Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wall Street Journal on Trump foreign policy: Less ‘brave new world’ than ‘dangerous old one’


The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board went after President Trump on foreign policy on Sunday, saying it is “less brave new world than a reversion to a dangerous old one.”

The board highlighted recent actions such as Trump trying to “wash his hands” of Ukraine and threatening allies in Europe and North America with even higher tariffs than adversaries like China. 

“All of this would amount to an epochal return to the world of great power competition and balance of power that prevailed before World War II. It’s less a brave new world than a reversion to a dangerous old one,” the board wrote.

“He says he wants ‘peace,’ but is it peace with honor, or the peace of the grave for Ukraine and accommodation to Chinese domination in the Pacific? And why isn’t he increasing defense spending?” it added.


  1. Can he be stopped? That means stopping his VP as well

  2. Here's where "Blame Trump for everything!" gets it so wrong.
    Everyone is looking at Trump's policy and screaming "See! He's ruining the international order and reverting it to the previous, worse one!"
    Truth is, he isn't. China has been doing that for some time. Whether it's effectively buying countries with its Belt&Road project, occupying their land (Tibet, Xinjiang), expanding its marine territory (affecting the Philipines), controlling their governments (North Korea) or intimidating trade partners to accept lousy deals (everyone else), China has been busy building itself up as The Middle Kingdom that the rest of the world revolves around.
    Meanwhile, Russia has been working on making BRICS something more than a motley collection of America-hating dictatorships and turning into an effective military and economic bloc.
    So if anything, America is late to the game by showing up and demanding that its sphere of influence get on board with the team efforts.
    But yeah, blame Trump. It's all you know how to do.


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