Monday, July 6, 2020

Haredi rabbi warns: 'Yeshiva students may be on the streets'

Rabbi Yitzhak Koldetzki, the son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, called for a gathering of supplications and prayer in order to prevent the further deterioration of those who spend their days in yeshivas, Kikar Hashabbat reported.
Due to closures caused by the coronavirus outbreak, yeshiva students - like other students - have spent only minimal time in their yeshiva settings over the past few months. As a result, parents and educators are struggling in the face of a reality in which the spiritual level of their students has radically declined, in some cases to a "critical level."

Kikar Hashabbat quoted Rabbi Koldetzki as telling a small number of people that "the situation in general is much lighter, and there are less seriously ill [people]."
He added that "unfortunately there are certain young men who do not live in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem, who have not come to yeshiva. We are concerned that young men, a very large number of them, have not returned and have fallen into the streets. This is a life-threatening situation, when they do not come to the yeshivas."
"What the Zionists have not managed to do in 70 years, in these trials we have lost young men. We must pray that they are all healthy," he mourned, calling for special prayers until the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul.


  1. This shows the danger of mindless routine.
    In today's era of books easily being available and affordable, there's no reason the real shteiger can't sit at home and learn all day long. If he was allowed to have the internet, he could have live chavrusa sessions and shiurim. But he was painted into a corner - this is the only way to learn! - and now he's stuck.

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 6, 2020 at 7:40 PM

    "Zionists".... what a complete fool!

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 6, 2020 at 8:05 PM

    This shows the mindless danger of rabbi Kojak, who sees "Zionism" as the biggest threat to Judaism. He's presumably of the Samar influence, or some other equally ridiculous sect.

  4. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 7, 2020 at 1:07 PM

    That so many Jewish lives were saved from murder and persecution, and returned to the promised land, and are free from shibbud malchiut - yes.

  5. And how much money is given to them to sit and study without expecting any service in return.

  6. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 9, 2020 at 5:57 PM

    Actually, i am retracting my support for certain sectors og State apparatus. The police have become a fascist force, beating up old ladies because the mask doesnt cover the nose.
    Its nothing to do with Herzl or zionism. It is people who are not educated in zionism at all who do this.

  7. Suit yourself

  8. they sometimes make it sound like they preferred the Tzar, the pogroms, cossacks, Kielmnecki, the pale of settlement, rather than living in EY , having government support yeshivas, much shorter conscriptions in the army than in Russia, and the avaialbilty of glatt kosher kitchens in the army, if they ever serve.


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