Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Anti-vaxxer addresses Knesset video conference — apparently invited by mistake


 An anti-vaccine activist claimed to lawmakers on a Knesset committee Tuesday that a top Health Ministry official cannot be trusted to give an objective opinion on vaccinations for children, falsely asserting that the official works for the company that produces the shots.

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health at the Health Ministry,  has become the focus of anti-vaccination activism, receiving threats so severe that she has been provided with a bodyguard and a panic button.

Activist Valentina Nalin, an attorney, was apparently invited to participate in the Knesset Health Committee meeting by mistake.

Israelis should avoid Turkey until couple is released - analysis


Don't go to Turkey.
That should be the government’s message to all Israelis if the Turkish authorities do not immediately release the Israeli couple Natali and Mordy Oaknin from custody for allegedly spying because they took a photo of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s palace from a tower across the street.
And if that is not enough to get the Turks to release the couple, then other, more strident actions should be considered.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial: When can you shoot as self-defence?


 In the US, people can justify their use of deadly force against another when it reasonably appears necessary.

Wisconsinites may not be prosecuted if their methods of self-defence were "necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm". The legal standard comes with a two-part test.

Jurors must decide whether or not the use of deadly force was objectively reasonable under the circumstances.

How American Shoppers Broke the Supply Chain


 But the supply chain is also broken because of the sheer volume of stuff that Americans are buying, especially online. To keep up with demand for two-day shipping, companies like Amazon and Walmart have built warehouses around the country, and are importing even more containers of goods to fill them. These warehouses are getting a lot more action now that even the most reluctant online shopper was pushed to embrace e-commerce during the pandemic to comply with shelter in place orders.

Michael Flynn calls for the US to have ‘one religion,’ sparking outrage from Jewish groups


 The Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress have joined numerous groups and individuals in condemning the call by Michael Flynn, former President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, for the United States to have one religion.

“If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion,” Flynn said Saturday at a rally in Texas for ReAwaken America, a Christian-themed speaking tour backed by the Christian news network America Faith. “One nation under God, and one religion under God.”

The ADL’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, and the American Jewish Congress both took to Twitter to call Flynn’s statement “anti-American.”

The voluntary dying debate - not so easy


 Rav Moshe Feinstein holds that when a patient is gripped by unbearable pain and suffering, nature should be allowed to take its course. Thus when a patient is on a respirator and the machine is temporarily removed for servicing, if the patient shows no signs of life the machine need not be restored.

Greenblatt-KainetskyHeter II


מרן שר התורה הגר"ח קנייבסקי והגר"ג אדלשטיין יצאו היום במכתב נגד שלושה דיינים מתל אביב, שהתירו אש איש; "וישמרו שלא למנותם דיינים", נכתב • הדיינים חזרו בהם מהפסק המסעיר

Sandy Hook: Alex Jones loses case over 'hoax' remarks


 US radio host and prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has lost another legal case after falsely calling a mass school shooting a "hoax".

Twenty children and six adults were shot dead at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut in 2012.

But Mr Jones claimed the event had been made up by supporters of gun controls and the mainstream media.

He will now have to pay legal costs to the parents of two six-year-old boys killed in the attack.

Mr Jones has long claimed on his radio show and right-wing Infowars website that the attack at Sandy Hook was "completely fake" and a "giant hoax".

The Kashrut of Fake Pork


The Orthodox Union took a different stance, deciding not to grant kosher certification to Impossible Pork as long as it had the word “pork” in the product name. (The organization’s seal does appear on other products that mimic treyf foods, including mock crab.) Rabbi Menachem Genack, who is CEO of the OU’s kosher division, said the decision was made to avoid consumer confusion and provocation. “We still get deluged with calls,” he said in a recent JTA article about the OU’s decision to certify a “bacon” that was meat, but not pork-based.

With swastikas and yellow star, anti-vaxxers protest New York Jewish politician


Analogies to the Holocaust have become commonplace at anti-vaccine protests around the US and the world.

But protesters displaying swastikas and a yellow star especially stung on Sunday, when they deployed the symbols outside the office of a Jewish politician, Bronx Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, whose district includes the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Riverdale.

The crowd, including a Republican candidate for governor, was demonstrating against vaccine mandates in New York.

Kyle Rittenhouse: Jury to decide fate of US teen gunman


 Lead prosecutor Thomas Binger told the court on Monday in his closing statement: "You cannot claim self-defence against a danger that you create."

Mr Binger - the assistant district attorney for Kenosha - questioned why Mr Rittenhouse broke curfew in a city he did not live in and "pretended to guard" people and property he was not familiar with.

"Consider whether or not it's reasonable for a criminal to be able to shoot himself out of a crime scene," he said. "If someone comes up to that person and tries to disarm them, do they forfeit their life?"

"He ran around with an AR-15 all night and lied about being an EMT [emergency responder]. Does that suggest to you that he is genuinely there to help?" asked the prosecutor.

Greenblatt-Kaminetsky heter II


 לאחר שגדולי הדיינים והפוסקים וכן רבני לונדון יצאו במחאה נגד פסק דין תקדימי של דייני בית הדין הרבני בתל אביב שקבע על ביטול קידושין במקרה סבוך במיוחד כעת מתפרסם מכתבם של הגר"ח קנייבסקי והגרי"ג אדלשטיין נגד פריצת גדרי ההלכה להתיר אשת איש לעלמא שלא כדין

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse, American Vigilante


 Many people in Wisconsin expect the jury to determine that the D.A. overreached when he imposed the charge of intentional homicide. Yet Rittenhouse could still go to prison if jurors hold him accountable for the deaths. The Harvard law professor Noah Feldman recently wrote that, though Rittenhouse presumably will claim that he feared having his gun wrested away and used against him, it’s only “the presence of Rittenhouse’s own weapon” that gives him “the opportunity to claim that he was in fear of bodily harm.” Thomas told me that if Rittenhouse hadn’t concluded that it was his responsibility to venture, armed, into a “hot environment,” he “wouldn’t have been in harm’s way, and he certainly wouldn’t have hurt anyone else.”

Kyle Rittenhouse trial: yelling, tears and surprises reflect divided America


The case has come to symbolize different things for different slices of America. Many see Rittenhouse’s popularity on the right as a racist affront to the protests against police brutality and note how he and other armed white vigilantes were treated very differently by police when compared with protesters. Meanwhile, conservatives have raised huge amounts of money for Rittenhouse’s legal defense and see him as a hero.