Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The End of Torah in America by Joe Orlow

It is evident from many places in the Chumash that the Torah is a package deal. The Torah may not be added to. The Torah may not be subtracted from.

What the exact parameters are of adding and subtracting is not the subject here. Suffice it to say that the threshold is reached when any Jew declares that a Mitzvah is no Mitzvah. Even if a Rabbi, or a group of Rabbis say a Mitzvah is no Mitzvah, the condition of subtracting has been reached.

We are at a point, after years of collective research, where we have in our hands most of the details of the mechanics of the Heter given to Tamar Epstein to remarry without a Get.

I apologize to those are not in the know that I cannot at this time reveal certain aspects of the Heter, such as those particulars surrounding the report on which the Heter hangs. One should not do to others what is distasteful to oneself. And it is distasteful to me when I am excluded from the inner cool club house. Yet, I cannot offer one and all membership now for valid reasons. I hope I have gained enough of your trust so that I can make the rest of the points below with some credibility.

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky is considered the greatest Gadol in America by many. Rabbi Kamenetsky told me I can rely on Rabbi Greenblatt. 

Rabbi Greenblatt has basically nullified the Torah through his nullifying Tamar's marriage to Aharon Friedman. I've written extensively about this elsewhere on this blog. And my contribution to proving this thesis is just a drop in the ocean of material on these webpages.

To summarize, virtually any woman can get her marriage nullified by Rabbi Greenblatt if she acts cleverly.

She has to be a follower of Rabbi Kamenetsky. She can then rely on Rabbi Greenblatt.

All that is required next is to have a mental health professional call Rabbi Greenblatt and testify that her husband had an incurable mental illness from before the marriage and that she was unaware of her husband's condition when she married him. She receives a Heter to remarry, and may do so without a Get.

That's it.

Rabbi Greenblatt holds that he does not need to interview the wife nor the husband before issuing the Heter.

And if Rabbi Greenblatt can give such Heters, then so too can others. Because Rabbi Kamenetsky has said you may rely on Rabbi Greenblatt.

Now some may point out that Rabbi Dovid Feinstein ruled for Rabbi Kametsky that Rabbi Greenblatt's Heter in this case is not valid. But it must be noted that Rabbi Feinstein did not order Tamar to separate from the man she is living with, Adam Fleischer, who is not her husband. And I tried to notify Rabbi Feinstein that Rabbi Kamenetsky did not order her to separate. Nor has Tamar on her own separated. Rabbi Feinstein's not telling her to separate makes him complicit in her continued cohabitation with a man not her husband.

Rabbi Kamenetsky and Rabbi Greenblatt have thus uprooted, or at least mangled, the Torah of Gittin, which is equivalent to destroying the entire Torah. Rabbi Feinstein has covered up the indiscretion.

A Mitzvah has died. The Torah in America is dead.

And the Torah in America lives on. It lives on in those who reject Rabbis Kamenestsky, Feinstein, and Greenblatt and who maintain their fidelity to the old fashioned Torah true teachings of men like Harav Dovid Eidensohn.


  1. Kudos to Joe Orlow, for trying to upholding the integrity of the Halachic process.

  2. Ernesto_Che_BurashkaJuly 12, 2018 at 3:17 AM

    Don't you worry about Torah's demise in US of A! RSK with SholomK are now in Russia, teaching the locals how to love Motherland (sorry, I meant Torah, of course). Shiur on הלכות גטין is not scheduled so far.

  3. “All that is required next is to have a mental health professional call Rabbi Greenblatt and testify that her husband had an incurable mental illness from before the marriage and that she was unaware of her husband's condition when she married him. She receives a Heter to remarry, and may do so without a Get.”
    Today with the internet, we all can see the mental health professional’s fake/phony report. Please tell me the date on the report. If the mental health professional whose name is on the report is still alive, we must hurry and ask him or her if it’s true what he or she signed. To Rabbis Greenberg and Kamenetsky the mental health professional’s fake/phony report is just a fig leaf and not important.
    “Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they perceived that they were naked; and they sewed together fig leaves and made themselves loincloths” (Genesis 3:7). The angry feminists today are happy with the mental health professional’s fake/phony report.


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