Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chabad - Some people just don't get it

s. klimowitzer's comment to "Chabad - G-d focused or Rebbe focused?":
Daniel Eidensohn is nothing more than a partisan rosho masquerading as an honest researcher. His carefully framed 'innocent questions' remind one of the "keitzad measrin es hateven" style research. I thought it fair to give the man a chance to show his colors, and he has. He'll print any and every unsubstantiated lie about Chabad and / or the Rebbe, but he will refuse to post simple comments or refutations to the lies he promotes. I seriously doubt whether a dishonest wannabe like Eidensohn will last very long in the blogsphere - too many people will see him for the dreck he is much sooner than he thinks. Some free advive to you, Dannyboy, go back to the yeshiva/hate factory you came from, the limelight is not for you.


  1. If you would present your posts in a less offensive, inflammatory way (e.g., the subject of the blog post to which this was a response: "Chabad - G-d focused or Rebbe focused?") then maybe people wouldn't get upset like this.

  2. Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver said...

    If you would present your posts in a less offensive, inflammatory way (e.g., the subject of the blog post to which this was a response: "Chabad - G-d focused or Rebbe focused?") then maybe people wouldn't get upset like this.
    I get it. You view his abusive words as an understandable response to my comments. They simply pushed this poor demented soul into a rage which he could not handle. Baruch HaShem the rest of you Lubavitcher's are made of sterner stuff. And you wonder why Chabad makes the rest of us nervous?

  3. No, I'm not saying that he *should* get upset, but that it's understandable that he did, and I think you could present your points less offensively, and also see where those who do get upset are coming from, (instead of seeing every such comment as as a sign of something so terribly wrong), as I pointed out in a previous post that you simply reposted but to which you did not respond.


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