Monday, December 7, 2020

The Toxic Back Story to the Charge That Jews Have a Dual Loyalty

The accusation that Jews have a “dual loyalty” — that they are not to be trusted because their true allegiance is to their religion, rather than to the country in which they live — dates back thousands of years. It animated the Nazis in 1930s Germany, when they accused Jewish people of being traitors and used charges of disloyalty to justify their arrests, persecutions and mass killings.

As far back as the Middle Ages, Jews were tagged in their communities as inherently untrustworthy and suspect, incapable of being loyal to their ruler because of their ties to other Jews around the world. They were also viewed as a threat to the church because of their religious beliefs.


1 comment :

  1. “The Toxic Back Story to the Charge That Jews Have a Dual Loyalty” No. Sorry not reading NY Times posts. Back to וישב
    My theory. The brothers hated that Joseph was spouting fake news, “And Joseph brought ויבא יוסף bad reports of them את דבתם רעה to their father אל אביהם.” The brothers hated that Joseph put on airs that he is concerned primarily for the lower levels of society when in actuality he was primarily concerned with promoting his own power over others. “And Joseph dreamed a dream ויחלם יוסף חלום and he told it to his brothers ויגד לאחיו; and they hated him even more ויוספו עוד שנא אתו. He said to them, Hear I pray you שמעו נא this dream which I have dreamed: For behold והנה we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, והנה, my sheaf arose קמה אלמתי and stood upright וגם נצבה; and behold והנה your sheaves gathered around תסבינה אלמתיכם and bowed down to my sheaf ותשתחוין לאלמתי. And his brothers said to him ויאמרו לו אחיו, Shall you indeed reign over us המלך תמלך עלינו? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us אם משל תמשל בנו? And they hated him even more for his dreams על חלמתיו and for his words ועל דבריו.” (Genesis 37:5-8). My theory. The brothers held fair elections and Judah won to rule. Joseph did fake news and fraud to try to rule. Biden/Harris does fake news and fraud to try to rule. Thank God SCOTUS gave me a docket number 20-6525. I’m listed as the attorney for petitioner. I have no lawyers helping me.


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