Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Senate Intel says FBI gave 'unjustified credence' to Steele dossier, Russia 'took advantage' of Trump transition team

The committee found that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s “presence on the Trump campaign and proximity to then-candidate Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign.”

The committee noted that prior to Manafort joining the Trump campaign in March 2016, Manafort “directly and indirectly communicated” with Russian national, Konstantin Kilimnik and other pro-Russian oligarchs in Ukraine.

“On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik,” the report stated, while noting that the committee was “unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik or with whom Kilimnik further shared that information.”

“The Committee obtained some information suggesting Kilimnik may have been connected to the GRU's hack and leak operation targeting the 2016 U.S. election,” the report stated.

The committee found that “after the election, Manafort continued to coordinate with Russian persons, particularly Kilimnik and other individuals close to Oleg Deripaska, in an effort to undertake activities on their behalf.”

“Manafort worked with Kilimnik starting in 2016 on narratives that sought to undermine evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election,” the report found.

The committee added: “Taken as a whole, Manafort's high- level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik and associates of Deripaska, represented a grave counterintelligence threat.”


  1. Oh. Blather. "Created opportunities." In other words, the Senate Dems came up empty-handed.

  2. In other words a bipartisan panel disagrees with your blind loyalty

  3. Meanwhile the Dem's are showing their fractures but no one notices

  4. There is no "bi-partisanship." If there is one lesson that is to be learned from the election of Donald Trump it is that Republicans got tired of electing so-called RINOs, "Republicans in Name Only."

    There is partisanship in Washington. But it is not Democrat vs Republican. There is Trump on one side along with his cheerleaders and then there is everyone else.

    I'm loyal to the President, because I'm loyal to myself, and to the Torah. We're trying to rescue the last vestige of morality in this country.


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