Friday, August 7, 2020

Did Floyd Protests Lead to a Virus Surge? Here’s What We Know


For more than two months, the authorities had been urging New Yorkers to stay indoors and keep their distance from others. But after the police killed George Floyd in Minneapolis, tens of thousands of New Yorkers poured into the streets, day and night, to protest police brutality and racism.

Epidemiologists braced for a surge of new coronavirus cases. But it has not come yet.

On May 27, the day before the protests began in New York City, some 754 Covid-19 cases were diagnosed, according to the city’s Department of Health. That was the last time the city recorded more than 700 cases on a single day.

 By the end of the first week of protests, the city was recording slightly more than 500 cases a day. By the end of the second week of protests, the case counts were in the low 400s or high 300s a day. They’ve continued to drop slightly. According to revised numbers the city released on Wednesday, the last time New York City recorded more than 300 cases was on June 23.

“We’ve been looking very closely at the number of positive cases every day to see if there is an uptick in the context of the protests,” Ted Long, executive director of the city’s contact tracing program, said. “We have not seen that.”


  1. This is why people believe Trump when he claims "fake news". I could've told you from the first day of the protests that the official line would be "Miracle of miracles! BLM protests don't spread CoVID!" Because reporting they did would create a moral crisis for liberals - how can you support protests but demand everyone else avoid mass gatherings? So instead, we get this lie: if you go to a Belzer wedding you are potentially spreading CoVID but if you go to a BLM protest you're not.

  2. and you know this because of your ruach hakodesh

  3. “Did Floyd Protests Lead to a Virus Surge?” Sorry not reading/watching your NYT posts. See
    Protesters: 'Supreme Court is burying Zionism'
    Activists hold protest in Tel Aviv, demand resignation of Supreme Court chief Esther Hayut. Dozens of activists from the South Tel Aviv Liberation Front, led by activist Sheffi Paz and the right-wing Im Tirtzu movement, protested Saturday night opposite the home of Supreme Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut, who lives in north Tel Aviv. The activists wrote in chalk, "Esther is killing us," "Esther Hayut is burying Zionism," "Enough with the dictatorship," "Shame!" "The Supreme Court is responsible for a civil war," "Esther must resign," and "Stop inventing cases!" Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, said, "Supreme Court justices are openly acting as a political body, attempting to create Israel's policies in the place of its elected officials. The judges' approach is that Israel's laws, including its Basic Laws, are material which they can form into what they want, instead of a framework which they must respect, preserve, and rule according to."

    Wow, finally, good attacks on the Supreme Court chief Esther Hayut. She fights dirty in pushing her Left political agenda.

  4. Are we not called bnei Neviim?

  5. meaning we all have ruach hakodesh?

  6. that is what the Rabbis say - we are no neviim, but sons of neviim. What it means? Please help us on that.

  7. It means collectively we assume a common minhag has a basis because the Jewish people has a special sensitivity. It was never understood that each Jew has the power of prophecy or ruach hakodesh

    Pesachim (66a)Passover, R. Akiba holds that the haza'ah must not be performed, though the man is thereby prevented from joining in the Passover sacrifice. did not know whether the Passover overrides the Sabbath or not. Said they, ‘Is there any man who knows whether the Passover overrides the Sabbath or not?’ They were told, ‘There is a certain man who has come up from Babylonia, Hillel the Babylonian by name, who served7 the two greatest men of the time,8 and he knows whether the Passover overrides the Sabbath or not [Thereupon] they summoned him [and] said to him, ‘Do you know whether the Passover overrides the Sabbath or not?’ ‘Have we then [only] one Passover during the year which overrides the Sabbath?’ replied he to them, ‘Surely we have many more than two hundred Passovers during the year which override the Sabbath!9 Said they to him, ‘How do you know it?’10 He answered them, ‘In its appointed time’ is stated in connection with the Passover, and ‘In its appointed time’11 is stated in connection with the tamid; just as ‘Its appointed time’ which is said in connection with the tamid overrides the Sabbath, so ‘Its appointed time’ which is said in connection with the Passover overrides the Sabbath. Moreover, it follows a minori, if the tamid, [the omission of] which is not punished by kareth, overrides the Sabbath, then the Passover,[neglect of] which is punished by kareth,12 is it not logical that it overrides the Sabbath! They immediately set him at their head and appointed him Nasi [Patriarch] over them,13 and he was sitting and lecturing the whole day on the laws of Passover. He began rebuking them with words. Said he to them, ‘What caused it for you that I should come up from Babylonia to be a Nasi over you? It was your indolence, because you did not serve the two greatest men of the time, Shemaiah and Abtalyon.’ Said they to him, ‘Master, what if a man forgot and did not bring a knife on the eve of the Sabbath?’ ‘I have heard this law,’ he answered, ‘but have forgotten it. But leave it to Israel: if they are not prophets, yet they are the children of prophets!’ On the morrow, he whose Passover was a lamb stuck it [the knife] in its wool; he whose Passover was a goat stuck it between its horns. He saw the incident and recollected the halachah and said, ‘Thus have I received the tradition from the mouth[s] of Shemaiah and Abtalyon.’


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