Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Did Not Originate in a Lab—It Is the Product of Natural Evolution, Scientists Say

The new coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, likely originated in nature according to the authors of a study questioning the idea it was manmade.



  1. Doesn't change the fact that China's government knew about it, first ignored it, then hid news about it including punishing those who wanted to publicized it, then allowed infected citizens to spread it to the rest of the planet.

  2. Virus Was created in a Lab see:




  6. Dude, how do you spend your time??!!
    This is some super-elongated hyper-unreliable "information"... and so very low IQ. It's bittul Torah on steroids.

  7. See comment above.

  8. You seem to sift your online sources with all the discrimination of a catfish.

  9. If these sources are way above your personal cocoon capacity ,I understand ,kindly ignore and stick to CNN and Yeshiva World Ami and Mishpacha /Binah!, its only meant for those that have this capacity.and are seeking something deeper ,

  10. ...Or something "deeper", LOL

  11. Weird way of understanding what it means to prepare for moshiach. Torah, mitzvos, middos seems more on target.

  12. All the "chokhma" in the world can't help him who has no daas to discern when he's listening to substance or to bunk.

  13. Beryl, stop posting garbage conspiracy theories


  15. Where is you Lashon nikeeah?
    "Umin Habihama asher lo tehorah" sheharei ekem hkasuv 8 oisiois.........."

  16. Not sure what you mean. No curse words or name-calling here.

    As for the metaphor invoked: God meant for us to use our discernment; and in fact the higher the life-form the more that appears to be the case, bederekh teva.
    But you sit online and suck up for consumption whatever falls to the internet's ocean floor. True that it's only yourself that you're hurting, but even from that standpoint, it's just terrible to witness.

  17. berel, you are meshuga! david Icke is a an antisemitic fruitcake, nutter. he is a joke. why do you only find your "sources" amongst these sick ov and yidoni types?

  18. and catfish is not a kosher species

  19. it is a great pity that those who vehemently oppose any secular education, end up relying on the biggest falsehoods which they adopt as "truth".

  20. its amazing that you refuse to hear a presentation of facts in this time of crisis just because you dont care for the messenger

    Shoiteh !
    fact are facts !
    nothing changes the facts !

    these people assembled concrete facts so please don't shoot the messenger just verify the truthful fact for your own knowledge

    make your own research dont just drink CNN like a Sheeple Shoiteh!

    and by the wayname calling and gutter talk will only keep you down there with the Monk!

  21. Vitamin C success in China! all recovered hear! :

  22. A great pity & a telling irony. Your insightful observation brings to mind the rather obscure but highly telling fact that the Rambam saw fit to author his first work for Klal Yisrael on the proper training of our sekhel in the use of logic. For where our mind goes astray, what use then is even our digest of Chazal's Mishnayos? A sound head -- to which the Rambam attaches sound middos, the one an extension of the other -- is the first prerequisite of qabbalas Torah.

  23. Yes, precisely my point. Is a bottom feeder. Your time spent on this trash is the intellectual equivalent of eating pig feed or worse. (Pond-scum is what catfish eat, from the lake floor. That would be most in keeping with my analogy, but like most analogies they are interchangeable. (They are in this regard similar to serpents, which eat pretty much anything moving they are able to send down.) And the point is not in the details but the underlying iqqar: Higher order animals are graced with the good sense to avoid such fare. Nothing to do with neqiyus in this case.

  24. You've piqued my curiosity, so I simply must ask: Who is "the Monk"?

  25. Oh, God save us! Not from the idiotic message, of course, but from the fact that there is an audience to mechasheiv it as a message worth receiving.

    Ironically, I think R' Glazerson -- a wonderfully engaging & accessible man in person -- is a sweet & generally well-meaning fellow. But in subject matter he seems often to exercise almost no judgment at all, Hashem yerachem.

  26. ridiculous Berel, you insult everyone here ,

    but you only display your own foolishness with your advocacy of nonsense.
    The various organisations had preparations for pandemic outbreaks. That is part of planning. You see, you do not live in the real world, and you are cut off from the westen world and how Governments operate. It is true, you know how the various leaders of the eidah work, or Monsey, but there are many things way beyond your capability to comprehend. So you find some dumb blonde who is a paranoid conspiray theorist to give us her daas.

    they have plans for all sorts of emergencies, earhttquakes, floods, wars famine, etc. Does that mean they actually engineer each of these natural disasters? No Berel. Same goes for pandemics. They didn't know what the pandemic would be , but there have been several previous viruses, like Sars, mers, bird Flu etc, and this scared a lot of people. Even now they say there are many more viruses in Bats, which could transfer to humans, via other animals, and they are deadly. Get it?
    Perhaps not, in the same way you can't say anything rational about the Zionist entity, so with matters of science and worldly things.

  27. Funny, I actually don't remember the last time I benefited, or even sought out to watch, a piece of CNN's journalism. Try PBS; at least they interview people who actually bring some knowledge to bear. Most of their commentators are only mediocre, and sometimes even worse, but they get folks like David Brooks, who's always insightful and basically in the political center. In terms of content quality, no other daily TV news touches them.

    Also try watching or listening to 60 Minutes. There is a reason it is the highest rated weekly news program of all time and has been around for a full half century (I think?).

    In terms of weekly reading material (if you are able to read?), there are just too many excellent weekly news sources to name with quality analysis & info, and esp. the investigative pieces they pour hundreds of thousands into producing (well, the few that still do).

  28. You know, everything you've said about these "sources" one could say about the likes of David Irving, whose mode of presentation these folks somewhat resemble (although Irving has more polish). David Irving and his like are the consummate Holocaust deniers and absolute quacks. Very easy to find "fine" alternative "sources" on the internet. The day you wake up to its fundamentally infomercial nature will be prove to be a real yeshua for your poor muddied head.

  29. haha, most of that is not directed to me ;)

  30. Berel, always siding with the greatest anti-semites, Hamas, Ahmadinejad, David Duke, and now another looney you've discovered, Mr Icke!

    Actually, your views are quite similar to his, so it is no surprise that one crackpot is attracted to another.

  31. Why do you say that?
    He is saying that Chilul Shabbos will be stopped because of virus , I really wonder what you find inaccurate or wrong with that message ? Or you didn't even bother to hear him out for 3 minutes yet you feel free to criticize him and shame him in public fo no good reason whatsoever ?

  32. Hashem Yirachem on your flimsy lighthead soul!

  33. info and source material your discernment .

  34. Not terrible for me. I like Berel and his research. It's precisely through people who operate like Berel that I've come to investigate some way out stuff.

    And every once in a while I'm led to a surprising truth that I wouldn't have arrived at without first buying into the nonsense (at least temporarily.)

    Case in point: there was someone who will remained unnamed that was villified in much of the press and community, but turned out he had right on his side. More than one case like that as a matter of fact.

    The coronavirus is probably not manmade. But the damage from its spread was knowable in advance. Why wasn't the country better suited to deal with it? Not because rich people conspired with the government to bring about a pandemic to facilitate (pick one) population reduction, empowering a global ruling class, disarming citizens, etc.

    And yet, all those choices are offshoots of the pandemic.

    We are being told we must save the financial sector, we must save the airlines, we must save the movie theaters, and on and on. What say we don't them? What say we don't send money to people making under "x" amount of dollars.

    Why not make it so painful that the new industries that arise from the ashes will put their profits in the bank for a rainy day instead of enriching themselves?

    Why isn't THAT being considered on mass media talks shows and in top government circles?

  35. I regret to be the bearer of bad news here, but the paper from Nature being referred to in the article makes a very flimsy case and contains no proof whatsoever on the origin of this virus. It very much reads to me as a situation of "Thou doth protest too much," and as the reader makes me wonder why were they so intent on proving this had a natural origin.

    In any case, there is as of now no proof one way or the other as to the origin of the virus. If the USA's CDC had been allowed into China in January when they offered to help on the ground (but were refused entry by the Chinese govt), perhaps they would have uncovered the proof. (For that matter, they very likely would have also been better equipped to deal with this crisis within US borders had they been allowed to witness in person). But as to the origin, maybe we'll never know for sure.

    There have been other cases of zoonotic transmission, such as with swine flu and SARS. So it's not out of the question. But definitely NOT proven in this case.

  36. Berel, there are over a billion Chinese people. 3,248 people in China died from the Wuhan coronavirus. That's 3,248 out of 1,386,000,000 Chinese people. In other words, 0.00023% of China's population died from the virus. If that was a "depopulation plan" then it failed miserably.

  37. Your hatred is really ugly.

  38. Icke is still laughed at by intelligent people who know better, Berel.


  40. you are just repeating the rantings fed by fake news
    Its a new world out there .dont be afraid to reassess all your misled beliefs ,or you may one day end up the fool !
    Poking fun at well documented studies by honest people was the only response the fake news could use to scare everyone away "conspiracy"Ha Ha

    No one want to be shamed ,but those days are over .
    the truth stands on its own merit

  41. Shoiteh He is not the source but he brings valud publishe sources and data dont push that away even if you are a catfish!

  42. see the above posts for amazing new info on the major mess we are surrounded by now .

  43. He's a shabbetai zvi. Shabbetai also relied on zohar.

  44. Berel, drinks from the Wells of amalek, amalIcke, and then calls me a catfish 😂

  45. I did go through some of what you posted, Berel.

    It just doesn't really sing to me, except the one on why the virus might have been manipulated in a laboratory. That made the needle move, but not much.

  46. Mein kamf is also published. As are satmar rebbes pamphlets


  48. Haha, indeed. Guess I need to be more careful. I mistakenly thought it was Berel's comment I was replying to -- as in, how dare you call me a non-kosher animal, LOL. Well, quip explained regardless.

  49. True!
    But there may be other benefits to NWO to have these quarantines ....truly scary for those without bitachon!

  50. Well, you know the saying: No accounting for tastes. ("al taam vereiach...", "De gustibus..." etc.).

    As for this:But the damage from [the coronavirus] spread was knowable in advance.
    that is laughably untrue. Aside from resembling SARS in some mechanical features, it is proving to be remarkably unpredictable. Educated projections can be offered, and have, but there's almost no outcome at this point that any top educated medical professional could rule out as flying in the face of current evidence. Maybe it'll be fine, maybe it'll be a global blow; maybe only last another two weeks, maybe through 2021. No one knows, and anyone who says different is a fraud; that is all we know.

  51. You would be well served acquainting yourself thoroughly with this concept: " Un-falsifiable". Your comments are proving to be a textbook case, so... thanks, I guess.

  52. I don't know why you're so axiomatically convinced that any argument -- very simple arguments, really -- I offer against your views are hypnotically refracted off MSM. A curious certainty, that.

    It seems to me that the comment above stands on its own merit with no appeal to any authority. In fact, it seems to be an exercise that the Amoraim have, via providing us the Talmud, counselled us to adopt: Weigh your reasoning and ask if the same reasoning could be used by another to arrive at other inferences either at odds with yours here or flatly false be-eitzam. If so, the reasoning must be revised or rejected as itself un-workable.

    I've pointed this out to you, and you rejoinder back that I'm brainwashed. What's worse is that it's a rejoinder without any evidence, but even that remarkable fact is almost beside the point. Thus my conclusion: Your mind is unwell. And thus my advice: Quit mevatel'ng your time, and go learn more.

  53. (1) Even aside from its justifcation, the conclusion is absurd & trivial at the same time. Who cares if people who are not shomer Shabbos and don't believe in God or in Torah will be staying at home? That point strikes me as just plain dumb. You'd be better spending your time reading Neviim Acharonim, where in any number of places you'll find God informing man that He has no need of our avoda, so we had better be sure any such avoda we offer be in the right spirit. In other words, without sincerity, our maasim are almost counterfeit. Thus Yirmiyahu asks his audience, the Yehudim in the South, to quit focusing on the Aron haQ' held in the Northern Kingdom and turn back to God Himself.

    (2) As for the justification: Dude!!! It's a Bible Code. Enough said. Is a technique popularized for being "meqariv" brain-dead idiots. Gotta wonder what "H' Eloqei[nu] Emes" 'feels' about such qiruv. Surely begs the question, doesn't it. It's as if you've said "Judgment, begone; I'm busy worshipping God." Yes, H' yirachem... May He save us from such lunacy.

  54. listen to this Hebrew discussion :

  55. If so why dont you first listen to my presented sources and THEN say your comments?
    why do you have preconcieved notions it seems that its because you are under the influence of MainstreamCNN ...etc.

  56. this

  57. Fallacy. We recognize poop by its smell, not its taste. Similarly, by virtue of being developed adults we can have a chush for bunk without having to sacrifice our time, energy, & general daas to give it a scientific evaluation. Garbage is most often recognized already in proximity. If it weren't, conmen wouldn't have to be accomplished at their craft, and for that reason I don't have to buy, bring home, & test every item every Arab offers me in the shuq in order to know I'm being huckstered, nor do I have to purchase & home-test every item sold over the TV to recognize the difference between infomercial-ing* and a Consumer Reports-type objective review. I wish you had the same ability when you come across the latest YouTube suggestion. Regrettably, you clearly don't. So I'll repeat myself yet again: Please use your daas. That I do is why (correct!) I indeed do not need to busy myself listening to every maniacal videoclip you post.

    And, yes, I understand that to you my refusal is yet more evidence that I am brainwashed by the mainstream Powers-That-Be and thus trapped in the hapless misery of being not yet "awakened" to the Truth, oh-won't-I-be-so-sorry-later, yadda yadda yadda, mah she'ein kein the kooky 15% of the YouTube community who posts every last ridiculous theory on YouTube for you to suck down your catfish gullet. Remember no one likes to get high alone. They'll take a hit anyway, why not share it with you? In your circle of self-abuse you share your "enthusiasm" for bunk while real life passes by.

  58. Out of respect, I've given 3-4min to the first clip and casually surveyed the contents of the second. Both of them seem to concern the same subject: the shockingly openly antisemitic contents of Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf -- a book, by the way, that was a near-immediate bestseller and has never been out-of-print since its publication, historically amounting to be one of the world's most popular (or most read) volumes of all time. That comes as a shock to Jews, of course, since we are raised blessedly cocooned from the rest of the world, but it is a point that is covered every couple of years in weekly MSM publications every time some issue comes up that sparks some editor to commission such a piece because isn't that fact oh-so-interest/surprising. But I digress... (and into spheres (the horrible MSM!!!) sworn off by you, no less; how terrible of me).....

    I fail to see the relevance of these clips to my criticism of your earnest arguments in favor of the alternative sources you've posted. I fear perhaps you've lost the thread of our massa umattan altogether?

  59. Nice to see someone is using logic. I shall have to remember your use of smell as opposed to taste. Well done!

  60. Berel, you are not really educated in scientific matters, so you are not able to sift through scientific data, nor to distinguish between rigorous and robust data vs. junk collated by (fellow) crackpots who live in basements and come up with half baked conspriacy theories.

    But even in religious matters, you do the same, jumping on absurd conspiracy theories, suddenly making a list of freemasons and Zionist conspiracies. And your sources are equally dubious, you find weird loser "rabbis" like Berkowitz, who are obviously deluded and surround themselves with rashaim and apikorsim.

  61. Thanks. My orientation in these matters stems from a generation that is becoming each year more obsolete, it seems. Were it not for my religious faith, I'd despair for the future entirely.

    Several times on this blog I've tried to point paranoid folks swept up in fake sources to the errant logic of their own words; I can only hope it has somewhere had some good effect, because frankly I've yet to see evidence of any.

    But, true, the occasional, inspired, solid quip does help make blogging worth it, LOL. We're probably through this medium all just becoming our own favorite readers....

  62. You don't seem to get it, Berel.
    When I point out how badly executed this would have been as a "depopulation plan," I am making the point that it is NOT a depopulation plan. Evidence suggests it is not.
    If governments were using this as a depopulation plan, they would have continued on as normal with business as usual and just let it spread unabated in the population. The fact that we have economic shutdowns in attempt to stop the spread of the virus is strong proof that they are NOT trying to kill people, they are actually trying to save them.


  64. Oh, but anyone who refutes him is called a "shoiteh"

  65. Interesting, there is sadly a believed and a lechatchila.
    In evolutionary biology, this is what diseases actually do, they cull the weakest , just like a lion will catch the weakest in a herd of animals.
    But evolution is apukorsus, so we cannot talk about it here.
    The government is giving advice to stay indoors and ban public gatherings, even in Shuls. The hareidim are saying its OK to have 10 or 20 sized minyanim, as they have no concept of how a virus can spread. Young healthy people can act as vectors or spreaders of virus. So as the vilna gaon said, someone lacking scientific knowledge, lacks 100 fold Torah knowledge.

  66. Ramchal:

    Frustrated by his inability to teach kabbalah, Luzzatto left Amsterdam for the Holy Land in 1743, settling in Acre. Three years later, he and his family died in a plague.

  67. It's not proof, however, China can bring a much stricter control on food and live animals, impose restrictions on wild animals and modernize its livestock , with much tighter regulations on allowing species to intermingle. This problem, if not addressed adequately, will close off Chinese export markets for good. Perhaps Iran will continue to trade with them.

  68. More logic citation for you. 8^)

    Quite amazing, how frequently relevant it seems to be among this blog's readership.

  69. I had to refresh my memory on the straw man fallacy. It's a form of distraction or sleight of hand. In fact, many rabbis are guilty of it, when trying to answer a question, they bring something they remembered from the gmara, which doesn't address the problem, or answer it.

  70. Great comment here, it is still entertaining to read it!

  71. Ah, nice to hear. Here's a shaiyla: If a blog comment amuses and leads a reader to reflection, was the larger pandemic blogging of which it was a part not such a major bittul Torah by the author? LOL

    Freilichen Purim. May the coming year find us immersed only in conversations that prove thoughtful, productive, & positive in tone & spirit...!

  72. I like your comments, but the one in question was one of the best.
    In answer to your question, an economics lecturer once taught the rule of diminishing returns. An example he gave was chocolate - is that 10th or 20th chocolate bar as satisfying as the first one was ?the answer is usually no. On pouring perhaps you can drink more alcohol and eat more cakes and still be satisfied but not throughout the year😁

  73. Video unavailable
    This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been closed.

  74. this is a nice shiur about the Torah She B'al Peh

    there is a bit of logical fallacy though, in here, especially "preaching to the choir" [we call it preaching to the converted].

    I am not comfortable with the use of false proofs, i.e. statements that are logically false or misinterpretations. However, I cannot go into details, because of the source of these statements


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