Saturday, December 15, 2018

אויבי איש אנשי ביתו


  1. “אויבי איש אנשי ביתו” Sotah 49b
    “In the footsteps of the messiah [just before his advent] insolence will increase and honor dwindle [Jast. renders; the nobility shall be oppressed. In Sanh. 97a there is a variant: honour will be perverted; or, according to Jast. the nobility will pervert (justice)]; the vine will yield its fruit [abundantly] but wine will be dear [through the spread of drunkenness.]; the government will turn to heresy [these words are omitted in the Talmud ed. of the Mishnah. The meaning is: The Roman Empire will go over to Christianity.] and there will be none [to offer them] reproof; the meeting-place [of scholars] will be used for immorality; galilee will be destroyed, gablan [Perhaps Gebal of Ps. LXXXIII, 8, i.e., the Northern part of Mount Seir. Others: Gaulan, E. of the Sea of Galilee and the Upper Jordan.] desolated, and the dwellers on the frontier will go about [begging] from place to place without anyone to take pity on them; the wisdom of the learned [lit., scribes] will degenerate, fearers of sin will be despised, and the truth will be lacking; youths will put old men to shame, the old will stand up in the presence of the young, a son will revile his father, a daughter will rise against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man's enemies will be the members of his household [“For son spurns father, Daughter rises up against mother, Daughter-in-law against mother-in-law—A man’s own household Are his enemies.”(Micah 7:6)]; the face of the generation will be like the face of a dog [Impervious to shame], a son will not feel ashamed before his father. so upon whom is it for us to rely? upon Our Father who is in Heaven.”
    מיכה פרק ז' ו'
    כִּי בֵן מְנַבֵּל אָב בַּת קָמָה בְאִמָּהּ כַּלָּה בַּחֲמֹתָהּ אֹיְבֵי אִישׁ אַנְשֵׁי בֵיתוֹ:
    מלבי"ם מיכה ז' ו'
    קמה באמה. הקם על חברו נקשר במלת על, ואם אחריו ב' קם להעיד נגדו עדות שקר, כמו כי קמו בי עדי שקר, ויקם בי כחשי, כי יקום עד חמס באיש:
    “If a man appears against another to testify maliciously and gives false testimony against him” (Deuteronomy 19:16).
    I apply this to the fake/phony PhD psychology letter that Aran is insane behind the heter of Rabbi Kamenetsky… Follow, Eddie, Berel, Yehoshua…?

  2. Where is this available?

  3. Torah thought on ויחי
    “So shall you say to Joseph, Forgive, I urge you, the offense and guilt of your brothers who treated you so harshly. Therefore, please forgive the offense of the servants of the God of your father. And Joseph was in tears as they spoke to him בדברם אליו. His brothers went to him themselves, flung themselves before him, and said, We are prepared to be your slaves. But Joseph said to them, Have no fear! Am I a substitute for God? Besides, although you intended me harm, God intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result—the survival of many people. And so, fear not. I will sustain you and your children. Thus he reassured them, speaking kindly to them. (Genesis 50:17-21).
    The brothers spoke roughly to Joseph בדברם אליו. Joseph did not say I forgive. Rather, he said “fear not. I will sustain you and your children.” I heard that because Joseph did not say I forgive, the wicked ruler of the Roman Empire, killed the 10.. One must say (and mean it) I forgive when a fellow asks for forgiveness (and means it).
    Here’s more on Micah:
    “The pious are vanished from the land, None upright are left among men; All lie in wait to commit crimes, One traps the other in his net. They are eager to do evil: The magistrate makes demands, And the judge [judges] for a fee; The rich man makes his crooked plea, And they grant it. The best of them is like a prickly shrub; The [most] upright, worse than a barrier of thorns. On the day you waited for, your doom has come—Now their confusion shall come to pass. Trust no friend, Rely on no intimate; Be guarded in speech With her who lies in your bosom. For son spurns father, Daughter rises up against mother, Daughter-in-law against mother-in-law— A man’s own household Are his enemies איבי איש אנשי ביתו." (Micah 7:2-6). Follow Yehoshua, Eddie, Berel...?

  4. the email address is invalid.

  5. Do you have a copy of it?

  6. The Gius Hotline For Bnei Yeshiva : 646 585 3084

    Updated daily

    Find out whats Realy happening !
    InterviewS ...Etc.

  7. Address not found

    Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

  8. The Gius Hotline For Bnei Yeshiva : 646 585 3084

    Updated daily

    Find out whats realy happening !
    Interviews ...Etc.

  9. Sorry, I don't see any link.

  10. there is a link but apparently doesnt work send me an email adress

  11. just embedded it with Scibd in post

  12. Who is behind the publication of this? is it from the Auerbach camp?
    In any case, there is a saying that power corrupts, whilst absolute power corrupts absolutely. there were problems with previous leaders, who were controlled by their gabbaim. The cases against the 2 Nossons - Slifkin and Kamenetsky are good examples.
    The problem is that hareidi Judaism has adopted the Pope model, and just like the Popes were utterly corrupt powerhouses, this problem can and does creep into hareidi and orthodox Judaism too, eg the Modern orthodox Barry Freundel. Even Tropper was par of this modern Borgia clan for a while. Also, "Gedolim" do not retire, so they can be gedolim even when they might be seriously ill, as Rav Shach was for the last decade of his life. In which case, the gabbaim want to hold on to power and they fabricate the statements that they make.
    I had a heretical thought (which is very rare) recently - how do we know that a famous Rabbi - and this can be anyone - is really a tzaddik, when in fact they may be motivated by their own ego? In the past it was a case of when they go over to Christianity or sabbateanism, but what about those who remain within the frum world and indulge in bad deeds (eg Scheinberg, berland, Elon etc.). And what if that is the tip of the iceberg?

  13. More on ויחי
    This is the source that Joseph did not forgive and so died the 10...
    רבינו בחיי בראשית נ' י"ז
    מכל מקום לא ראינו שיזכיר הכתוב מחילה ביוסף ולא שיודה להם שישא פשעם וחטאתם, ואם כן מתו בענשם בלא מחילת יוסף ואי אפשר להתכפר עוונם רק במחילתו, ועל כן הוצרך העונש להיותו כמוס וחתום להפקד אחר זמן בענין עשרה הרוגי מלכות.
    Yoma 85b
    For transgressions as between man and the omnipresent the day of atonement procures atonement, but for transgressions as between man and his fellow the day of atonement does not procure any atonement, until he has pacified his fellow. This was expounded by R. Eleazar B. Alariah: “For on this day atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you of all your sins; you shall be clean before the Lord” (Leviticus 16:30). I.e., for transgressions as between man and the omnipresent the day of atonement procures atonement, but for transgressions as between man and his fellow the day of atonement does not procure atonement until he has pacified his fellow [The verse is thus taken to mean From all your sins before the Lord, (as between man and his Creator) will the Day the Atonement procure you forgiveness; but not for those which are committed not before the Lord, and before man, viz., sins committed against our fellow-man.]
    When one asks forgiveness from a neighbor, the neighbor is in danger if he/she doesn’t forgive. Measure for measure, forwards and backwards reads the same! אנא שא נא in Genesis 50:17
    Baba Kama 92a
    “Mishnah. Even though the offender pays him [compensation], the offence is not forgiven until he asks him for pardon, as it says: “Therefore, restore the man’s wife—since he is a prophet, he will intercede for you—to save your life. If you fail to restore her, know that you shall die, you and all that are yours.” (Genesis 20:7) whence can we learn that should the injured person not forgive him he would be cruel? from the words: “Abraham then prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his slave girls, so that they bore children; so Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech” (Ib. 17).”
    Interesting, in the midrash with the death of Jacob, the famine returned...

  14. Sorry, this pamphlet is mostly junk. The only point worth considering is the letter of Rav Adas at the beginning. A grandson commented on how he was eating... was it one of the grandsons involved in decision making? His family helped him compose the text of a letter. So what.
    Most of the pamphlet is a huge complaint that Rav Chaim can't stand Eitz. He doesn't and its his right. The whole pamphlet isn't worth a pile of beans.

  15. His grandsons are controlling the show. And they are nobodies, just making use of their name.

  16. It has been recognised by the haredi community since the passing of Rav Steinman in December 2017, that Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Gershon Edelstein are the leaders of the haredi community.

    From Wikidaas

  17. Im sorry to announce that a former yeshiva bochur who was forced against his will to join the Israeli Army

    he was originally even jailed for not joining the military but was forced to become a Nachal Charedi Soldier and to join the IDF

    has been killed ... a young life ...and his levayah happened yesterday in Jerusalem!

    I guess if a bocher doesn't learn well Nachal Charedi is waiting !

    Nebach Thank you Vaad Hayishivois !!!!

  18. for info call The Gius Hotline For Bnei Yeshiva :
    English line 646 585 3084
    Hebrew line 646 585 2941
    Yiddish line 646 585 2957

  19. Source for your information about "Yossi"?
    You see, it's interesting that "Yossie Cohen" seems to have a different persona then that you paint him as.
    According to the article, Yossi enlisted for the IDF in against the desire of his family, and his family even sat "shiva" on him after the enlistment. Why would his family sit "shiva" for him, if was drafted against his will?
    According to this article,
    his family did NOT sit "shiva" for him, but were pretty cool about his enlistment. His mother is quoted as saying, "[His adoptive] father just set up a yeshiva high school ("tichonit"), and it's "lechatchila" by him that every boy should choose if and and where to enlist - the main thing is to contribute as much as possible to the state."
    So we have two different versions of the story about Yossi.
    NEITHER of them support your version of the story.

  20. It is very sad, but let's just analyse what you are saying -

    a) if any other jews get killed then it's too bad but you don't care
    b) if any other jews get killed then it is because of their sins or just pre-ordained, so no need to worry
    c) In this case, because he was a yeshiva bochur/chareidi, then it was all preventable, had he only been protesting a bit more then this could have been prevented.

    In any case, the protests by Hareidim were not about the physical risk to life, but the spiritual risk, ie people becoming less frum in that terrible environment. Since you consider that a fate worse than death, then you can say that in this case he did not become a meshumad, so you do not have to mourn too much, or shed too many crocodile tears.

  21. More on Torah thought ויחי.
    בראשית רבה (וילנא) פרשת וישלח ע"ט א'
    אמר ר' יודן לא נפטר אבינו יעקב מן העולם עד שראה ששים ריבוא מבני בניו, (שם /איוב ה'/) תבא בכלח אלי קבר כעלות גדיש בעתו, ר' יצחק ורבנן, ר' יצחק אמר תבא לח אלי קבר, ורבנן אמרי תבא בכולא אלי קבר.
    Midrash Rabbah - Genesis 69:1 says that Job 5 talks of Jacob personally. In the midrash Job was born exactly when Jacob came to Egypt...
    “See how happy is the man whom God reproves; Do not reject the discipline of the Almighty. He injures, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands heal. He will deliver you from six troubles; In seven no harm will reach you: In famine He will redeem you from death, In war, from the sword. You will be sheltered from the scourging tongue; You will have no fear when violence comes. You will laugh at violence and starvation, And have no fear of wild beasts. For you will have a pact with the rocks in the field, And the beasts of the field will be your allies. You will know that all is well in your tent; When you visit your wife [lit. home] you will never fail. You will see that your offspring are many וידעת כי רב זרעך, Your descendants like the grass of the earth. You will come to the grave in a ripe old age תבוא בכלח אלי קבר, As shocks of grain are taken away in their season כעלות גדיש בעתו. See, we have inquired into this and it is so; Hear it and accept it.” (Job 5:17-27).
    The Baal Haturim says that וידעת כי רב זרעך the numerical value of כי is 30 and רב refers to the 60 myriads, רבבה. Two opinions: 1) Jacob saw 30 myriads and 2) Jacob saw all 60 myriads. Wow wow!
    In the midrash when Jacob died the famine resumed. The Egyptians immediately related differently to the Hebrews. Rashi Genesis 47:28 “Jacob lived. Why is this passage closed? Because once our forefather, Jacob passed away, the eyes and ears of Israel were closed because of the suffering of the enslavement for the [Egyptians] began to enslave them.”
    The brothers themselves begged Joseph for forgiveness: “His brothers went to him themselves, flung themselves before him, and said, We are prepared to be your slaves.” (Genesis 50:18).

  22. Did he forgive them?

  23. Kalonymus Anonymus says “Did he forgive them?” Yehoshua says “Not in my chumash.”
    No. You guys like to smear, bad mouth, terrible...
    More on ויחי
    Jacob had such troubles: Esau (trying to kill him), Laban (also trying to kill him), the Rape of Dinah, the selling of Joseph, and the famine...these were all of God’s Providence, shepherding Jacob, as it were.
    “And he blessed Joseph, saying, The God in whose ways my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, The God who has been my shepherd from my birth to this day” (Genesis 48:15).
    The Malbim explain chapter 5 of Job, words of Eliphaz the Temanite, whom Rashi says is the son of Esau: לא כן היסורים ההשגחיים הם אך טוב וחסד.
    G-d punishes the bad, eg “Who thwarts the designs of the crafty, So that their hands cannot gain success;” (Job 5:12). For the good, like Jacob “See how happy is the man whom God reproves; Do not reject the discipline of the Almighty. He injures, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands heal. He will deliver you from six troubles; In seven no harm will reach you: In famine He will redeem you from death, In war, from the sword.” (Job5:17-20).

    בראשית נ' כ"א
    וְעַתָּה אַל תִּירָאוּ אָנֹכִי אֲכַלְכֵּל אֶתְכֶם וְאֶת טַפְּכֶם וַיְנַחֵם אוֹתָם וַיְדַבֵּר עַל לִבָּם:
    תורת משה בראשית פרק נ פסוק כא
    יל"ד למה יראו עוד אחר שכבר פייסם במה שאמר אלקים חשבה לטובה וגו'. ועוד מאי אכלכל אתכם משמע מעט לחם לפי הטף וחז"ל (תוספתא סוטה פ"י ה"ג) למדו מכאן שחזר הרעב למקומו,
    The famine returned when Jacob died. Famine! Impossible to go to Israel. Must stay in Egypt... We always turn to G-d to save us. G-d sends famine etc for our good. We pray for the complete redemption, speedily in our times. Maybe these terror tunnels and terror actions against us---will lead to the redemption. Follow, Eddie and Yehoshua? We should not be faulting our saintly forefathers...

  24. who is badmouthing them? I asked a question to just clarify the conclusion of your analysis. Still not clear to me.

  25. Thanks Kalonymus Anonymus says “Did he forgive them?” Yehoshua says “Not in my chumash.”
    To clarify my analysis. The rabbinic view, all agree, that the Jews were in Egypt 210 years from Jacob at his age 130 until Moses at his age 80. The midrash has the worst part with Miriam’s birth, Moses’ older sister by 6 years. We can say first years 0-17 fabulous years till Jacob’s death. Then famine returns and Jews have to pay tax but have Joseph to feed everyone, years 18-about 71 when Joseph dies at age 110. Still ok for the Jews until Levi dies at age 137 (Genesis 6:6), years about 72-108 since Levi was about 10-12 years older than Joseph. Years about 109 until Miriam’s birth about 124 were awful years of slavery. Pharaoh started murdering babies at Moses’ birth---an act of war.
    This is all G-d’s Providence. This is my analysis. Our enemies today building terror tunnels is an act of war.

  26. Gius Hotline For Bnei Yeshiva :
    English line 646 585 3084
    Hebrew line 646 585 2941
    Yiddish line 646 585 2957


  28. call the gius lines for the true story and the details of the dead true father of this yosom

    The real father was a DR and Tzadik Ovid hashem who had two waiting rooms for patients for separate Men and woman!

    The stepfather in spite of his side locks is extreme Zionist as can be heard on all the interview ,he was in the position to manipulate this young boy to lose his status as yeshiva bochur and did so !
    and the boy was then forced into the army the boy refused and was jailed and again jailed for a year and finally broken he went to nachal charedi and was now just murdered Hasem yirachem!

  29. murdered by your Arab friends, whom you support in your true rodeif nature. You and your friends in Satmar and NK who support the Palestinain struggles are the true Rodfei Yisroel.

  30. Mentioning the righteousness of his dead father, is totally irrelevant to the discussion.

    By the time this young man was murdered, he was NOT a "yeshiva bachur", in any conventional sense of the phrase. He had bechira, and seemed quite proud of his way of life. May his neshama have an aliya. HY"D.

  31. I Guess Rb Chaim Brisker is a rodef?

  32. Can you read?
    'and the boy was then forced into the army the boy refused and was
    jailed and again jailed for a year and finally broken he went to
    nachal charedi and was now just murdered Hasem yirachem!'

  33. B"H I can read very well.
    The problem is, that just because it's "written" doesn't make it true...

    You also conveniently forgot to respond about how if your dear "friends" would have met him the day before his murder, they would have attacked him, called him a "chardak", and other "complimentary" names etc.

  34. he was not in Israel and did not support arab terror groups.

  35. 1Gius Hotline For Bnei Yeshiva :
    English line 646 585 3084
    Hebrew line 646 585 2941
    Yiddish line 646 585 2957

  36. No I didnt forget !
    Here is the truth!
    The very valid reasoning behind the very successful "Chardak " campaign in EY
    Is that the army leads to shmad especially for chredim that didnt make it in yeshiva ,So in order to discourage any copycats and prevent expansion of this into our communities we must unfortunately do this to those that joined zahal .
    Gius banim is shmad

  37. You are totally nuts. Shmad, . That you must attack them ...
    Then you mourn if they are killed by terrorists.
    Real sicko.

  38. If in your book, "gius banim" is "shmad", my question is, what are you doing to be מקרב these "תינוקות שנשבו"?

  39. You don't know what shmad is. Shmad is a foreign ruler who wants to prevent Jews from keeping Judaism or to convert them by the sword e.g. to Islam, spanish inquisition etc.
    The army is a national organization acting in self defence of the Jewish state. Btw, Hashmadah means genocide, like what took place in europe, and what is planned by Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. The army is the opposing force and it wishes to prevent hashmadah.
    The israeli army has its own Rabbanut, has kosher kitchens, minyanim, etc. it even has Hesder yeshivot - which can hardly be called "shmad". Rav Shach was not fan of Hesder, but his "criticism" was only that it was not full time yeshiva. In fact rav Shach said that someone who is in yeshiva but isn't learning is akin to a thief - and should leave and get a job or go to the army.
    Shmad is what will happen if Iran and Hezbollah succeed to invade Israel, chas v shalom - which you seem to be supporting.

  40. We welcome them with genuine love and open arms .
    But we insist that they respectfully not wear the offensive priestly Garb (IDF ungodly )when strolling through our frum areas .Uniform
    State of Israel
    75,000 men and women have been killed of maimed since the creation of the state
    Far Far more then in any other country worldwide and even more than in all combined !
    I'm waiting for hashems real moshiach

  41. I just love how you throw around "facts" and "statistics".

    I'm also waiting for the real Moshiach.

    Words are cheap.

    Give us 1-3 examples of what you are/were doing to be מקרב these "תינוקות שנשבו"?

    Also, being that today is December 25, what have you done to combat those promulgating false messiahs?

  42. What? He should just be in Yeshiva where he belongs and wants to be. not Dead!

  43. I go on this board an missionize!
    to save their lost souls and shoe them the the obvious l truth. 'the 100 monkeys 'one at a time!

  44. What I am doing the best place in the world for real lasting kiruv including the kosel is Meah Shearim!
    Yes the anti Zionist meah shearim made the most balli Tshuvois then any kook hesder Gush whatever!

    Army Nachal or even Chabad!

  45. rinse out that uncouth talk


  47. You claim to "welcome them with genuine love and open arms".
    I challenged you to give 1-3 examples.
    You have given none.
    So I see your claim as as cheap empty words.
    You and your friends did NOTHING to be מקרב Yossie Cohen HY"D. You just cursed him for wearing his green pajamas, which by he was required by law to do so. But cynically, you have no problem exploiting his murder for your propaganda purposes.

  48. how many killed in the previous 70 years? Or can't you count in millions?

  49. you ignore the satmar rebbe and go to the Kotel?

  50. you are perverted - 100 monkeys?

  51. You are delusional.

  52. one track mind! google it

  53. what makes you think so?

  54. When we talk hashems truth here & now that itself brings the Chilonim to have pure kosher reflective thoughts! and they end up changed for the better.

  55. Do you know how many balei teshuvah became open to return through a genuine visit to a home in meah shearim? ask any one in kiruv

  56. They might like the quaint atmosphere for a one time visit.
    But when they get closer, their eyes are opened, and they reject it.
    Ask the students at Ohr Someach, Aish Hatorah, Machon Shlomo, Machon Yaakov, Ohr Hachayim. They are not buying into the MS lifestyle. Why?

  57. Continued delusionalism.
    Where are the descendants of the old residents of Meah Shearim from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s? Didn't they hear "Hashem's truth" there?
    Sorry, buddy. They were turned off by their שיטה of isolationism. They then either totally rejected Judaism, or integrated with the rest of regular religious Israeli society.

  58. Shmad - for example - was the decree by the romans that we cannot teach Torah. So Rabbi Akiva went against it and gave up his life al Kiddush Hashem.
    Now what is a modern example of shmad? the same decree of the Romans but in diluted form. However it is not something decreed by romans or christians or communists (today) or even zionists. it is decreed by Rabbis, particularly the Hassidic variety on nittel.
    It is in watered down form because if it was applied every day it would too overt. the trick is to get it through by stealth - and get them to believe there are big kabbalistic secrets behind this one.

  59. well, who are the 100 monkeys you are dealing with?
    what is the one track mind? One can be perverted in the sense of being warped. Pervert , as in perverting the course of justice.

  60. when I was at a BT yeshiva, never was invited to meah shearim. it was only the open Hareidim or frum MOs who invited us.

  61. Where ? Ramot bais ShemESH Bnei Brak Matterdorf zanz Natanya ramat Shloma Betar Arzie Habirah Unsdorf Ezrat Torah Geulah Kiyat sefer Telsz stone Bais Yisroel Mizrach Talpiyot BAKA BUCHARIM Pesac Tikvah Tiveryah lately an tfas all over many joined frum communiies in NY most stayed ultra

  62. In any case, you think we oppose meah shearim and that is wrong. We respect frum people, and we respect meah shearim, and I want them to keep their own traditions and minhagim. Especially if they have any minhagim from the Gra.

    We disagree on the worldview regardiing the otuside world and on the concept of an intermediary Jewish state (before biat haMoshiach).

  63. if there was chas v shalom an attack by terrorists, as there was in several yeshivot, then perhaps you would welcome the IDF uniform, especially if they are carrying weapons.

  64. Your delusional approach drives the non-religious even further from Hashem, and you transgress an מצוה דאורייתא.
    יומא פו,א
    ואהבת את ה' אלהיך", שיהא שם שמים מתאהב על ידך וכו"
    אבל מי שקורא ושונה ומשמש ת"ח וכו' ואין דבורו בנחת עם הבריות, מה הבריות אומרות עליו, אוי לו לפלוני שלמד תורה, אוי לו לאביו שלמדו תורה, אוי לו לרבו שלמדו תורה

    What a shame that you and your ilk don't follow the advice of Abraham Lincoln. Yes. Even a non-Jew understood it better than you do.

    Temperance Address
    Springfield, Illinois
    February 22, 1842

    When the conduct of men is designed to be influenced, persuasion, kind, unassuming persuasion, should ever be adopted.

    It is an old and a true maxim, that a "drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall."

    So with men. If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.

    Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the great highroad to his reason, and which, when once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause, if indeed that cause really be a just one.

    On the contrary, assume to dictate to his judgment, or to command his action, or to mark him as one to be shunned and despised, and he will retreat within himself, close all the avenues to his head and his heart; and though your cause be naked truth itself, transformed to the heaviest lance, harder than steel, and sharper than steel can be made, and though you throw it with more than Herculean force and precision, you shall be no more be able to pierce him, than to penetrate the hard shell of a tortoise with a rye straw.

  65. Did you ever read up the untold untold History of Abraham Linclon?

  66. Thank you for proving my point.
    Besides for the zealots who moved to Beit Shemesh, the rest of the religious Jews rejected the Meah Shearim lifestyle.
    Not to mention all the others whose families went totally secular, because how turned off they became from the what they saw at home.

  67. Kiryat Sefer in the liberated west bank. Are there any satmer there?

  68. einecklach are always good :)

  69. קבל את האמת ממי שאמרו

  70. don't tell me he was a freemason!

  71. I Lived in Geulah 15 years and we always had all kinds of guests Bt and stam yidden ,many homes are open to all if they can afford it true Meah Shearim may have language barrier but can be overcome the yomtov market in Geulah itself is because of the warmth of the frum ones

    Call the Yiddish gius lines press 8 and just listen to the pure neshamos talking this is ten dorot yershalmi in action

    This is the greatest Kiruv
    It is well known that the old yerushlmi families are very warm and friendly to any one.
    (if dressed kosher)

  72. No asks one to become Meah Shearim overnite and just the opposite I would question such a foolish decision
    You are what you are you cant always just turn back the clock .but to learn from them to feel the purity and truth yes thats for anyone.

  73. Yiddish line 646 585 2957


  75. I used to go to meah shearim for the bookshops and also for tefillin or tzitzit. I am not opposed to meah shearim at all, and I think they should preserve their way of life.

    If they were originally perushei HaGra, way back in Europe, they would be more european, perhaps more open to European way of living, but having been in Meah shearim for 200 years they have developed their own culture and nationality - probably different to how life was back in Lithuania.

  76. that is a crazy story - and it is totally false - there are very few BTs who were made in meah shearim. Perhaps some of the intake at Ohr sameach go the whole hog. Chabad is quite big, and they have worldwide shluchim, whereas in meah, they are just growing organically, like 15 kids each family knged A'H

  77. Of course, he might have been a "feigele", but that shouldn't matter to you, just like it doesn't matter to you that Jacob Israël de Haan was one.

    The point is, that I don't care.
    חכמה בגויים תאמין
    קבל את האמת ממי שאמרו

  78. Sorry.
    Their extremism has turned off several generations of people.
    I know people, who from way back were MS families.
    Today they are totally SECULAR.
    The great "love" your friends showed for anyone who didn't dress and think like them.
    Your buddies think that they will be sitting on the מזרח when they get up there.
    Yeah. Maybe on the מזרח wall in the גיהנם which is dedicated to משניאי השם.

  79. He was also extremely troubled interpersonal relationships
    feigle? I dont know

  80. Now yes the reb Schmuel Aurbach faction lives there

    They are ideologically Satmar! For real !

  81. During the late 70s and 80s I never knew of any family that became not frum from Meah Sharim Geulah not even one

  82. the Zionists had a hand in that

  83. many went to the moshavot and Kook ensured that they got the chinuch from Histadrut

  84. President Rivlin is an einecle of Yasha rivlin builder of Meah Shearim

  85. Hundredth monkey effect

  86. The point being that satmar opposed visting these areas won in 1967...

  87. show me proof there are 20,000 descendants and why /if each one became secular. You cannot.
    what has this to do with rav kook?

  88. evidence for each step..?
    Histadrut? that ais a labour union, why would they be involved in chinuch? where was Kook when this allegedly occurred? He set up Yeshvot, and he promoted his own system Mercaz Harav - so why would he surrender it to labour socialist unions? You are talking nonsense again, too much marijuana this early in the day

  89. they left before Haskala affected them

  90. the anti-zionists had many hands in that, especially when they imposed their own shmad saying do not leave, do nto accept visas to israel or america.

  91. do you remember why the Gra wanted to move to E'Y? he was the biggest zionist of all!

  92. do you ever go to the Kotel or u consider it assur?

  93. Meah Sharim that goes bad laughs at all the MO and other fake factions and just goes frei Nebach thats

    Because of his Superior knowledge

  94. My close freind Rivlin is is an einecle he told me .
    I can give his number he talks yiddesh Meah Shearim

  95. read all the info in the elyasiv thread its all there

  96. Where is your sources I doubt their reliable
    Stop saying this nonsense

  97. do you think his tamidim were Zionists?

    Rav Diskind was the greatest anti Haskalah anti Zionist that ever lived !

    The Grah? wanted to move just to live under arab occupation humbly waiting for moshach . and to get there before the zionists erev rav

    You are mixing everything up and we are going in circles

  98. Sadly, the ones that "fried out", weren't there any more for you to see them.

  99. No English? Ask him about Kol hator. His great grandfather or whatever, talmid of the Gra

  100. Lol. Mo also have yeshiva, Talmud, poskim, halacha, kashrut etc. Frei generally eat chazir on yom kippur, just because it can be done. I'm not quite sure what honor you see in this. Perhaps because they didn't become tzionim, you see that as their defence in olam haba.

  101. Read Reb elchonon s letter about YU.

  102. Lol. Rav diskin was 1000 steps removed from the gra, as is his (gra's) eineckel. In even shleima, for example, gra teaches about 7 forms of wisdom, including science, music etc. Rav diskin was the total opposite.

  103. Baruch of shklov :

    Gra told him to translate science books into Hebrew, and said 100 fold lack of science lack of Torah.

  104. Yasha rivlin had 40,000 eineckls? Lol, not even Adam harishon had so many einecle, and he lived 1000 years.

  105. So much trash all over the streets (0:19). What a shame.
    The extremists must have burnt all their garbage bins...




  109. Berel etc. - this is the meaning of Shmad:

    ""Your ancestors have not accepted Mohammed as the true prophet on the ground that your Messiah will appear five hundred years after the hegira, 1 the advent of Mohammed. The five hundred years have now elapsed and your Messiah has not appeared. Consequently, unless you wil accept Mohammed as your prophet now we shall regard you as heretics and outcasts, forbidden to dwell in our land. Should you decide to remain here you have only one of two choices, either embrace Islam or death. "

    see Iggeret HaShmad of the Rambam

    Gius has no connection with shmad at all - in fact it is the opposite. If Any of the terror groups that you support, eg hamas, Jihad, ISIS, Hezbollah etc succeed, then there will be shmad of the Jews, chas v'shalom.

  110. You are so thick you don't even understand what you are talking about.

  111. You are not making sense. I brought the Rambam iggeret on the subject.
    The sentence about the cc is not complete. Breaking shabbes for what reason? Is that travelling to Zion? So the cc is the opposite of you, he holds by pikuach nefesh.
    Gius is collective pikuach nefesh. Look at the holocaust of kurds, Syrians, yazidis , perpetrated in Iraq and Syria by Isis, Assad, Hezbollah etc. Only a liar or fool would claim that they would not persecute, murder, convert the Jews in Israel if they had the chance. Your system is one of geneivas daa t. Head of eidah says Jews in Iran should not move to Israel because they have religious freedom in Iran. Even though Khomeini executed hundreds of Jews, and many others converted to Islam. You hareidi scum have caused more damage than reform. And your system is based on lies.

  112. Berel and other islamo-apologists:
    "Javedanfar said, for example, that Jewish children in Iran are no longer required to attend school on the Sabbath, the traditional day of rest and religious observance among Jews that falls on a Saturday but is a regular workday in Iran."

    Stop lying to rabbi sternbuch about the shmad in Iran. His piskei Halacha are worthless when he relies on neturei karta for their rodef reports.

  113. according to R' Sternbuch of the Eidah, there is no persecution of Jews (shmad) in Iran.

    However, those who have left are free to tell the truth:

    Rabbi Sternbuch supports Iran , as he shares their values:

    "The Iranian government only works against Zionism and the conquest of Arab lands, not against the observance of Judaism in their country."

    However, he is misinforming the reader on several counts:

    1) Israel/Zionism has not conquered any Arab lands. Israel, Yehudah and shomron are Jewish lands, according to the Torah and Rashi on Bereishit.

    2) Murdering or arresting Jews , which is what the Iranian regime has done, is not promoting the observance of Jews

    3) iran itself wishes to conquer arab lands and to make these lands less arab/sunni by transplanting shiite muslims form non-arab lands, eg Afganistan, pakistan and Iran, or yemen-houthis.

    4) Iran backs Hezbollah, which has killed hundreds of Jews in Israel, as well as Hamas which has killed thousands of Jews in Israel, including 5 rabbis in the Har Nof shul (Rav Twersky being one them).

    So we have only a few ways to understand the statements of Rabbi sternbuch.

    a) He is simply unable to perceive facts objectively, and wants to believe what his Gabaim tell him.

    b) he benefits financially from the Neturei karta and other extreme elements in the Eidah, who have dealings with Iran,hamas, Arafat, PLO etc - rodfei Israel.

    c) which is most likely of all - he is a kitzoni to the extent that his anti-zionist religious beliefs blind him to any objective facts that contradict his own ideology (based on the lunacies of satmar). An example is the NK people who went to Holocaust denial Asifa in iran and said that only 1 million Jews were killed in the holocaust.

    However great his learning is, these defects would posul any statements that he makes regarding israel and Am Yisroel in general and the disapora Jews.




  116. The Gius Hotline For Bnei Yeshiva :
    English line 646 585 3084
    Hebrew line 646 585 2941
    Yiddish line 646 585 2957

    Updated daily differently on each site

    Find out whats Realy happening !
    Interviews ...Etc.

  117. Shmad was in Soviet Russia, when teaching Judaism was forbidden. They have rabbis in the army .teaching, siddurim, minyanim etc.


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