Friday, August 21, 2020

Trump accuses Democrats of 'trying to steal the election' with insistence on mail-in voting

'This is going to be the greatest scam in history,' president says. 'This will be the most fraudulent election in history.'

In an exclusive interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, President Trump argued Thursday that Democrats are "trying to steal the election" through their fervent support for and facilitation of mass mail-in balloting.

"They are talking about sending 51 million ballots out to anybody who, you know, nobody knows who is going to get them," the president said on "Hannity". "It's a horrible thing. It's a fraudulent election. Everybody knows it, you don't even have to know politics to know it.



1 comment :

  1. Back in the late 1990's, the government of Ontario decided to merge the six cities of Metropolitan Toronto into one big City of Toronto. Naturally all the mayors were outraged that there would now be only one mayor and that they were all going to lose their little fiefdoms. One city, Scarborough, decided to hold a referendum. They put the ballet in the Scarborough city newspaper, available free at newstands and corner stores. Citizens were asked to clip the ballot, fill it out and mail it in to Scarborough City Hall. They were also asked nicely to only vote once per person. Oddly enough, the vote was 90% against amalgamation. Naturally the provincial government ignored the whole thing as completely unreliable.
    Now, this is a country that, under Trump, we are told can do nothing right. What's more, for centuries (not decades), the US Postal Service has been ridiculed as being unreliable and inefficient. But SUDDENLY we are told that, in fact, the USPS is an amazing and effective service that is only limited by government lack-of-funding and that mail-in ballots won't be susceptible to fraud.
    It's like when they said that church services spread CoVID but BLM protests didn't. It's so stupid it doesn't even deserve a serious response.
    In conclusion, if you can go to the movies, the beach and the bar, you can go vote.


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