I texted this to R Avi Richler, Jewish Liaison for the GOP Gov. candidate, within the past half hour or so:
intensive consultation& deliberation,I was informed in no uncertain
terms that I was dead wrong in my initial assessment that a statement
from Mr. Ciattarelli that would not be properly publicized to Jewish
media tommorow would suffice.
In reality,it would NOT
alleviate the premier pikuach nefesh ("danger to life") concerns I
articulated to you, regarding leftist republicans in NY,&MD,
etc.deriving a takeaway from Orthodox support of a republican who voted
2x for A/S, &who articulated* in its defense.
Thus,we need a
full, unequivocal disavowal& commitment posted in video online by
noon tommorow, Mon., & publicized to Jewish media, in order to avoid
the need for me to correct the record.
Rabbi Noson Leiter,
Executive Director,
Help Rescue Our Children"
Rabbi Richler,
Our objective is not to assist candidates.
It's to save lives.
I told you in our long talk earlier, even a properly publicized
statement, the one we've been waiting for- since Friday- falls far short
of the ideal, in terms of alleviating aforementioned concern of a
lethal takeaway by leftist republican governors & legislators, just
itching to pass assisted suicide in NY, MD, CT, &beyond.
it's not CLEAR that the Orthodox street knows & has reason to trust
any commitment Jack would hypothetically make to repeal Aid In Dying,
we remain w/that aforementioned danger to NY et.al.
Rabbi Leiter"