Sunday, November 14, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse, American Vigilante

 Many people in Wisconsin expect the jury to determine that the D.A. overreached when he imposed the charge of intentional homicide. Yet Rittenhouse could still go to prison if jurors hold him accountable for the deaths. The Harvard law professor Noah Feldman recently wrote that, though Rittenhouse presumably will claim that he feared having his gun wrested away and used against him, it’s only “the presence of Rittenhouse’s own weapon” that gives him “the opportunity to claim that he was in fear of bodily harm.” Thomas told me that if Rittenhouse hadn’t concluded that it was his responsibility to venture, armed, into a “hot environment,” he “wouldn’t have been in harm’s way, and he certainly wouldn’t have hurt anyone else.”


  1. This is just plain nonsense. It is legal to carry weapons where all this went down. Kyle Rittenhouse had as much right to be there as anyone else -- maybe more, his father apparently lives in that area -- and he had the right to be armed. The third person he shot, a medic, was also armed and in fact pointed his gun on Kyle while advancing on him.

  2. And if that woman hadn't been walking down the street at 11 pm she'd never have been assaulted and raped. If she hadn't conclude that it was her right to venture out onto the street she "wouldn't have been in harm's way"

  3. Here's my shailoh
    The Chazon Ish apparently wrote that, during wartime, one is not allowed to extinguish the Shabbos lights at night in case the city is bombed. He raised a series of doubts
    1) Maybe the bombers won't come on Friday night
    2) Even if they do, maybe they'll be shot down first
    3) Even if they aren't, maybe they won't see the light
    4) Even if they see the light, maybe they'll miss.
    So because of 4 doubts, one doesn't extinguish the lights.
    And if makes me wonder: it's one thing if there's just one Jewish family in the city and everyone else turns out the lights. The bomber will probably not see a single house with light in the window and all will be fine. However, imagine an entire community of Jews, hundred or thousands of homes all with the lights on. Now imagine that the Gentile see this and have one of two reactions: (a) If they can keep the lights on, why not us? or (b) those f--king Jews are trying to attract the bombers! Wouldn't it then make sense that everyone extinguishes the lights?

  4. was he talking about in Israel?
    He is - apparently, adding safeik after safeik, to determine whether it is permitted to to be mechalel shabbos in this case.

    I wouldn't argue halacha with the CI. Maybe the metzius , but we live in a different era now, than we did back then.

    In any case, who would listen to him? Not the chilonim.

  5. Most people had shutters, curtains, or blackout paper on their windows.

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  7. Plus, we need to see exact teshuva and understand every single point.
    This is what rav Goren said, when he was sent by rav Herzog and many other gedolim who disagreed with the chazon ish on the international dateline. He said you cannot argue halacha with the CI, and need to understand exactly what he said - and then at best reach a compromise. On the dateline, he said he kept 1 1/2 days shabbat in Australia, to be covering both the CI position and the alternative proposed by the Jerusalem gedolim.

  8. Probably talking about Europe. There were no mass bombing runs from the Arabs in the 1948 war.

  9. I doubt it. Who would have asked him the question, British Jews? Or German?
    I doubt the English jews would have gone to the CI, and sadly the Germans had no communal life left, most had fled the country.


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