Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Rav Shlomo Fisher - Halachic authority of public acceptance by the masses

The following is a very fascinating and provocative essay by Rav Shomo Fisher explaining the authority of something accepted by the masses - even just as behavior without explicit acceptance. [It is 8 pages long  - this is just the first page.] It is  in his Beis Yishai (chapter 15). In brief he is explaining that halachic authority and creativity can arise from the actions of the masses and not just from the Torah or rabbis. The consequences of this thesis are very significant

Marc B. Shapiro – Forgery and the Halakhic Process


  In The Limits of Orthodox Theology I quoted the following comment of R. Bezalel Naor, who was quoting his teacher, the Gaon R. Shlomo Fisher of Jerusalem: “The truth, known to Torah scholars, is that Maimonides’ formulation of the tenets of Jewish belief is far from universally accepted.” For those who don’t know, R. Fisher is one of the gedolim of our time, and you can see many of his shiurim on yeshiva.org.il. Many of these shiurim focus on Talmud (and he has published the great rabbinic work, Beit Yishai), but R. Fisher is also the only one of our gedolim who is an expert in Jewish philosophy. This explains why his Derashot Beit Yishai are very different than other collections of derashot. Professor Zev Harvey told me that from R. Fisher’s edition of Crescas’ Or ha-Shem, it is clear that he used Wolfson’s Hebrew text found in Crescas’ Critique of Aristotle.[1]

 Someone I know currently attends R. Fisher’s weekly shiur on Avnei Miluim, the last half-hour of which is devoted to issues of hashkafah. Interestingly enough, he reported to me that a few weeks ago R. Fisher declared that he believes the Rambam abandoned his system of 13 Principles, the proof being that they are never mentioned as a unit in the Mishneh Torah.[2] In my book, I noted that R. Shlomo Goren held the same view. R. Goren also makes another interesting point, that while in the Commentary on the Mishnah Maimonides requires one to actually believe in certain principles, in the Mishneh Torah he only requires you not to deny any principles. One who has never heard of a principle obviously does not believe in it, which makes him a heretic according to the Commentary on the Mishnah. But according to the Mishneh Torah, since this person does not actually deny the principle, he is not regarded as a heretic.

Getting back to R. Moshe, as is well known, he ruled that the Commentary of R. Yehudah he-Hasid was a forgery, as he could not imagine that a rishon would acknowledge that there were some post-Mosaic passages in the Torah.[3] Only after my book appeared did Rabbi Naor tell me that the comment I quoted above in the name of R. Fisher was stated precisely with reference to R. Moshe’s positon on this issue. After R. Moshe banned R. Yehudah he-Hasid’s Commentary, R. Fisher commented that R. Moshe assumes that R. Yehudah he-Hasid has to accept the Rambam’s Principles, but in truth there were many disagreements with the Rambam, and R. Yehudah he-Hasid’s position on Mosaic authorship is one of them.

Tucker Carlson Delighted as Jonah Golberg, Stephen Hayes Quit Fox—'Viewers Will be Happy'


Goldberg and Hayes confirmed in a Sunday post on their conservative online magazine, The Dispatch, that they had left Fox News over "irresponsible" voices at the network.

In a joint statement, the pair said: "Fox News still does real reporting, and there are still responsible conservatives providing valuable opinion and analysis. But the voices of the responsible are being drowned out by the irresponsible.

"A case in point: Patriot Purge, a three-part series hosted by Tucker Carlson. The special, which ran on Fox's subscription streaming service earlier this month and was promoted on Fox News, is presented in the style of an expose, a hard-hitting piece of investigative journalism.

Anti-vaxxer nonsense!


Why are they adding this to the child vaccines? It causes Cancer!

Dr. Robert O. Young on shocking results of the vaccine contents
Over the past two and a half decades, Robert O. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of "disease," subsequently developing "The New Biology™" to help people balance their life.

In 1994, Dr. Young discovered the biological transformation of red blood cells into bacteria and bacteria to red blood cells. He has since documented several such transformations.


BREAKING: Immense Harm from Crystallizing Blood Cells due to Graphene Poisoning from the jab

In breaking news, Dr. Young addresses the call for information from a Dutch pathologist witnessing blood coagulation (and micro-bleed skin discoloration called peticchiae) in high numbers of deceased, post-vaccine, and explains this is the immense harm being caused by the Nano Graphene and Iron Oxide poisoning (now found to be contained in all 4 major vaccines—Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson) which is coagulating red blood cells extremely and causing a crystallizing of the blood cells. Nano Graphene inside the cells is also making people extremely electrically conductive and paramagnetic, while opening them up to remote-access manipulation from wireless/5G radiation by linking them up to cell towers and supercomputing AI.




Monday, November 22, 2021

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan ztl with Dr. Russell Barber complete

Rabbi Kaplan


  For all his brilliance, Rabbi Kaplan’s focus was inspiring teenagers. It was in this transition from responsibility to accountability, from child to adult, that he saw potential for resonant ideas. A young adult, many point out, is called na’ar in the Torah, which derives from the letters ayin-reish, meaning “awake.” Teenagers are awake to causes, ideals, and values that are often replaced by the pragmatism of our adult years. Perhaps it is we who have fallen asleep.

A terrorist shatters all the stereotypes about terrorists


Shkhaydem and his family lived in the northeastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat. Classified as a “refugee camp,” Shuafat is adjacent to two Jewish neighborhoods, Pisgat Ze’ev and French Hill. Its residents take the same light rail line as the residents of those cities. In other words, the Shkhaydems had plenty of opportunities for peaceful interaction with Israeli Jews.

Shkhaydem was not some uneducated street thug. He has been described in news reports as “an Islamic scholar.” He was a well-known preacher in Jerusalem mosques, including the al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount. He was a teacher at the Rashidiya Secondary School, in Jerusalem which is in the municipial school system, but teaches the PA curriculum. He was “working on his PhD,” according to Shibli Sweiti, the terrorist’s uncle.

 The main cause of terrorism is ideology, not poverty. That may be hard for some Americans to comprehend because it’s so different from our own experience. Most Americans are not ideological. American culture doesn’t accept political violence. The American government doesn’t promote the use of violence. And the religions that most Americans embrace do not espouse violence.

המשטרה על ראש העיר החשוד: "הוא היה במעמד הרצח"


במהלך הדיון בבקשת המשטרה להארכת מעצר לראש העיר החשוד במעורבות ברצח אבי אדרי סיפר נציג המשטרה כי החשד שהיה במעמד הרצח; ראש העיר הכחיש הכל; ומתי עלה שמו בתיק?

Knesset confrontation: 'Abbas, condemn Jerusalem attack'


 A confrontation took place in the Knesset plenum Monday evening between Religious Zionism party chairman Bezalel Smotrich and United Arab List (Ra'am) chairman Mansour Abbas.

In his speech, Smotrich addressed Abbas, who chaired the session as Deputy Knesset Speaker, and demanded that he condemn the deadly shooting attack by a Hamas terrorist in Jerusalem yesterday.

The Ra'am party condemned the attack on Sunday, but only in Hebrew, due to concerns over potential criticism from the Arab public should they issue a condemnation in Arabic as well.

No, Rabbi Cardozo, the Torah is Not Flawed


I have friends who were profoundly impacted by Rabbi Cardozo in his early days as a master lecturer in hashkafah (Jewish philosophy) at a famous Jerusalem yeshiva. I think that all of us one way or another benefited from Rabbi Cardozo’s early writings, as an expositor par excellence of authentic Torah perspectives, using scholarly academic tools to reach the minds of those who otherwise would not appreciate the material. We are quite saddened by Rabbi Cardozo’s departure from this model and his embarkation on a path of subverting Torah teachings and Torah authority. We long for the previous Rabbi Cardozo to reemerge and again spread the light of genuine Torah wisdom.

Bodies pile up outside hospital morgue as Romania struggles with fourth wave of Covid


 Romania has one of Europe's lowest vaccination rates.

Just under 36% of the population has been vaccinated, even though the country's vaccination campaign got off to a good start last December.
Medical workers and officials attribute this low vaccination rate to a variety of factors, including suspicion of the authorities, deeply held religious beliefs, and a flood of misinformation surging through social media. 
"Look at the reality," said Col. Dr. Valeriu Gheorghita, an army doctor who runs the national vaccination campaign. "We have our intensive care units full of patients. We have lots of new cases. We have, unfortunately, hundreds of deaths every day. So this is the reality. And more than 90% of patients who died were unvaccinated."

Lawmaker catches COVID-19, must miss his anti-vaccine rally


A North Dakota lawmaker and an organizer of a rally Monday to oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates is infected with the coronavirus and won’t attend the event.

Republican Rep. Jeff Hoverson posted on Facebook Sunday that he was “quarantining and each day is getting better.” The Minot lawmaker said he is taking the deworming drug ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and has not checked into a hospital.

My Body, My Choice? The Paradox of Republican Anti-vaxxers


 The first time I saw a photo of an anti-vaxxer with a sign that read “My Body My Choice,” I was sort of puzzled. I thought perhaps the photo editor had used the wrong image to accompany the story—but then I saw that the sign also included a picture of a mask with a red line across it. No, these people weren’t protesting a government that was regulating uteruses, a government that was telling women when they could end a pregnancy that was going on in their own bodies. They were instead protesting a simple and painless public-health measure. They were mad at the idea of having to wear a piece of fabric on their faces. For this particular group, government regulation was fine unless it was regulating them—at which point it became a horrible infringement on their constitutional rights.

Italian anti-vax lawmaker refers to Holocaust survivor by number inked on her arm


 A far-right anti-vaxxer Italian lawmaker provoked outrage when he referred to a prominent Holocaust survivor by the number tattooed on her arm by the Nazis.

Fabio Meroni, a councilor from Lissone in the northern Lombardia region, posted the remarks over the weekend about lifetime senator and survivor Liliana Segre, 91, who has publicly supported the country’s vaccination campaign.

The number was tattooed onto her skin at the Auschwitz concentration camp when she was a young teenager.