernichtenden Beweise wurden vom ukrainischen Staatsanwalt beschlagnahmt, der eine Untersuchung einleitete. Privatdetektiven gelang es jedoch, Zugang zu Teilen des Materials zu erhalten und entdeckten, dass Janukowitsch auch riesige Summen über Briefkastenfirmen in ganz Europa wäschte.

Eines der aufgedeckten Unternehmen war die A.M. Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (Frankfurt am Main), eine im September 2006 gegründete gewerbliche Immobilienverwaltungsgesellschaft unter der Firmennummer HRB 77967.

Laut Open Source wird das Unternehmen vom ehemaligen Ukrainer Maxim Slutski geleitet, der in Wien, Österreich, lebt. Maxim Slutski war mit Tina Schlesinger, der Schwester von Michael Schlesinger, verheiratet. Das Paar ließ sich 2009 scheiden.

Es wird berichtet, dass Janukowitschs Mitarbeiter ein ausgeklügeltes Netz von Unternehmen aufgebaut haben, die mit Rückkaufkreditprogrammen handeln. Das Diagramm, das von den Ermittlern unten erstellt wurde, zeigt Slutski, seine zweite Frau Yuliya (geb. Kaplan) und Yuliyas Schwester Olena Gyellyer, angeblich in eine verworrene Operation verwickelt, die direkt zu dem Verbrecher führte, der Victor Janukowitsch an der Basis versteckte (rot eingekreist).

Im Wesentlichen ist die Art und Weise, wie das Netzwerk funktioniert, dass Unternehmen (A) X Geldbetrag von Unternehmen (B) leiht. Das Kreditgeberunternehmen (B) verkauft die Schulden dann an das Unternehmen (C). Schließlich werden die Schulden vom ursprünglichen Kreditnehmer oder von einem anderen Unternehmen unter seiner Kontrolle zurückerworben. Auf diese Weise wird die Schuld aufgelöst, da es unwahrscheinlich ist, dass Unternehmen (A) die Schuld jemals gegen sich selbst durchsetzen wird. Die wahren Zahlen der Unternehmenskonten werden dadurch verzerrt. Während Unternehmen A weiterhin Einnahmen aus der Kreditinvestition generieren kann, vermeidet es die Einkommensteuer, da das Darlehen und seine Rückzahlung in den Bilanzen als Verlust ausgewiesen werden.

Im Jahr 2008 soll Slutskis Unternehmen ein Darlehen in Höhe von 2 Millionen US-Dollar von zwei zypriotischen Frontfirmen, Dardo Trading Ltd und Jenifex Participation Limited, mit Sitz in Nikosia (gelb eingekreist), erhalten haben. Die Nutznießer dieser Unternehmen sind Yulia Shchukina und Vladislav Kravets (blau eingekreist), beide ukrainische Staatsbürger und laut Quellen in Strafverfolgungsbehörden auch bekannte Banker. Zwischen 2012 und 2018 sollen Shchukina und Kravets die Schulden an Maxi Services Ltd (grün eingekreist) weiterverkauft haben.

Es wird dann berichtet, dass die zwischengeschalteten Unternehmen, New Thornhill Trading Inc. und Margolex Limited (violett eingekreist), Maxi-Dienstleistungen (grün) von den Schulden entlastet und entlang der Kette "weiterverkauft" haben.

Laut der Untersuchung verkaufte Margolex (lila) die Schulden schließlich an ELIZATEN MANAGEMENT (orange), überraschenderweise ein in Schottland registriertes Unternehmen.

 Interessanterweise ist die Gründerin von Elizaten Management eine Olena Gyellyer, geborene Kaplan, Schwester von Yulia Kaplan, der oben genannten Frau von Maxim Slutski.

 Nachdem die Kette der Transaktionen erschöpft war, kehrte die ursprüngliche Schuld an Slutski zurück, um sie entweder zurückzuzahlen oder abzuschreiben.

Im Jahr 2020 floh Slutski mit seiner Familie nach London nach einem angeblichen Entführungsversuch (Drei Ukrainer beschuldigen den Richter Emelyanov bei einem Entführungsversuch in Deutschland - World News ( in Wien. Dort wohnte er in diesem luxuriösen 3,1-Millionen-Pfund-Haus in Hampstead.

Seitdem hat er sich in Wien wieder fest etabliert, wo er eine herausragende Rolle innerhalb der IKG und des Lauder Chabad spielt, angeführt von Rabbi Jacob Biderman. Als ehemaliger ukrainischer Flüchtling wurde Slutski ausgewählt, um alle Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit dem Zustrom von Flüchtlingen zu koordinieren, die derzeit aus ihrer belagerten Heimat fliehen, und arrangierte zu ihren Ehren eine extravagante Party über Purim.

Während es philanthropisch erscheint, gibt es eine bittere Ironie um ukrainische Flüchtlinge, die die Wohltätigkeiten erhalten, die möglicherweise auf das Geld des Steuerzahlers zurückgeführt werden könnten, das ihnen in erster Instanz gestohlen wurde.

Gegenüber dem dysfunktionalen Strafverfolgungssystem der Ukraine müssen Janukowitschs Mitarbeiter noch vor Gericht gestellt werden. Was Janukowitsch selbst betrifft, so soll er unter Putins Schutz in Russland leben. Putins brutale Angriffe auf ukrainische Zivilisten sind, wie Experten sagen, ein Versuch, Selenskyjs Regierung zu destabilisieren und Janukowitsch wieder als pro-russische Marionette zu etablieren.

Daas Tora um 11:28

Israeli study: 4th COVID shot halves death risk among severe patients over 60

A new Israeli study strengthens evidence that getting fourth shots of the coronavirus vaccine curtailed deaths in Israel, showing that the Pfizer boosters halved the chances of death from COVID among severe hospitalized patients over age 60.

The study by Assuta Ashdod University Hospital, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, also found that fourth shots halve the odds that a patient will need ventilation.

“In short, they appear to significantly reduce the two worst outcomes — death and ventilation,” Dr. Tal Brosh, who led the comparison of outcomes among three-shot receipts and four-shot recipients, told The Times of Israel.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Ukraine War is a blow to Trumpism

The War on Truth is about the big picture, about governmental lies about major governmental ploys which are spread by hordes of liars for hire who could not be deployed before the emergence of the Internet, the smartphone, and the social network.

Israeli MK quits coalition over chametz argument with health minister

The governing coalition of Israel has lost its majority in the Knesset after conservative MK Idit Silman, resigned from her role.

Backbencher Silman resigned from the governing coalition currently led by Prime minister Naftali Bennett citing her belief that a “national, Jewish and Zionist government" should be leading Israel.

Silman has joined the opposition Likud party, currently led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This defection comes after Silman criticised health minister Nitzan Horowitz, a member of the Meretz party, for lifting a ban on chametz in hospitals during Pesach to comply with an Israeli Supreme Court ruling that

No convictions in Michigan governor kidnap plot; 2 men acquitted, 2 face new trial

The historic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot trial ended with no convictions Friday, delivering a blow to the government as it failed to convince a jury that four men were domestic terrorists determined to harm the governor because of her COVID-19 restrictions.

The jury acquitted Daniel Harris on all four counts, and Brandon Caserta was acquitted on the one count of kidnapping conspiracy — so both men are free to go.

The jury deadlocked on charges against Adam Fox and Barry Croft, so a mistrial was declared for those defendants.

The U.S. Attorneys office in Grand Rapids said it will retry the men, and that it is "obviously" disappointed in the outcome of the case.

Trump Jr. Accused of 'Treason' After Pre-Jan. 6 Texts to Meadows Revealed

While votes for the 2020 election were being counted, Trump Jr. texted then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows laying out a strategy to keep President Donald Trump in power by throwing out election results of key swing states, CNN reported Friday. The disclosed texts shed further light on recent revelations of Trump and his inner circle's efforts to block the certification of the 2020 election.

"It's very simple," Trump Jr. texted to Meadows on November 5, according to CNN. "We have multiple paths We control them all."

The texts between Trump's eldest son and the top White House aide describe a course of action to keep the president in power: prevent swing states from certifying their results through lawsuits and demanding recounts. After casting doubt on the election's legitimacy, GOP-controlled Legislatures could assemble pro-Trump slates for the Electoral College, according to CNN.

Friday, April 8, 2022

GEICO cancels Linda Sarsour’s speaking arrangement

Sarsour most recently made the news in mid-2021 with her comments on the Surfside building collapse in Miami, in which she approvingly replied to a tweet that read “I really don’t understand the IDF’s involvement in rescue attempts of people tragically crushed under buildings in Miami. Their expertise is crushing buildings with people in them, not rescuing them.”

No, Tucker Carlson Didn’t Ask if Dead Bodies of Ukrainian Civilians Were ‘Staged’

While Tucker Carlson has often hedged his language about Russian President Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine, the Fox News host did not pose a question casting doubt on the reality of Russian atrocities, despite its being attributed to him in a recent viral tweet.

Suspected child molester indicted by Jerusalem DA

 The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office filed an indictment in the city district court against Shmuel Weinberg (23), a resident of Kiryat Gat, after he abducted a 10-year-old minor and committed sexual offenses with him about two weeks ago in Beit Shemesh.

New study shows antibody levels not predictive of protection against COVID infection

A study recently conducted by researchers from Bar-Ilan University and Ziv Hospital in Tzfat has revealed fascinating findings regarding the significance of antibody levels for protection against infection with COVID-19.

The study, which was published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal, followed almost a thousand healthcare workers from Ziv Hospital over an eleven-month period and tested their levels of antibodies against COVID at six different points along the way, from their first dose of COVID vaccine through their first booster shot (the third shot in total).

The study’s authors observed that healthcare workers who contracted COVID before the trial commenced were about half as likely to be reinfected as healthcare workers who received two doses of vaccine were to contract COVID, demonstrating significant natural immunity.

Bar Mitzva for twins - who isn't invited?

 With the twins up coming bar mitzva one would have expected that Beth would have been invited but it hasn't happened yet. Oversight?



VIENNA - Ukrainian millionaire, Maxim Slutski, recently appointed by the IKG to coordinate the Ukrainian refugee programme in Vienna, is a suspected link in a billion dollar money laundering scheme tracing to Putin's overthrown puppet president Victor Yanukovych.  

Questions continue to surround the whereabouts of billions of dollars plundered from the Ukrainian budget and funnelled out of the country by former Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych and his cronies. Whilst convicted for high treason by a Ukraine court on 25 January 2019, and sentenced to 13 years in prison in absentia, the mystery as to how the Kremlin-backed politician made an estimated $40-$70 billion of taxpayers money simply “disappear” is yet to be solved. Here's How Ukraine's Ousted Government Got Away With $40 Billion (

Following Yanukovych's cowardly escape to Russia in 2013, a group of journalists broke into the empty presidential palace, a sprawling country estate featuring what has been described as “absurd luxury”, including a golf course, a vintage-car collection and a private zoo which housed his famous ostriches.

There, they unearthed reams of financial records revealing how Yanukovych and his top officials buried millions of dollars embezzled from the state treasury in off-shore havens. The damning evidence was confiscated by the Ukrainian prosecutor, who proceeded to launch an investigation. However, private investigators managed to gain access to parts of the material and discovered that Yanukovych was also laundering vast sums via shell companies throughout Europe.


One of the companies revealed was A.M. Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (Frankfurt am Main), a commercial real estate management company incorporated in September 2006 under company number HRB 77967.

According to open sources, the company is run by former Ukrainian, Maxim Slutski, living in Vienna, Austria. Maxim Slutski was married to Tina Schlesinger, sister of Michael Schlesinger. The couple divorced in 2009.

Yanukovych's associates are reported to have constructed an elaborate web of companies trading in buy-back loan schemes. The diagram produced by investigators below shows Slutski, his second wife Yuliya (nee Kaplan) and Yuliya's sister, Olena Gyellyer, purportedly involved in a convoluted operation, leading directly to the criminal in hiding, Victor Yanukovych at the base (circled red).

Essentially, the way the network operates is that company (A) borrows X amount of money from company (B). Lender company (B) then sells the debt on to company (C). Finally, the debt is re-acquired by the original borrower or by another company under its control. In this way, the debt is dissolved since company (A) is unlikely to ever  enforce the debt against itself. The true figures of the company accounts are thereby distorted. Whilst still being able to generate revenue on the loan investment, company A avoids income tax because the loan and its repayment are shown as a loss on the balance sheets.

In 2008, Slutski's company is alleged to have received a $2 million loan from two Cypriot front firms, Dardo Trading Ltd and Jenifex Participation Limited registered in Nicosia(circled yellow). The beneficiaries of these companies are Yulia Shchukina and Vladislav Kravets (circled blue), both Ukrainian citizens and according to sources in law enforcement agents, also well-known bankers. Between 2012-2018, Shchukina and Kravets allegedly resold the debt to Maxi Services Ltd (circled green).


Intermediary companies, New Thornhill Trading Inc. and Margolex Limited (circled purple) are then reported to have unburdened Maxi services (green)of the debt and "resold" it along the chain.



According to the investigation, Margolex (purple) ultimately sold the debt on to ELIZATEN MANAGEMENT (orange), surprisingly a Scottish registered company.

 Interestingly, the founder of Elizaten Management is an Olena Gyellyer, née Kaplan, sister of Yulia Kaplan, the afore-mentioned wife of Maxim Slutski.

 Having exhausted the chain of transactions, the original debt returned to Slutski to either repay or write off.

In 2020, Slutski fled with his family to London after an alleged kidnapping attempt (Three Ukrainians accusing the judge Emelyanov in an attempt of kidnapping in Germany - world news ( in Vienna. There he stayed in this luxurious £3.1million home in Hampstead.

He has since firmly re-established himself back in Vienna where he plays a prominent role within the IKG and Lauder Chabad, spearheaded by Rabbi Jacob Biderman. As a former Ukrainian refugee himself, Slutski was chosen to coordinate all the activities inconnection with the influx of refugees who are currently fleeing their besieged homeland and arranged an extravagant party over Purim in their honour.

Whilst appearing to be philanthropic, there is a bitter irony in Ukrainian refugees receiving charity which could potentially trace back to the tax payer money stolen from them in the first instance. 

Due to Ukraine’s dysfunctional law enforcement system, Yanukovych's associates have yet to be brought to justice. As for Yanukovych himself, he is reported to be living under Putin's protection in Russia. Putin's brutal attacks on Ukrainian civilians are, experts say, an attempt to destabilise Zelensky's government and re-establish Yanukovych as a pro-Russian puppet.