Friday, October 25, 2019

Despite Twists, President Donald Trump Saga Actually Just One, Big Scandal | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Why talk about trump 24/7

  2. Sorry not reading/viewing your posts. More on בראשית.
    “This is the record of Adam’s line זה ספר תולדת אדם.—When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God; male and female He created them. And when they were created, He blessed them and called them Man.— When Adam had lived 800 years, he begot a son in his likeness after his image, and he named him Seth. After the birth of Seth, Adam lived 800 years and begot sons and daughters. All the days that Adam lived came to 930 years; then he died." (Genesis 5:1-5).
    Hertz Chumash p. 16: “this is the book. Heb. Sefer does not always mean a volume; it may be used of any written document. Rabbinic tradition states the Torah is not one continuous work, written at one definite moment ’The Torah was given to Moses in separate scrolls’ (תורה מגילה מגילה נתנה). The formula, ‘These are the generations,’ which occurs ten times in Genesis, each time beginning a new section, would mark the beginning of such scroll or ‘book’.”
    “Then I said, See, I will bring a scroll recounting what befell me.” (Psalms 40:8).
    תהלים פרק מ פסוק ח
    אָז אָמַרְתִּי הִנֵּה בָאתִי בִּמְגִלַּת סֵפֶר כָּתוּב עָלָי:
    מלבי"ם תהלים פרק מ פסוק ח
    אז אמרתי, ר"ל אז אם לא היית מצוה על הקרבנות בספר התורה, הייתי אומר הנה באתי במגלת ספר כתוב עלי, ר"ל אז הגם שלא הייתי מוצא חיוב זה מהבאת הקרבנות בספר התורה, הייתי מוצא חיוב זה כתוב בספר אחר שהוא הספר הכתוב על לוח לבי, והייתי בא להקריב הקרבן ע"י מגלת ספר אשר הוא כתוב עלי בעצמי, היינו שהייתי מוצא חיוב זה מצד שכלי ומצד רגשת נפשי, שהשכל וטבע האדם מחייב אותי להשיב תודה למטיבי ושאודה לה' חסדו ולזבח זבחי תודה על טובותיו וחסדיו:
    The Malbim says that David says here that if not that God commanded sacrifices in His Torah, David would know to bring sacrifices from his own mind and emotion, from the Torah written on the tablet of his heart [see משלי ג' ג'] to thank God for His kindness and mercy.
    משלי פרק ג פסוק ג
    חֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת אַל יַעַזְבֻךָ קָשְׁרֵם עַל גַּרְגְּרוֹתֶיךָ כָּתְבֵם עַל לוּחַ לִבֶּךָ:
    Didn’t Cain and Abel bring sacrifices to God? “In the course of time, Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the soil; and Abel, for his part, brought the choicest of the firstlings of his flock. The Lord paid heed to Abel and his offering” (Genesis 4:3-4).

  3. It may stick. But the economy is good. So the Dems have nothing to sell other than the fact that they are not Donald Trump.

  4. you are right all the democrats have are clear facts
    republicans have the swamp

  5. Clear facts? How do you know? The Dems are acting in secrecy! Do you have something the Republicans in Congress don't? I'm sure the minority members of the House would appreciate it if you share it with them. Cong. Schiff sure isn't sharing everything.

  6. secrecy there are republicans who actively participate including many who recently demonstrated

    the republicans made those rules
    but I see you religiously accept and follow trump's talking points


  8. “Despite Twists, President Donald Trump Saga”
    The times these are the generations תולדת in the Bible.
    בראשית 2:4 5:1
    נח 6:9 10:1 11:10 11:27
    וישלח 36:1 36:9
    תולדות 25:19
    וישב 37:2
    במדבר 3:1
    רות 4:18
    I count 12. Starting from: “Such is the story תולדות of heaven and earth when they were created.” (Genesis 2:4).
    Stories, the Bible is filled with stories. “And this shall serve you as a sign on your hand and as a reminder on your forehead [lit. between your eyes] —in order that the Teaching תורת of the Lord may be in your mouth—that with a mighty hand the Lord freed you from Egypt. (Exodus 13:9). Yes God created heaven and earth. Yes God freed us from Egypt. Moses’ final words: “he said to them: Take to heart שימו לבבכם all the words הדברים with which I have warned מעיד you this day. Enjoin them upon your children, that they may observe faithfully לשמר לעשות all the terms דברי of this Teaching התורה הזאת. For this is not a trifling thing for you: it is your very life; through it you shall long endure on the land that you are to possess upon crossing the Jordan.” (Deuteronomy 32:46-47).
    What about our own stories? Keeps changing, see
    I love/support Trump and Netanyahu.

  9. It's not the secrecy I'm complaining about. It's the leaks and control of what is released which certainly don't add up to "clear facts."

    I also reviewed the above posted video. The only thing missing was the mouth foaming. Does that innuendo filled rant really pass muster for clear facts?

  10. Trust Rachel Maddow. She has the smoking gun! Oh wait...

  11. You religiously accept and follow the Democrat party's (and its Never Trumper tag-alongs') talking points. (The mainstream media helps spread these talking points to people like you as they parrot them religiously and repeatedly on CNN and other programs)

  12. that is your best defense of trump's fight against impeachment?!

    How about truth and facts?

  13. So are you admitting that your comment to Joseph Orlow, which I replied to in the exact style that you used, was not truthful or fact-based? If so, I would call that progress.
    "but I see you religiously accept and follow trump's talking points."



  16. “Despite Twists, President Donald Trump Saga”
    Here’s a relevant Gamara:
    Gittin 74a
    “Mishnah. [If a man says], this is your get on condition that you give me two hundred zuz, she is divorced thereby and she has to give [him the money]. [If he says], on condition that you give [it] me within thirty days from now, if she gives him within thirty days she is divorced, but if not she is not divorced. Rabban Simeon B. Gamaliel said: it happened in Sidon that a man said to his wife, this is your get on condition that you give me [back] my robe, and his robe was lost, and the Sages said that she should give him its value in money.”
    Trump implied that the USA will give Ukraine the money on condition Ukraine calls an investigation into Biden’s son. A sort of hopeless request. There are many Ukraine officials pocketing money for no show work, as did Biden’s son. I say that Trump was thinking of getting Ukraine to be a bit better on corruption, very difficult in Ukraine. Looks what’s happening in South America. See
    “Yet no one expects Argentina’s center-right, if it loses, to go rampaging through the streets, burning cars, stealing, blocking roads and destroying public transportation. That kind of politics is the specialty of the left. It has been on display this month in Chile, where left-wing terrorists savaged Santiago and cities around the country with violence.”
    I suspect that California’s forest fires are arson by some rampaging Left. Israel did catch arsonists.
    Trump did transfer the money to the Ukraine and the Ukraine did not announce an investigation into Biden. This is like in the Mishnah the man in Sidon married the women on condition that she gives back a robe of his. She lost the robe. The Sages ruled that she owes the money for the robe. Yes, Ukraine owes Trump to investigate Biden’s son. The rule is that in divorces and marriages with a condition, quid pro quo, the divorce and the marriage is consummated. “she is divorced thereby and she has to give [him the money].” Beautiful. Ukraine has to investigate Biden. We love Trump and Netanyahu. Oh, see
    “Meanwhile, just 3% of Israelis back Women of the Wall, and just 7% support official recognition of non-Orthodox streams of Judaism.”


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