Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Life insurance for married yeshiva students
Just prior to leaving office, former Education Minister Naftali Bennett (New Right) signed an ordinance approving a life insurance plan for married yeshiva students.
The ordinance, pushed forward by Shas MK Yitzhak Cohen, was fiercely opposed by UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, who also heads the Knesset's Finance Committee.
Under the new initiative, a sum of 500,000 NIS ($138,390) will be paid to the widow and orphans of married yeshiva students, over a period of fifteen years.
"Every married yeshiva student will pay a minimal sum of 20-30 NIS ($5.54-8.30) each month, and if it becomes necessary, his widow and children will receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 NIS ($1,384) each month for a period of 15 years," Cohen explained when first pushing the plan forward. He noted that he had the backing of haredi rabbis.
Gafni, for his part, had claimed the insurance harms the yeshivas' budgets.
"Today they're taking part of the budget for important insurance, tomorrow they'll take part of the yeshivas' budget for a hundred other issues. We cannot allow the yeshivas' budget to be harmed, and any initiative, no matter how important, needs to come from a separate additional budget, without harming the yeshivas' budgets," he said then.
Monday, June 3, 2019
Given the rapid increase in the haredi population due to its high birth rate, the National Economic Council has estimated that between 170,000 to 200,000 housing units will be needed for the haredi sector over the next twenty years.
Traditionally, the majority of the haredi community has been largely concentrated in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, but as housing prices there have risen dramatically with the rapid growth of the haredi population and subsequent increase in demand, there has been an increasing trend to move out of those centers.
Beit Shemesh in the Jerusalem district and Elad in the Central District, as well as as Ashdod and Petaj Tikav, along with the homogenous haredi cities of Modiin Illit and Beitar Illit in the West Bank, became new destinations for haredi families to settle in over the last two decades.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Maharal and women AVOS 2:7
ספר דרך חיים - פרק ב משנה ז
אמר אחר כך מרבה נשים מרבה כשפים, כי האשה היא בסדר אחר הנכסים קרובה אל האדם שצריך האדם אל האשה לתקון ביתו, ואמר שהוא מרבה כשפים, ואף אם נושא אביגיל וכל הנשים הכשרות מאד שלא יעשו כשפים, מ"מ היא נוטה אל מדריגת הכשוף מדרגה פחותה, כי הכשוף נמצא בנשים יותר מכל, לפי שפלות ופחיתות מדריגת הכשוף נמצא בנשים שהם פחותים ושפלים במדריגה, ויותר מזה כי הכשוף הוא צריך לכח מדמה אשר נמצא בנשים. ולכך אין הכשוף שולט אלא א"כ עומד המכשף על הארץ כדפירש רש"י ז"ל בפרק נגמר הדין (סנהדרין מ"ד, ב') ולפיכך ע"י רבוי נשים האדם מתקרב למדריגת הכשוף, ואף שלא תעשינה כשפים מ"מ הוא נוטה מן המעלה אל הפחיתות והחסרון מצד רבוי נשים כי הרבוי הוא נוטה למדרגת הכשוף הפחותה.
During the opening segment of his Friday night show, Carlson brought up the fact that critics of the tariff plan claim the billions of dollars in additional costs would slow the U.S. economy.
"They're likely right, over time they probably would, but we ought to impose them anyway," said the conservative host. "Not every government policy is a pure economic calculation. When the United States is attacked by a hostile foreign power, it must strike back. And make no mistake, Mexico is a hostile foreign power. For decades, the Mexican government has sent its poor north to our country. That has allowed that country's criminal oligarchy to maintain power and get even richer, but at great expense to us."
Carlson then went on to blame what he described as a "flood of illegal workers" for having "damaged our communities, ruined our schools, burdened our healthcare system and fractured our national unity" in what he dubbed a "slow-motion attack on this country."
Religious children ‘don’t report sex abuse due to shame and guilt’
Shame and guilt stop religious children reporting sexual abuse, according to the damning findings of a two-year investigation by the Independent Inquiry.
The conclusions draw on the anonymised testimony of 1,697 people who experienced child sexual abuse in religious institutions, including 183 survivors. It also heard from 1,514 people who experienced abuse in non-religious settings.
They came forward as part of the ‘Truth Project,’ the Inquiry said on Thursday, as it published its landmark report.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Friday, May 31, 2019
I've Spent Decades Failing to Negotiate Peace in the Middle East. Trump's 'Ultimate Deal' Is Doomed, Too
Having served as a State Department Middle East adviser and negotiator on Arab-Israel matters for more than two decades in both Republican and Democratic Administrations, I’ve seen and helped concoct a few pretty odd and mostly unsuccessful peace plans. But rarely have I seen an endeavor that was stranger than the recently released part one of the Trump Administration’s “ultimate deal”: a two-day, late-June meeting of donors from around the world in Bahrain, with hopes that showing the Palestinians how much better and more prosperous their lives could be will make them more flexible negotiators. Or, perhaps, persuade them to abandon what the Trump Administration considers unrealistic goals: statehood, with a real capital sovereign over most of east Jerusalem.
Reason to die?
(2) ילקוט שמעוני משלי - פרק ח - רמז תתקמג
מעשה באשה אחת שהזקינה הרבה, באת לפני ר"י (הגלילי) בן חלפתא אמרה לו רבי זקנתי יותר מדאי ומעשו חיים של נוול הם שאיני טועמת לא מאכל ולא משתה ואני מבקשת ליפטר מן העולם, אמר לה במה הארכת כל כך ימים, אמרה לו למודה אני אפילו יש לי דבר חביב אני מנחת אותו ומשכמת לבית הכנסת בכל יום, אמר לה מנעי עצמך מבית הכנסת שלשה ימים זה אחר זה, הלכה ועשתה כן וביום השלישי חלתה ומתה, לכך אמר שלמה אשרי אדם שומע לי וגו', מה כתיב אחריו כי מוצאי מצא חיים. אמר הקב"ה אם הלכת להתפלל לבית הכנסת לא תעמוד לך על פתח החיצון אלא הוי מתכוין ליכנס דלת לפנים מדלת, לשקוד על דלתי אין כתיב כאן אלא דלתותי, שתי דלתות, ולמה כן שהקב"ה מונה פסיעותיך ונותן לך שכר, מהו לשמגור מזוזות פתחי וכי יש מזוזה בבתי כנסיות, א"ר יהודה ברבי סימון מה מזוזה זו אינה זזה מן הפתח כך לא תהא זז מבתי כנסיות ומבתי מדרשות, ואם תעשה כן דע שאתה מקבל פני שכינה, מה כתיב אחריו כי מוצאי מצא חיים, ולא עוד אלא טעון ברכות שנאמר ויפק רצון מה':
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