Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mendel Epstein Torture for Get trial: Details on Chaimowitz beating including apparent involvement of Rabbis Ralbag, Stern, Kalish, and Lebowitz.


  1. Ah, so the FBI Sting Operation was not Mr. Stimlers first time involved with this, as he was clearly present by the Chaimowitz beating. He also knew that the FBI sting case was for a beating and kidnapping, Goldie Lox and her spin notwithstanding.

  2. A) Thank You for you continuing vital coverage of this issue and in particular of this trial which uncovered numerous longtime wrongdoing by many individuals including various so-called rabbis who engaged in actions in contravention to halacha (and civil law) that resulted in invalid gittin, leading married women (eishes ish) to wrongly believe and act as if they were no longer married.

    B) As many of these cases should be investigated and publicized so that men who were beaten into giving a coerced Get Me'usa, invalid Get, by these gangsters are identified and it made publicly known that their wives have an invalid Get and are still married to them. And subsequent children those wives had after seperating from their husband abd purporting to remarry based on a coerced Get are mamzeirim who the rest of Klal Yisroel must be aware cannot be married.

    C) Who are Rabbis Rabbis Stern, Kalish, and Lebowitz? Towards the end of the FBI transcript (linked above) of R. Ralbag's interview with the FBI, R. Ralbag mentions a "Rabbi Kraus" who is like him a dayan on the Beis Din of the Agudas HaRabbonim (Union of Orthodox Rabbis). Who is this Rabbi Kraus? And is the Beis Din of the Agudas HaRabbonim a very active beis din? Is the Agudas HaRabbonim itself, which Rav Moshe used to lead, still active in anything other than beis din cases?

    D) Nat Lewin, one of the defense lawyers in this case wrote a week ago about it in the Jewish Press (a paper famously in the tank for the so-called agunah cause):

    It is well worth reading for several reasons. It discusses the FBI's fake agunah's contact with ORA and the BDA (including the BDA Hazmanah sent to the fake agunah's fake husband) followed up with a BDA Seruv against the fake husband signed by Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz. as well as some other opinions of Mr. Lewin who seemingly questions whether it should be okay to break the law to obtain a Get.

  3. Your continuing
    vital coverage of this issue is important not only to victims of coerced gets
    where questions arise on legitimacy of offspring, but also to many other victims
    of such as in Leviticus 19:11-18 “You shall not steal; you shall not deal
    deceitfully or falsely with one another. You shall not swear falsely by My
    name, profaning the name of your God: I am the Lord. You shall not defraud your
    fellow. You shall not commit robbery. The wages of a laborer shall not remain
    with you until morning. You shall not insult the deaf, or place a stumbling
    block before the blind. You shall fear your God: I am the Lord. You shall not
    render an unfair decision: do not favor the poor or show deference to the rich;
    judge your kinsman
    fairly. Do not deal basely with your countrymen. Do not profit by the blood of
    your fellow: I am the Lord. You shall not hate your kinsfolk in your heart.
    Reprove your kinsman but incur no guilt because of him. You shall not take
    vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as
    yourself: I am the Lord.”

    I wrote on
    this subject

  4. From the JP article:

    The FBI’s undercover agents went about their business by first
    contacting the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) and
    asking for its assistance on behalf of the make-believe agunah.
    She sent an e-mail to ORA and followed up with several telephone calls.
    Believing her story, an ORA representative sent her to the Beth Din of
    America. The undercover agents then skillfully enacted the plight of a
    victimized agunah to responsible personnel at the Beth Din of America which, at their request, sent three summonses (hazmanas)
    to the fictitious husband at a fictitious address in Florida. (The
    agent testified that it was really a “post office mailbox.”) When the
    husband failed to reply (because, as the agent acknowledged on the
    witness stand, he “did not exist”), the agents persuaded the Beth Din of
    America to issue a seruv, signed by its chief rabbinical authority.

    In order to accomplish this objective and persuade the Beth Din of America to issue the seruv, the agents fabricated a fictitious e-mail from the nonexistent husband to the purported brother acknowledging receipt of the hazmanas. Copies of the Beth Din of America’s warning and the seruv
    signed by the rabbinical authority were introduced in evidence. (Would
    the FBI treat so cavalierly and mislead an equivalent Christian or
    Muslim religious authority in order to advance a sting?)

    Now we know how the RCA seruv was obtained. What a joke.

  5. Lawyer Nat Lewin's description of the FBI ruse in obtaining help from ORA as well as a Hazmana and Seruv from the Beit Din of America (BDA) for the fake agunah against the fake husband:

    There was also substantial evidence from FBI agents about the “sting” that was hatched by the FBI in March 2012. A female “certified undercover agent” who had been trained at a specialized school in Quantico, Virginia, was assigned to act as “a wife who was trying to obtain a get or a divorce from her husband.” Another undercover agent was assigned to act as her brother, and the FBI created a fictitious husband who was living in Argentina and had refused to give his wife a get.
    The purpose of an FBI sting is to lure individuals who might commit a crime to do so in a manner that can easily be proved in court. Meetings with possible perpetrators are orally and visually recorded for presentation at a criminal trial.

    The FBI’s undercover agents went about their business by first contacting the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) and asking for its assistance on behalf of the make-believe agunah. She sent an e-mail to ORA and followed up with several telephone calls. Believing her story, an ORA representative sent her to the Beth Din of America. The undercover agents then skillfully enacted the plight of a victimized agunah to responsible personnel at the Beth Din of America which, at their request, sent three summonses (hazmanas) to the fictitious husband at a fictitious address in Florida. (The agent testified that it was really a “post office mailbox.”) When the husband failed to reply (because, as the agent acknowledged on the witness stand, he “did not exist”), the agents persuaded the Beth Din of America to issue a seruv, signed by its chief rabbinical authority.

    In order to accomplish this objective and persuade the Beth Din of America to issue the seruv, the agents fabricated a fictitious e-mail from the nonexistent husband to the purported brother acknowledging receipt of the hazmanas. Copies of the Beth Din of America’s warning and the seruv signed by the rabbinical authority were introduced in evidence. (Would the FBI treat so cavalierly and mislead an equivalent Christian or Muslim religious authority in order to advance a sting?)

    With the seruv in hand and with very effective dramatic portrayals of a weeping desperate agunah, the FBI undercover agents contacted the rabbis whom they lured into commission of what the Department of Justice viewed as criminal conduct – i.e., an attempt to commit kidnappings of the kind that had been committed against recalcitrant husbands in 2009, 2010, and 2011.

    The sting succeeded famously. On the night of October 9, 2013, eight Orthodox men were arrested at a warehouse in Edison, New Jersey. The prosecutors alleged they had come there to violently force the non-existent Argentinian husband to give a get.

    Facing a trial on charges that carry possible life-imprisonment sentences, six of the eight men arrested on the scene pleaded guilty to lesser offenses, as did one rabbi. Two of those who were found at the warehouse – the scribe (sofer) who had come to write the get once it was authorized and a prospective witness who came to sign the get (my client) – refused to plead guilty and went to trial in Trenton.

  6. Who is the Chief Rabbinical Authority of the RCA and what does this say about his competence?

  7. “The Organization for the
    Resolution of Agunot (ORA) believes that a get must never be used as a weapon.
    The Jewish divorce process requires the participation of both parties. All too
    often, a spouse refuses to comply in order to control the other party and
    utilize the get to extort concessions.” (internet)

    “Agunah International. Our Mission: To free women trapped in dead marriages by
    recalcitrant husbands who refuse to grant a Get.” (internet)

    In fact the marriages are not “dead” since the
    parties are alive and fighting each like 2 dogs or cats.
    ORA and Agunah International with Rabbi Ralbag and Mendel Epstein et al intervene
    and take the woman’s side and pressure the enraged husband to make concessions. Surely this leads to all kinds of crimes of “You
    shall not steal; you shall not deal deceitfully or falsely with one another” (Leviticus
    19:11) etc. Example, the woman stealing
    the man’s house and pension and inheritance by dealing “deceitfully.”

  8. Well, the founder of the arrogantly named BDA is Michael Broyde, AKA Hershel Goldwasser. His concocted stories to support his trashing of halachos are legendary.

    Then we had their chief conversions guro, Barry Freundel. The sad story is on this site. Can we expect any better from such an organization?

    They still arrogantly push their prenuptials, where the couple commits to only attending the BDA. They are somehow convinced that the BDA will always remain a kosher Beth Din. That is if it ever was completely kosher.

  9. Av bet din of bet din of america is rav gedaliah dov schwartz of chicago. All actions of BDA are done in his name (unless he recuses himself, per BDA rules.)

    All seruvim are specifically signed by him.

  10. was Freundel part of the BDA?

    how disgusting!

  11. Actually, among the founders of the BDA was rabbi rackman.

    under rabbi Broyde, the BDA never engaged in shenanigans like fake seruvim. In fact, they barely issued seruvim in his day; they just acquiesed to other batei din.

    Nowadays, its automatically a seruv after certain number of days, answer or not.

    And the members don't even know, they assume their operatives are honest. Who wants to get involved in messy divorces, the worst type of cases?

  12. See this.

    All the way at the end are the signatures, not in alphabetical order. Freundel is the first signatory.

  13. Was R. Rackman involved in the "reconstitution" in 1994, or only in its original version in 1960?

    on their webpage they claim that they DO "adjudicate" commercial disputes...

  14. “Since its inception nearly fifty
    years ago, the Beth Din of America has been recognized as one of the nation’s
    pre-eminent rabbinic courts. It serves the Jewish community of North America as
    a forum for obtaining Jewish divorces, confirming personal status and
    adjudicating commercial disputes stemming from divorce, business and community
    issues.” (internet).

    The BDA makes their focus “obtaining
    Jewish divorces, confirming personal status and adjudicating commercial
    disputes stemming from divorce, business and community issues.” Properly the
    focus for a rabbinic court should be to ensure fellow Jews abstaining from negative
    commands: “You shall not steal; you shall not deal deceitfully or falsely with
    one another. You shall not swear falsely by My name, profaning the name of your
    God: I am the Lord. You shall not defraud your fellow. You shall not commit
    robbery. The wages of a laborer shall not remain with you until morning. You
    shall not insult the deaf, or place a stumbling block before the blind. You
    shall fear your God: I am the Lord. You shall not render an unfair decision: do
    not favor the poor or show deference to the rich;” (Leviticus 19:11-15).

  15. Chairman of the "Standards Task force". What a sick joke. In other words, they have no standards.

  16. They don't get anymore financial cases. Financial cases come from toanim, who want nothing to do with them, cause of their reputation.

  17. "a get must never be used as a weapon" - Translated from ORA's feminist doublespeak I believe this means: The ORA matriarchy demands that all Jewish men in divorce disputes immediately submit to all their wive's demands in divorce conflicts. Should those evil, recalcitrant, misogynist husbands make any attempt to obtain their G-d given halachic rights, ORA will immediately designate their wives as oppressed "agunot". ORA will then instruct the oppressed "agunot" how to weaponize the children by alienating them from their fathers, while ORA inflicts vicious public harassment, abuse, and slander against the husbands, until those evil, recalcitrant husbands bow their heads in shame and humbly submit to their wives and to the ORA matriarchy.

  18. Gedalia Dov Schwartz, I believe. His competence is nil.

  19. A get must never be used as a weapon.

    But i sent them a couple of cases over the years, and as soon as they verified the ex wife wants to use the get as a weapon against her ex husband, they dropped the case immediately.

    Amend that to: a get must never be used as a weapon by a husband; a wife can use that weapon. As well as r epstein / wolmark weapon.


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