Saturday, March 16, 2024

How Trump advanced Arab-Israeli peace but fueled Palestinian rage

“I think the Abraham Accords were incredibly important, but this disaster that we’re living through is a reminder that you cannot secure Israel simply through diplomatic work with Sunni nation-states,” said Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, a Democratic member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


  1. This sort of argument is misleading, and trying to a) negate the culpability of Biden policy, which was to pressure Israel into allowing in many thousands of gaza workers (who were actually hamas spies and operatives), and b) to lay some blame on trump and detract from his achievements. It is also playing the game of iran, who opposed any peace with Israel.
    Biden is funding iran again, who in turn supply weaponry to Russia to fight Ukraine. Democrats are very slippery, and self destructive.

  2. Trump derangement syndrome at work.
    You can't move the embassy to Jerusalem. The Arab street will explode!
    Only it didn't.
    You can't recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan. The Arab street will explode!
    Only it didn't.
    You can't make peace between Israel and Arab states. They'll never do it until there's peace with the so-called Palestinians.
    Only they did.
    So naturally the angle has to be changed. Everything Trump did to strengthen and support Israel? It's because he wanted to harm Israel!


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