Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6


Reached for comment, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense provided a timeline of the agency’s involvement in preparing for and responding to the attack on the Capitol. The timeline shows no such order, and notes only that on Jan. 3, the president concurred with activating the D.C. National Guard to support law enforcement at the behest of Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser. When the rioting started, Bowser requested more Guard help, on behalf of the Capitol Police. That request was made to Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, who then went to Miller, who approved it.

Neither Pelosi nor the House sergeant at arms could have stopped an ordered deployment of National Guard troops because Congress doesn’t control the National Guard, legal experts say. Guard troops are generally controlled by governors, though they can be federalized, said William C. Banks, a law professor at Syracuse University. The online claims “make no sense at all,” Banks said, adding, “The House sergeant at arms, he or she is not in the chain of command. Nor is Nancy Pelosi.”

Jan. 6 committee yet again debunks Trump claim of 10,000 troops


Trump and his defenders have repeatedly claimed that the violence at the Capitol two years ago would have been prevented if only his order for 10,000 troops had been heeded. We have explored this claim twice before and debunked it, each time awarding Four Pinocchios.

Trump, in his post, says he made a “recommendation for troops” and that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) failed to act on it. But the evidence shows Trump did not issue any formal request — so there was nothing for Pelosi to heed. The committee report says it found “no evidence” to support the claim that he ordered 10,000 troops.

Moreover, the committee said that when he referenced so many troops, it was not because he wanted to protect the Capitol. He “floated the idea of having 10,000 National Guardsmen deployed to protect him and his supporters from any supposed threats by left-wing counterprotesters,” the report said.

Trump White House aide points finger at Jan. 6 National Guard call-up in 14th Amendment tria


Patel, who was the chief of staff to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, argued that it was instead D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser who delayed calls for the National Guard in the days before the riot.

“The authorization came in beforehand. It was relayed to the appropriate officials in D.C. and the Capitol Police. It was declined, and we acted when their request finally came in on January 6,” he continued.

Patel made the argument during the third day of the Colorado 14th Amendment hearings over whether Trump can be removed from the 2024 presidential ballot due to his involvement in the Jan. 6 attacks.

He said that Trump had authorized the deployment of 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops to support law enforcement in multiple meetings he witnessed.

But that claim contradicts findings from the House committee investigating Jan. 6, which was told by Trump administration Defense Secretary Christopher Miller that Trump never ordered troop deployments.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Sex Trafficking Survivor Says Sen. Britt’s SOTU Story Was Bogus


Romero also told the network that Sen. Britt got multiple elements of her story wrong. She was trafficked by a pimp who worked to force vulnerable girls into prostitution, Romero said, not Mexican drug cartels. She was also never trafficked inside the U.S.; while Britt did not explicitly say Romero had been trafficked in the U.S., some viewers may have got that impression from the senator’s phrase: “We wouldn’t be OK with this happening in a Third World country; this is the United States of America.”

Romero’s captivity also took place between 2004-08, during President George W. Bush’s second term. Again, Britt did not specifically say when Romero had been trafficked, but presented her story in the context of the “disgrace” of Biden’s border policies. Lastly, Romero confirmed she met Britt at an event on the border that was attended by multiple other government officials and anti-human trafficking activists—a detail that Britt omitted, making their meeting sound like a more private, personal encounter.

“‘Someone using my story and distorting it for political purposes,’ she told me, ‘Is not fair at all,’” Romo said Romero told him.

Profession is described by Chazal as a loving wife

 Koheles (09:09) Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of the life of your vanity, which he has given you under the sun, all the days of your vanity; for that is your portion in life, and in your labor in which you labor under the sun.

Maharal (Arachin 16b): A man should not change from the traditional occupation of his family because that is where he will be must successful. Our Sages (Sanhedrin 81a) described a man’s occupation “his wife” and stated that interfering with another’s livelihood is comparable to being involved with another man’s wife. Therefore they prohibited interfering with another’s livelihood since it is as unique to him as his wife. Furthermore just as a son has a unique relationship with his father he has a unique relationship with the occupation of his father since it is referred to as the wife of his father. Therefore a person should not change from the traditional occupation of his family…

Koheles Rabbah (09:08) ENJOY LIFE WITH THE WIFE WHOM THOU LOVEST (IX, 9). Rabbi [Judah ha-Nasi] said in the name of the holy brotherhood: Acquire a handicraft for yourself together with Torah.2 What is the reason [for this teaching]? ENJOY LIFE WITH THE WIFE WHOM THOU LOVEST. Why does he call them ' the holy brotherhood’? Because it included R. Jose b. Meshullam and R. Simeon b. Menasia who used to divide the day into three parts-a third for Torah, a third for prayer, and a third for work. Others declare that they labored in the Torah throughout the winter and in their work throughout the summer. R. Isaac b. Eleazar used to call R. Joshua b. R. Timi and R. Borkai ‘a holy brotherhood’, because they divided the day into three parts--a third for Torah, a third for prayer, and a third for work.

Rashi (Kesubos 5a) ללמדו אומנות - מצוה הוא דכתיב (קהלת ט׳:ט׳) ראה חיים עם אשה אשר אהבת למוד אומנות שתחיה הימנו עם התורה ואמרינן בקידושין (דף כט.) שאביו חייב ללמדו אומנות:

Rashi (Koheles 09:09) See  life with the wife you love. See and understand to learn a skill by which to earn a livelihood, together with Torah study that you possess. That is your lot to be sustained in This World and the next. Because the struggle in both of them causes sin to be forgotten

Sanhedrin (81a) Neither hath defiled his neighbor's wife, indicating that he did not competitively enter his neighbor's profession; neither hath come near to a menstruous woman, meaning that he did not benefit from the charity fund.

Kiddushin (30b) ‘To teach him a craft.’ Whence do we know it? — Said Hezekiah: Scripture saith, See to a livelihood with the wife whom thou lovest. If ‘wife’ is literal, this teaches just as the father is bound to take a wife for him, so is he bound to teach him a craft for a livelihood; if it is a metaphor for Torah, then just as he is bound to teach him Torah, so is he bound to teach him a craft.‘And some say, He must teach him to swim in water too. What is the reason? — His life may depend on it.

Ribis is heresy

 Alshech (Devarim 23:21) you can charge interest to non-Jews This verse reveals the reason for the prohibition of charging interest since it says G-d permitted charging idol worshippers interest. Our Sages strongly emphasize the seriousness of the prohibition of interest - even saying he denies the G-d of Israel as well as the  redemption from Egypt. It is appropriate to try and understand this since it seems to be simply an example of hyperbole. However you must realize that the foundation upon the who Torah rests is the belief in Divine Providence. The Remption from Egypt is a clear example that was witnessed by the entire Jewish people as well as the whole world and reinforced the idea that G-d created the universe and that is why miracles occurred all over the world and were done for the sake of the Jews as was seen with the plagues. Clearly mazel was overcome. When a person engages in farming he has trust in G-d that that which he planted will grow and he will receive blessing. Similarly a person engaged in business has trust that G-d will send His blessings and such are considered Jews since they recognize the G-d of Israel just as they did at the redemption from Egypt. In contrast one who says I will profit from my money he is indicating that wealth is totally natural and not from G-d or mazel or other forces and thus the concept of beracha is limited. The reason one can charge interest to a nonJew is because they are controlled by natural processes so correspondingly you can utilize natural orocesses with him. In contrast a believing Jew who is dependendent on Divine Providence can not be charged interest.  

New Research Aims To Help Ultra-Orthodox Mothers Of ADHD Kids


Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have created an intervention mapping protocol for ultra-Orthodox mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in order to promote healthy behavioral changes. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Fox News Confronts Katie Britt on Falsely Connecting Biden to Sex-Trafficking Story


Fox News Sunday moderator Shannon Bream pressed Britt on the widespread criticism of her speech, much of which has revolved around the story Britt shared of a woman who’d been sex-trafficked and raped by the cartel since age 12—the clear implication being that this was due to Biden immigration policies. The senator appeared to be referencing the story of Karla Jacinto Romero, who testified before Congress in 2015 that she was trafficked and assaulted in Mexico, nowhere near the U.S. border, between the years 2004 and 2008, when George W. Bush was president. Romero shared her experience with Britt early last year.

Katie Britt offers explanation for sex trafficking story … kind of


Details of a graphic story Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) told during her response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union on Thursday left viewers puzzled, as it emerged that the lurid tale of sex trafficking and rape she used to highlight Biden’s immigration policies occurred in Mexico during President George W. Bush’s administration.

Rosh Chodesh

 Why is the new moon significant in Judaism? 

It is a purely natural occurrence! 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Katie Britt Accused of 'Whopping Lie' in SOTU Response


On Friday, however, Talking Point Memo journalist Jonathan M. Katz posted a lengthy video to TikTok in which he cited evidence to suggest that Britt's portrayal of the woman's situation was inaccurate. According to information Katz found, including from her own past testimony before Congress, the woman that he believes the senator likely spoke to, Karla Jacinto Romero, was trafficked at a young age entirely within Mexico. This occurred during a time when Biden was not in the White House in any capacity, between 2004 and 2008.

"These events didn't happen in the United States," Katz said. "These crimes didn't take place in the United States. Or even near the border. They took place in Mexico."

Friday, March 8, 2024

Measles outbreak threatens US status of ‘eliminating’ virus


The concentration of Florida’s cases in schools, as well as Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo’s response to the outbreak, have drawn heightened scrutiny. In a letter to parents, Ladapo recommended keeping unvaccinated children at home for three weeks, as the CDC advises, but did not mandate it.

New Square: Poorest, but Its Hasidim Do Not Live by Bread Alone


“Two‐thirds of the village is receiving Medicaid and food stamps,” Mr. Weismandi said, “and a dozen families, perhaps are on welfare, although another 50 might be elegible for it.” The earned income, such as it is, comes from a variety of sources.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Stabbing victim recalls: I felt a blow to my back, I turned around and saw the knife


Zvi Tal, 64, from Ramat Shlomo, who was moderately wounded in the stabbing attack in Neve Yaakov, a residential neighborhood in northern Jerusalem, recounted the incident from his bed at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in the capital.