Zohar (3: 197b) R. Abba here broke off to say: ‘I find rather surprising the words of the Scripture, “If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son... then shall his father and his mother lay hold of him”, etc. (Deut. XXI, 19), concerning which we have learnt that when God told Moses to write this, Moses said: Sovereign of the Universe, omit this; is there any father that would do so to his son? Now Moses saw in wisdom what God would later do to Israel, and therefore he said, Omit this. God, however, said to him, Write and receive thy reward; though thou knowest I know more; what thou seest I will attend to; examine the Scripture and thou wilt find. God then nodded to Yofiel, the teacher of the Law, who said to Moses, I will expound this verse: “When a man shall have”: this is the Holy One, blessed be He, who is called “a man of war”. “A son”: this is Israel. “Stubborn and rebellious”, as it is written, “For Israel hath behaved himself stubbornly like a stubborn heifer” (Hos. IV, 16). “Which will not obey the voice of his father nor the voice of his mother”: these are the Holy One, blessed be He, and the Community of Israel. “Though they chasten him”, as it says, “Yet the Lord testified unto Israel and unto Judah by the hand of every prophet” (2 Kings XVII, 13). “Then shall his father and mother take hold of him”, with one accord, “and bring him out unto the elders of his city and unto the gate of his place”: “the elders of his city” are the ancient and primeval Days.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
This 10-month old is among the children still held captive or missing in Gaza
At 10-months-old, Kfir Bibas has now spent more than a fifth of his young life in captivity, his doe-eyed face and bright red hair a vivid symbol of the pain and suffering endured by Israel’s hostage families.
More than 50 days since his abduction by Hamas militants from their home in southern Israel, Kfir’s family say they are no closer to knowing whether he is safe – or even alive.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Yad Moshe Hebrew
I was just informed that some stores are sold out in America
Im HaSefer sill has copies as does Shanky in Jerusalem
After Chanukah I will be reprinting again
the English version is available on Amazon
The Virulent Antisemite Who Influenced Henry Ford and Woodrow Wilson, and Brought the Worst Anti-Jewish Document to the US
Brasol remains a shadowy and little-known figure, his life cloaked in intrigue. He was a lawyer, a Lausanne University-trained criminologist, and a literary critic who penned books on Oscar Wilde and Fyodor Dostoevsky and who founded the Pushkin Society. But his greatest passion seemed to be Jew-baiting. He was the first to bring The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to widespread attention in the United States, and he influenced Henry Ford’s prolonged assault on the Jewish people through his Dearborn Independent newspaper. Among the 20th century’s most notorious antisemites, few played a greater role than Brasol in unleashing the conspiracy theories and myths that have plagued Jews for generations.
Jewish Professor's Suspension for Hamas Remarks Sparks Outrage
"Hamas are murderers," Strauss said. "That's all they are. Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are killed."
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Frum Drunkards
On the surface, they look like your regular frum wife and mother. But they’re carrying a secret: during a typical Shabbos seudah, their husband is sprawled out on the couch, drunk. Or maybe he's drinking too much at night. Or at simchahs. For so many, what started off as a few sips has begun spiraling toward addiction. How to spot — and stop — a drinking problem.
Friday, November 24, 2023
Trump keeps saying he’s been indicted more than Al Capone. It’s not true
Trump’s claim that Capone was indicted only one time is false. Capone was indicted at least six times, as A. Brad Schwartz, the co-author of a book on Capone, told CNN.
And that doesn’t include various criminal charges against Capone that did not involve an indictment, such as some misdemeanors, or obscure Capone cases for which CNN couldn’t immediately determine whether there was an indictment.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Far-right conspiracy theorists accused a 22-year-old Jewish man of being a neo-Nazi. Then Elon Musk got involved
Brody filed a defamation lawsuit last month against Musk, the owner of X, formerly known as Twitter. The suit seeks damages in excess of $1 million. Brody says he wants the billionaire to apologize and retract the false claims about him.
Brody’s lawyer—who is the same attorney who successfully sued conspiracy theorist Alex Jones over his lies about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre —said he hopes the suit will force one of the world’s richest and most powerful men to reckon with his careless and harmful online behavior.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Prime Minister Netanyahu: 'Any future administration in Gaza will not deny massacre'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement in response to Palestinian Authority Foreign Ministry's claims that Israel was behind the deaths of those massacred on October 7th
“Today, the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah said something utterly preposterous. It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the horrible massacre at the nature festival near Gaza. It actually accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. This is a complete reversal of truth," the Prime Minister opened.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
BBC apologizes after false claim IDF targeting medical staff, Arabic speakers in Gaza
The BBC was forced to apologize on Wednesday after one of its presenters said that Israel Defense Forces soldiers who had entered Shifa Hospital in Gaza “were targeting people including medical teams and Arab speakers.”
Citing a Reuters news report, the presenter twice reiterated that soldiers were targeting medical teams and Arab speakers.
In fact, the original Reuters report quoted an IDF statement that upon entering Gaza’s largest hospital — which Israel says houses a Hamas command center — specially trained forces were accompanied by “medical teams and Arabic-speaking soldiers [who] are on the ground to ensure that [medical] supplies reach those in need.”
Following a wave of criticism, the BBC apologized for the error on air.
Ben Soreh
The halacha of the rebellious son seems very strange. He is killed for what he possibly will do rather than what he actually did despite clear statement in Chazal that a person is only punished for what they actually did.
Furthermore Medrash Rabbah in the beginning of Shemos Rabbah has a long discussion of wayward children and just notes it was a result of poor chinuch but does not label them as rebellious sons
Does anyone claim that Yishmael or Esav were rebellious children?
Even Rav Hirsch says Esav's behaviour was the result of improper parenting
Candace Owens Spills the Beans on Her Beef With Ben Shapiro
Shapiro’s criticism of Owens seems to stem from a Nov. 3 tweet of hers in which she wrote that “No government anywhere has a right to commit a genocide, ever.” She added: “There is no justification for a genocide. I can’t believe this even needs to be said or is even considered the least bit controversial to state.”
Monday, November 13, 2023
'A terrible desecration of God's name' - Satmar Rebbe condemns anti-Israel protesters
The rebbe's speech, shared on social media, included pointed remarks, stating, "It's a terrible desecration of God's name to support murderers in the name of the holy Torah and God's name." He lambasted the group for lacking traditional values and boundaries and acting without Torah guidance.
Last week, members of the extreme sect visited Jenin and met with Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Fatah leaders. According to a post on social media covering the visit, the representatives of Neturei Karta said: "We want to live in co-existence and in peace, our Jewish brothers want it too. We wish to live peacefully together with equal rights, on the basis that we all stand firm against occupation."
Friday, November 10, 2023
Is COVID coming back? Health Ministry recommends masks
Ahead of the holidays and as a result of the increase in morbidity, the Ministry of Health recommends that if a person is in a high-risk group or wishes to reduce the risk of infection, use of a mask in closed places with many people is advised.
It is also recommended that a mask be used when meeting with people who are in high-risk groups.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Israel Has Trapped Senior Hamas Leader in a Bunker: Defense Minister
Israeli troops entered Gaza City in full force on Tuesday evening, according to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who said in a press conference that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were now operating deep inside the city.
He added that Hamas’ senior leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, is isolated in an underground bunker somewhere in the city and that Israeli forces had “cut off from his surroundings, his chain of command is weakening,” in the Palestinian militant group, according to Reuters.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
The world is turning against Israel’s war in Gaza – and many Israelis don’t understand why
“I used to consider myself part of the extreme liberals, whatever they call themselves. But when I see demonstrations with cries in support of Hamas and stuff like that, I doubt that the world understands complexity … and when they can’t understand complexity, they see this as a one-sided thing and their sense of justice is very simple. But it’s not simple,” he told CNN. “I think the governments understand this, but the people… I don’t know.”
Monday, November 6, 2023
Convicted sex offender Leifer’s son said to confess to committing indecent acts to a minor
The 18-year-old son of convicted Israeli sex offender Malka Leifer has reportedly confessed to committing indecent acts to a minor.
The Yisrael Hayom daily reports that Mr. Leifer — who lives in the ultra-Orthodox Emmanuel settlement where his mother resided for years as she evaded extradition to Australia where she faced dozens of charges for sex offenses — was arrested earlier this week and his remand was extended earlier today for the second time.
Police tell Yisrael Hayom that they have photographic evidence of the alleged abuse, which took place earlier this month.
Censoring reality
I am aware that there are those who oppose my blog because it is on the Internet
But it seems there are those who ban my book of selected posts because they don't want to hear there are problems in our community
There have been recently published letters to Mishpacha Magazine complaining that they don't want to hear about war and suffering or community problems but only inspirational uplifting topics
Suffering and misfortune are simply erased and denied existence. Just as we are told that our children should never be told no or fail at any task. All suffering is the result of faulty framing
פרסום ראשון: הבן של מלכה לייפר נעצר בחשד למעשים מגונים בקטין
בנה בן ה-18 המתגורר בעמנואל ולומד בישיבה באלעד נעצר בתחילת השבוע, לאחר שהוגשה תלונה נגדו על מעשים מגונים בקטין • הוא ניצל את תקופת המלחמה על מנת לבקש סיוע במזון מאחת המשפחות בעיר אלעד, הופיע בפתח ביתם כמה פעמים וביקש מזון • על פי החשד, באחת הפעמים הוא ביצע מעשים מגונים בילד המשפחה, חלקם תועדו
Friday, November 3, 2023
The BBC is under fire for its coverage of the Israel-Hamas war – rightly so
And then, of course, there is the continuing row over the BBC’s steadfast determination not to label Hamas as “terrorists.” Instead, the broadcaster initially decided to term those who murdered over 1,400 Israeli men, women and children as “militants.” As The Times newspaper succinctly put it: “The BBC is, in effect, cloaking the evils committed by Hamas in euphemism.”
When Leaders Fail: Healing From Rabbinic Scandal
We love the flash of brilliant insight, the devastating quip, the broad permanent smile, the warm embrace and the hero worship that characterize the person who possesses that elusive quality of charisma . . . . Yet, like all other seeming blessings, charisma carries within it seeds of self-destruction.
Published response to above article Jewish Action
“When Leaders Fail” is an article that fails. It is too late, cold and clinical and is filled with error.
The author states, “In some ways, this cynicism and loss of faith may be a greater tragedy than even the very real pain suffered by innocent victims (a pain that I certainly do not want to minimize in any way).” This is wrong. Child abuse kills. It damages the brain. MRIs and other diagnostic tools prove this. Victims have shortened lives.
The author writes, “There is an element of collective guilt in the fact that we as a community allowed these abuses to occur, did not respond to the problems that were brought to our attention, ignored them, swept them under the rug.” Wrong again. There is now a well-populated community of outspoken abuse survivors and advocates, whom the author neglects to thank and we do not bear this “collective guilt.”
The author writes, “There are, of course, laws of lashon hara, and I am not necessarily envisioning full public exposure in the media (though this happens anyway), but at least within the limited community of responsible leadership, those who were harmed must be able to speak.” Wrong again. The author first told us that leadership bears the blame, and now recommends that victims should consult only with this failed leadership. He writes this while reminding us, in the vaguest way, of hilchos lashon hara, planting the seeds of doubt that true negative information about a misbehaving rabbi should not be reported.
Finally, he states, “In the superheated atmosphere of the Internet, everyone is guilty until proven innocent and indeed quite often, is guilty even after being proven innocent. In this world of hyperbole, gossip, unsubstantiated rumors and personal vendettas, a casual reader might conclude that the rabbinate, and indeed the entire Torah community, has run amok, is utterly devoid of any semblance of morality and is nothing less than the modern incarnation of Sodom and Gomorrah. This does not reflect reality, and it is important that our children know this.” This sentence is not only wrong, it is an insult and smear upon every abuse survivor and advocate who taps words onto the Internet complaining about his or her abuse. Additionally, the implication that the survivors and advocates are guilty of many false accusations is an outright falsehood.
This article does not deserve the OU haskamah.
Elliot B. PasikLong Beach, New York
Rav Shmuel acknowledges the problematic nature of Tamar's remarriage without a get
Joseph Orlow replies to Eddie “Stealth? I told him my name. Deception? Aharon Friedman is my friend, the friend to which I refer. What's with the accusations anyway? Chutzpah? The calls were made under the guidance of my Rabbis.”
The specially convened Feinstein Bais Din was a sham.
The Bais Din was constituted for one, and only one, purpose: to issue a ruling for Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky. The Bais Din decided that Tamar Epstein is halachically married to Aharon Friedman.
After the court reached its conclusion, there was no communication between Rabbi Dovid Feinstein and Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky regarding Tamar Epstein separating from Adam Fleischer, the man she currently lives with.
The audio indicates that Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky acknowledges the Psak of the Bais Din. He stops there and does not take the next logical step to tell Tamar Epstein and Adam Fleischer to separate.
I would like to draw an analogy.
A man was concerned that he may have cheated one of his clients. This client never complained. Nevertheless the man asked a Bais Din to hear his case.
The Bais Din ruled the man indeed cheated the client. But the Bais Din did not order the man to compensate the client.
The man chortled to himself, "I was unsure before if I acted criminally. Now I am certain I acted criminally!" And he retains the ill gotten gains.
In our case, Rabbi Kamenetsky salvaged his reputation by characterizing the fiasco as a Machlokes HaPoskim. Tamar Epstein and Adam Fleischer engage in Ni'uf and Rabbi Kamenetsky washes his hands of the matter, while the Philadelphia Community Kollel collects the checks.
Rabbi Kamenetsky's statement that he is uninvolved is surreal, as any follower of the Daas Torah blog is aware. He was certainly intimately involved in every step of the case, including signing a letter bereft of Halachic basis demanding that Aharon Friedman is obligated to divorce Tamar Epstein.
Joe Orlow
latest on greenblatt kaminetsy heter for adultery from Joe Orlow
Tamar Epstein: What role did Rav Shmuel and Rav Sholom Kaminetsky play in the giving of the heter to remarry without a Get?
It is well known that the Kaminetskys have tried for years to obtain a Get for Tamar Epstein and free her from her marriage to Aharon Freedman. This includes:
2) Issuing a seruv against Aharon which calls for the public to pressure him into give a Get. Something which is not justified by halacha for ignoring a beis din when he and Tamar had agreed to use the Baltimore Beis Din. Finally a seruv doesn't require giving a Get even if it were legitimate - which it isn't.
3) I have testimony concerning a number of poskim who were approached by R Shalom Kaminetsy with a document which claimed that therapists found Aharon to be suffering from incurable personality disorders which made him impossible to live with. Included in that document was a request to pasken that the marriage was a mekach ta'os. He claimed that his father was agreed that the evidence was valid and was in agreement to ask for a psak of mekach ta'os.
4) Rabbi Shalom Kaminetsky - knowing that Tamar had not obtained a Get - has been reported as asking someone if they would be interested in a shidduch with her. When asked how she had been freed from marriage without a Get replied that if it were relevant to know the information would be supplied.
5) Rabbi Greenblatt who gave the heter said he relied on the evidence provided by the Kaminetsky's to justify marrying Tamar Epstein to her second husband without the first husband giving her a Get. He claimed that it was chutzpah to question the validity of what the Kaminetskys told him.
6) At no time has either R Kaminetsky objected to the heter being given.
House passes Israel aid bill despite Biden veto threat
To offset the cost of the aid to Israel, Republicans proposed cutting $14.3bn in funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which collects US taxes.
However, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said such cuts to IRS funding would result in less tax revenue, and increase the US deficit by nearly $12.5bn over the next decade.
"My Republican friends say they want to help Israel," said Democratic congressman Jim McGovern of Massachusetts.
"And so, what do they do? They condition the aid to Israel on essentially a tax break for millionaires and billionaires and corporations that cheat on their taxes."
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Tamar's Heter: Protecting Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky is more important than protecting the Torah

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Who is Patrick Dai, Cornell student accused of threatening Jewish peers?
The Cornell University student accused of making violent threats against his Jewish peers is a 21-year-old engineering student who suffers from such “severe depression” that his mother worried he was on the brink of suicide just moments before his arrest.
Watch: The segment of President Herzog's BBC interview which did not air
In omitted section of the interview, Herzog challenged the interviewer's assertion that Israel is not allowing enough aid into Gaza: I don't want to go into whether the BBC has been objective or not.
IDF takes command of Hamas military stronghold in Jabaliya in Gaza
Approximately 50 terrorists were eliminated by Israeli forces. Furthermore, Israeli fighter jets, under Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) intelligence, killed Ibrahim Biari, the commander of Hamas's Jabaliya battalion, and was one of the leaders of the October 7 massacre. Jabaliya is around four kilometers northeast of Gaza City.