Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Open Letter to Schlesinger twins

 Mazel Tov on your bar mitzva

Don't know if you realize its wider implication - in Jewish law that means it is now your responsibility to keep the religious and ethical principles of Judaism

One of the most important of these being to honor and respect both your father and mother

You are in a very difficult position in this area. Never the less you are still obligated

As a minimum you need to ensure that your mother is invited to the bar mitzva

As a psychologist I will simply note that if you can't deal properly with this issue  it is very unlikely you will have a good marriage or be a good parent. Not a threat or curse - just a dose of reality

Daniel Eidensohn PhD.


  1. Agreed: "As a minimum you need to ensure that your mother is invited to the bar mitzva" ויקרא פרשת קדושים פרק יט פסוק ג
    אִישׁ אִמּוֹ וְאָבִיו תִּירָאוּ וְאֶת שַׁבְּתֹתַי תִּשְׁמֹרוּ אֲנִי יְקֹוָק אֱלֹהֵיכֶם:
    Torah thought daf hayomi Yevamot 65a
    “ Our Rabbis taught: A woman who had been married to one husband and had no children and to a second husband and again had no children, may marry a third man only if he has children. If she married one who has had no children she must be divorced without receiving her kethubah. The question was raised: Where she married a third husband and bore no children, may her first two husbands reclaim [the respective amounts of her kethubah]?5 Can they plead, It has now been proved that you were the cause,6 or can she retort, It is only now that I have deteriorated? It stands to reason that she may plead, It is only now that I have deteriorated. The question was raised: If she married a fourth husband and gave birth to children, may she claim her kethubah from her third husband? We advise her: Your silence is better than your speech; for7 he8 could tell her, I would not have divorced you in such circumstances.9 R. Papa demurred: Even if she keeps silence, should we remain silent? The divorce, surely, is annulled, and her children are bastards! In truth,12 the fact is,13 that it is assumed that she has now been restored to health.14 If the husband15 pleads, The fault is hers16 and the wife pleads, The fault is his,17 R. Ammi ruled: In private matrimonial affairs18 the wife is believed. And what is the reason? She is in a position to know whether emission is forceful,19 but he is not in a position to know it. If the husband states that he intends taking another wife to test his potency.20 R. Ammi ruled: He must in this case also divorce [his present wife] and pay her the amount of her kethubah; for I maintain that whosoever takes in addition to his present wife another one must divorce the former and pay her the amount of her kethubah. Raba said: A man may marry wives in addition to his first wife; provided only that he possesses the means to maintain them.”

    My theory. Beautiful. Women want so badly to have children, even one baby if God grants.

    The progressive left in America make protests at Kavanaugh’s home. Biden/Harris also are angry at Kavanaugh and the other 4 judges that want to annul Roe-Wade. Didn’t the Tamar in the K-H bogus heter have one baby from her husband Aaron? Yet after having that baby she claims mistaken marriage! We thank God for every baby.

    Horrors: the progressive left in America wants to pack the court to cancel Kavanaugh and the other 4 judges that want to annul Roe-Wade.

  2. Come on, I gather that these boys have psychological issues. How can they be responsible for having their mother come or not?

  3. The children are minors of 12 years of age during the preparation of who to invite to the Bar Mitzvah. And thus they, as minor children under Bar Mitzvah, bear no responsibility of who is refused an invitation.

  4. Additionally, the children don't have the authority to override the decision of a parent paying for the affair, on who isn't invited.

  5. Furthermore, it seems rather very unlikely that the 12 year old children will be seeing this blog message.

  6. Agreed: "As a minimum you need to ensure that your mother is invited to the bar mitzva" ויקרא פרשת קדושים פרק יט פסוק ג
    אִישׁ אִמּוֹ וְאָבִיו תִּירָאוּ וְאֶת שַׁבְּתֹתַי תִּשְׁמֹרוּ אֲנִי יְקֹוָק אֱלֹהֵיכֶם:
    Torah thought daf hayomi Yevamot 65a
    “ Our Rabbis taught: A woman who had been married to one husband and had no children and to a second husband and again had no children, may marry a third man only if he has children. If she married one who has had no children she must be divorced without receiving her kethubah. The question was raised: Where she married a third husband and bore no children, may her first two husbands reclaim [the respective amounts of her kethubah]?5 Can they plead, It has now been proved that you were the cause,6 or can she retort, It is only now that I have deteriorated? It stands to reason that she may plead, It is only now that I have deteriorated. The question was raised: If she married a fourth husband and gave birth to children, may she claim her kethubah from her third husband? We advise her: Your silence is better than your speech; for7 he8 could tell her, I would not have divorced you in such circumstances.9 R. Papa demurred: Even if she keeps silence, should we remain silent? The divorce, surely, is annulled, and her children are bastards! In truth,12 the fact is,13 that it is assumed that she has now been restored to health.14 If the husband15 pleads, The fault is hers16 and the wife pleads, The fault is his,17 R. Ammi ruled: In private matrimonial affairs18 the wife is believed. And what is the reason? She is in a position to know whether emission is forceful,19 but he is not in a position to know it. If the husband states that he intends taking another wife to test his potency.20 R. Ammi ruled: He must in this case also divorce [his present wife] and pay her the amount of her kethubah; for I maintain that whosoever takes in addition to his present wife another one must divorce the former and pay her the amount of her kethubah. Raba said: A man may marry wives in addition to his first wife; provided only that he possesses the means to maintain them.”

    My theory. Beautiful. Women want so badly to have children, even one baby iif God grants.
    See me


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