Monday, March 19, 2018

R kaminetsy and vaccination

The Vaccine Choice Coalition
Thank you for joining The Vaccine Choice Coalition, a coalition of parents who believe that vaccines should be a choice in frum Jewish communities. Your participation enables us to join together and b'ezras Hashem help the many pro vaccine-choice families amongst us. By joining the coalition you agree to have your name and personal information added to our private database. Your information will never be released or revealed to a third party without your permission. If the coalition should find it necessary to release your name in the course of assisting its members you may receive an email requesting your permission.The Vaccine Choice Coalition is endorsed and backed by HaRav Shmuel Kaminetzky shlit"a, HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlit"a, HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlit"a and HaRav Shmuel Meir Katz shlit"a. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us at 732-806-7739 or


  1. So it isn't just Rav Kaminetzky shlita. It is also Rav Kotler shlita and Rav Wachtfogel shlita.

  2. “The Vaccine Choice Coalition is endorsed and backed by HaRav Shmuel Kaminetzky shlit"a, HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlit"a, HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlit"a and HaRav Shmuel Meir Katz shlit"a.”
    Those in favor of easy abortions call themselves in favor of choice for the dear mother that wants to end the life of the embryo in her womb. In Israel the dear mother must first have a darn good medical reason signed by a doctor to get an abortion.
    So 4 highly esteemed rabbis are in favor of easy allowing parents not to vaccinate their children. I quote
    Shabbath 109b:
    "Mishnah [14:3]. We may not eat greek hyssop on the sabbath, because it is not the food of healthy people [But obviously a medicine]; but we may eat yo'ezer [A certain plant] and drink abub ro'eh [Lit., shepherd's flute name of a plant (Eupatorium) used for medicinal purposes (Jast.)]. A man may eat any kind of food as a remedy, and drink any liquid [Provided that they are eaten and drunk without healing intentions too], except water of palm trees [Explained infra 110a.] and a potion [Lit., clip] of roots, because they are [a remedy] for jaundice; but one may drink water of palm trees for his thirst and rub himself with oil. of roots without medical purpose."
    Healthy normal people today in Israel and in the USA vaccinate their children unless they have a good medical reason.
    Are these 4 highly esteemed rabbis also in favor of easy allowing parents to divorce with the husband objecting following ORA, Agunah International etc? May I go back to Susan? The 1995 Rigler Order of Separation, if true as Judge Prus says, would be proof that the Rigler/Garson $25,000 fines were unnecessary and inappropriate. Susan is the persecutor seeking my house, inheritance, pension etc. To defend myself I could make any and all motions as I see fit, yes?

  3. For once we agree, Moe


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