Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Why Canada Is Giving Mark Carney a Shot


When Trump started attacking Canada, and Trudeau announced his resignation, the Liberals surged in the polls. The upcoming election now looks like a dead heat. Since candidates usually get a boost coming out of a leadership convention, the Conservatives will start out as the underdogs, a shocking turnaround after two years where they were leading by 20 points and the Liberals faced electoral oblivion.

Underneath the horse-race numbers, there is more bad news for the Conservatives. Polling shows that voters are more likely to trust Carney than Poilievre to manage Trump—perhaps because part of Poilievre’s base is pro-Trump.


  1. It's about personalities.
    Poilievre was the perfect foil for Justin Trudeau. Imagine a classroom. Justin is the dumb rich kid who thinks that being rich makes him the automatic class leader and the guy everyone has to listen to. Poilievre is the snarky kid who sits in the back row. He waits for Justin to say something dumb and then cuts him down with a witty comment. Works every time.
    Carney is different. Carney is the smart rich kid who thinks that being rich makes him the automatic class leader but he also has brains and a mature disposition. So he says something, Poilievre makes a snarky comment and Carney looks at him and say "Oh grow up. Your comments are rude and no one likes them." And Poilievre is shut down.
    There is also the matter of resumes. Carney has a very long resume with very impressive entries and Poilievre's is very short - he's been an MP and nothing else. That attracts people.
    But the biggest factor is that Canadian voters are stupid. They just are.

    1. He was head of the Bank of England, and left England in ruins.

    2. Or at least that was the claim made in the Telegraph article yesterday, rather than my claim..

    3. Again, business cycles are bigger than any government and it's government that sets financial policy, not the governor of the central bank. The government of Britain has been lousy for the economy since before Brexit. But don't forget - Britain only became a rich empire in the first place because they conquered 1/4 of the world and stole all its treasure. Without that Empire, they are slowly reverting to the backwater nobodies they were before they discovered North America.
      The real problem is Carney's hypocrisy. He will tell you he saved Canada during the 2008 financial crisis even though it was Finance Minister Jim Flaherty who set policy which Carney had to follow. However, Carney will then tell you it was the government that led to England's economic troubles, not him even though he was in the same role.


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