Friday, September 28, 2018

American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations


The American Bar Association is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to halt the consideration of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation is completed into the sexual assault allegations that have roiled his nomination.
In a strongly worded letter obtained by CNN Thursday, the organization said it is making the extraordinary request "because of the ABA's respect for the rule of law and due process under law," siding with concerns voiced by Senate Democrats since Christine Blasey Ford's decades-old allegations became public.


  1. Dr. Eidensohn,

    Can the FBI investigate an alleged crime from 36 years ago, if no one alleged a federal crime?

    What information can an FBI investigation possibly uncover?

    Dr. Eidensohn, are you interested in the truth, or are you simply interested in preventing President Trump's nominee from being confirmed, in any way possible. The answer is obvious.

  2. “American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations” I agree with Honesty here. See and see

  3. It is not an investigation of the crime, it is a request for the deepening of an investigation into a Supreme Court nominee. The FBI investigates the background of every such nominee, this one included. Kavanaugh has made many statements under oath that have been contradicted by others, including the all-relevant one concerning whether he has ever gotten so drunk that he does not remember what he did. He claims not, many others claim he has.
    Are you interested in the truth, or just in getting Trump's nomination confirmed, regardless of the facts? I think the answer is obvious.

  4. Kavanaugh has made many statements under oath that have been contradicted by others, including the all-relevant one concerning whether he has ever gotten so drunk that he does not remember what he did. He claims not, many others claim he has.

    1)Who are these supposed "many others"?

    2) If the request for an investigation is about this item, what has it got to do with Ford?

    3) If the Dems wanted this investigation, they could have asked for it 8 weeks ago. They didn't.

    Your intentions are very obvious to anyone who has read just a few of your comments

  5. 1: People that were in school with him in college.
    2: Because she claims he was drunk at the time of the incident. He claims it did not happen. If he had the habit of getting drunk to the degree that he did not remember what he had done, this would reconcile his denial with her certainty.
    3: Dr. Ford sent the letter before Kavanaugh was nominated because she wanted to head off the nomination. She did not agree for her name to be released or her story to be told until the press got wind of it and showed up on her doorstep.
    4: Same to you.

  6. 1) Really? Names and credibility. There's a reason you're hiding them.

    2) a)He was in high school.
    B) are you suggesting that he supposedly once did something that was way out of character for him, while he was teen - which is why he doesn't remember it. Cool. The holes in your "logic" are wide enough for ocean liners to swim through them.

    3) If she didn't want to go public, she would not have hired that lawyer. If she wanted to prevent his nomination through a proper and thorough investigation - instead of through delay tactics - then she would have cooperated with the FBI way back in June.
    Oh, how did the press, all-of-sudden, get wind of it?!

  7. 1: Google their names. They have gone on the record.
    2a: He claims that he never got that drunk, not that he did in college but not in high school.
    2b: I don't know if it would have been in character or not. If you ask me, the actual incident would not be disqualifying. But if the allegations are true, the way he has dealt with them in the present is disqualifying.
    3: She hired the lawyer after the press was camped out on her front yard. She did not want her identity known publicly. Learn the basic facts before commenting please. And I have no idea how the press got wind of it. The first to report says that it was not from Feinstein's office. But apparently, someone somewhere leaked it.

  8. Yehoshua says “But if the allegations are true, the way he has dealt with them in the present is disqualifying.”
    “He will sit on the Supreme Court – but by the slimmest of margins. So he did okay after Thursday’s grueling cross-examination. He escaped the hanging that the Democrats had prepared for him, but he will always be a damaged man. This will endure. There is no getting over something like this, weeks of leftist mudslinging…They took the starch out of him. The Democrats did this to him. They did it to all of us.”
    The way the Democrats dealt with the allegations is horrible. Follow, Yehoshua?

  9. When I say it is disqualifying, I mean that any reasonable person would agree that someone who lies under oath to the Senate should not be confirmed. I do not mean that the Republican senators will not confirm him regardless.

  10. Yehoshua says “When I say it is disqualifying, I mean that any reasonable person would agree that someone who lies under oath to the Senate should not be confirmed.” Lying under oath---perjury, is a serious crime, thanks, Yehoshua. I’ll try to keep focus, to prove lying under oath, in my Susan case. 10/11/2018 is the next decision release date.

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  13. Actually, the letter wasn't approved by the ABA. It was sent by the president of the ABA without the approval of the ABA board.

  14. Is there any such principles in law or Federal court of a chezkas kashrus and nemanus??
    Cause this man has 36 proven good years that should be strong enough to not listen to a pesky accusation full of holes.
    Usually the actions he's accused of are paterned. It doesn't just stop after college.
    It would be a totally different accusation if women from in between accused him as well.


  16. Yes, "a person is innocent until proven guilty".

  17. Dr. Ford lived and went to school in the general vicinity of the party: lower Montgomery County, Maryland. Which supposedly means that she was traveling near, past, around, etc the house where the attack occurred. That is, it's reasonable to assume that activities subsequent to the attack, such as going to the club, would bring her back close to the landmark where her attack occurred.

    One would think this would trigger feelings related to the attack. One would think that these travels would ingrain the location of the attack in her to the extent she could today return to the area and pinpoint the attack.

    However, she maintains she doesn't have info on even the neighborhood of the attack.

    Did I get that right?

  18. The issue is not whether or not he should be put in jail. Concerning that, chezkas kashrus could be a factor. Here, the issue is whether he should be given the ultimate honor of a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court. If her story is true, then he has lied under oath. Even if it is not true, he has lied under oath about many smaller details (e.g., the meaning of certain items in his yearbook). That is disqualifying.

  19. What is the basis for your assertions about what she "should" remember? Are you a neuroscience? An expert in trauma?

  20. Question for you, Yehoshua.

    Do you think Dr. Ford would have stepped forward if the Democrats held the White House and Senate and were in the confirmation process of a SCOTUS nominee?

  21. Is it possible you are reading something into my words?

    I used the term "one would think." I am appealing to the common humanity of the readers. But it could be my experience differs from others. So I ended with, "Did I get that right?"

    Do you disagree with idea that it is common that people that have had something bad happen to them at a certain place will associate that place with bad feelings connected to the bad happening?

  22. Joseph Orlow says “One would think these returns to the area of the attack would trigger feelings related to the attack” Bravo, Jospeh Orlow!
    Torah thought.
    Chagigah 16a
    “By what Biblical exposition was he able to learn this? [Lit., what did he expound? i.e., from which verse did R. Akiba learn to distinguish God's Presence so as to avoid Aher's error of dualism, or (according to another interpretation of Rashi) so as not to look in the direction of the Shechinah (Divine Presence)?] Rabbah b. Bar Hanah said that R. Johanan said: “He said: The Lord came from Sinai; He shone upon them from Seir; He appeared from Mount Paran, And approached from Ribeboth-kodesh, Lightning flashing at them from His right” (Deuteronomy 33:2) He is the Sign [ואתה (and He came) is explained as ואתה (and His sign). Jast. translates: He is the ensign among his myriad. Goldschmidt: He is distinguished among his myriads.] among His myriad.”
    בעל הטורים דברים ל"ג ב,
    מרבבת. ב'. ואתה מרבבת קדש. לא אירא מרבבת עם (תהלים ג ז). לא אירא מרבבת עם, למה, כי ה' אתה מרבבת קדש לעזרני: I have no fear of the myriad forces arrayed against me on every side (Psalms 3:7).
    Trump, Netanyahu, and Kavanaugh need have no fear of the myriad forces arrayed them on every side.

  23. Don't expect Dr. Eidensohn to note this little detail. He unfortunately does not anymore act with that sort of integrity.

    It's sads since he was once an extremely honest person who possessed the greatest integrity.

  24. Don't expect Dr. Eidensohn to post this letter. He unfortunately does not anymore act with that sort of integrity.

    It's sad since he was once an extremely honest person who possessed the greatest integrity.

  25. 1) You have plenty of time to write all sorts of assertions, but you won't write their names. The reason is obvious.
    הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו

    2) Simple sillyness. "Don't confuse me with the facts! I just want the SCOTUS to be uber liberal!"

    I understand.

    3) She met and agreed with that lawyer way, way before any press showed up.

    I would tell you to learn the facts; but you actually know them. You are intentionally lying and trying to mislead.

  26. There is, sadly, only one way out of this mess: about halfway through the week Kavanaugh will have to announce he is pulling out of the nomination. Any other resolution will be cataclysmic. To wit:
    If he is confirmed by the Senate then the left will explode with all the righteous fury at its disposal. If he is not confirmed, the right will do the same. Either way it will not be good for America.

  27. So your solution is to let the left win?

  28. If their nominee sexually assaulted her, then yes.

  29. 1: It is very easy to find one of the many articles citing his fellow students who claim that he lied about his drinking, as well as other matters.
    2: I don't know what you are calling silliness. Repeatedly lying under oath disqualifies one from being elevated to the Supreme Court in my book. Maybe not in yours.
    3: Source, please.

  30. I know enough to know that memories concerning traumatic events are complex, and do not effect everyone in the same way.

  31. Eddie says “Yes, "a person is innocent until proven guilty".”
    No. See
    “Could we not see that this was never about protecting women, but only this woman? This woman because she was willing to be used. It was a farce, an elaborate drama produced and directed by Democrats who will contaminate anything, even the legitimacy of #MeToo, for political profit.”
    Eddie, what’s your position here? Looks to me you agree with Yehoshua. You’re a troll.

  32. Here is one for you:

  33. Prof A-r-a-n-off - stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a "troll". It simply means you cannot debate and that you are uncivilised.

    Also, as Yehoshua correctly says, stop trolling us with your hard luck stories about Susan. Get over it. Are you sponsoring this blog for your own propaganda?

  34. Eddie says “Prof Aranoff - stop calling anyone who disagrees with you a "troll". It simply means you cannot debate and that you are uncivilized. Also, as Yehoshua correctly says, stop trolling us with your hard luck stories about Susan. Get over it. Are you sponsoring this blog for your own propaganda?”
    Internet troll = In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages.
    Eddie, thanks for your comment. I’m prepared for whatever the NYS Court of Appeals decides on my motion 840 of 8/1/2018. I may have to appeal to the USA Supreme Court. Eddie and Yehoshua trolling in this blog helps me.

  35. I'm glad I could be of some assistance


  37. Good one. I direct you to an article detailing lie after lie after lie of Kavanaugh, and you counter with a statement that Blasey may have forgotten helping someone prep for a lie detector test 25 years ago (that person denies it, by the way). You are totally missing the point. Blasey is not interviewing for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. If her answers were not accurate, that may lessen her credibility. But Kavanuagh is. Someone who repeatedly lies under oath to Congress has no business on the Supreme Court, or any court for that matter. End of story.

  38. And by the way, why do you think the White House is not allowing a real investigation by the FBI? Because they know he is a liar.

  39. Here is another one:

  40. The office of President of the United States is a political office. The President's job is nominate judges. The Senate, a political body, advises and consents, or refuses to consent.

    So, ultimately, the judgeships are political appointments. The people who are selected to become judges are often selected for political reasons.

    This is the way it works in America. This is the way it's been for hundreds of years.

    All of a sudden the system has to be super-pure or it's no good. When did that start?

    One guess.

  41. Listen, I understand that a Republican president will nominate a conservative judge. I don't want Gorsuch on the Supreme Court because of his views, but that is the consequence of elections. But the idea that someone who lies over and over again under oath is not fit to be on the Supreme Court should not be a partisan issue. And Kavanaugh has lied over and over again under oath.

  42. Yehoshua says “Listen, I understand that a Republican president will nominate a conservative judge. I don't want Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, because of his views, but that is the consequence of elections. But the idea that someone who lies over and over again under oath is not fit to be on the Supreme Court should not be a partisan issue. And Kavanaugh has lied over and over again under oath.”
    “o my Jewish brothers and sisters who vote Democrat come hell or high water – will The New York Times come to your rescue when it is YOUR daughter? When it is your daughter being bullied by Palestinian Arab gangs at Columbia University, as has been happening to this Jewish daughter, will you laugh? Or will you wait for Cory Booker to ease your distress and answer your call for justice. Good luck. Will you be laughing when they come for you? Your son? Your father? Your brother? They come for anyone who stands in their way. Ruin is their game, scoffing is their style. No one is safe”
    Thanks Yehoshua for showing your fanaticism. Fanatic = a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.

  43. He's lied. Uh, hmm. You say he lied. Likely you never met the man. Likely your knowledge of him is totally through a glass screen and ink on a paper and sound waves generated by a machine.

    Likely you never met anyone who is contradicting the judge.

    And likely you've been wrong on occasion in determining that someone has lied.

    But! You are relying on others who DO know him, you might respond. But you've never met these people either.

    Or, maybe you are always right in your assessment of someone's speech. Let's go with that.

    So your assessment that the judge is a liar is an important data point, given that you know your liars.

    However, there are mountains of evidence that the judge is man of integrity. Note, also: there's certainly NO GUARANTEE the next nominee won't be a liar.

    By the way Yehoshua, please rate all Supreme Court Justices of the last 30 years, including current ones, on the lying scale. +1 if they are more of a liar than the nominee. -1 if they are less. For comparison.

  44. There are literally dozens of people who knew Kavanaugh during his high school and college years who have said that he lied under oath to the Senate during the hearing last week. I do not recall any similar instance in a Supreme Court hearing in the last 30 years.

  45. That's because (1) high school/college activity is not generally dragged into SCOTUS nominations, and (2) those classmates with exculpatory testimony maybe just haven't descended into the muck and mire of this circus of a democracy.

  46. I do not know why you think that other nominees would perforce lie under oath about their high school/college activities.

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