Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mazel Tov to Rav Nosson Liss!


  1. Who is Rabbi Liss?
    Give us some background on this synagogue and the new Rov.

  2. tzipschum said...

    Who is Rabbi Liss?
    Give us some background on this synagogue and the new Rov.
    Rabbi Liss is a friend who until recently lived in Har Nof. He is very close to Rav Sternbuch and while he was here was very instrumental in introducing many people to Rav Sternbuch. He is someone who is very solid in learning, halacha and chareidi hashkofa and at the same time is very comfortable with the modern world. Hopefully he will serve to inspire his congregation and demonstrate that being intelligent and open minded is not a contradiction to being chareidi. He is part of the new wave of congregational rabbis who come from yeshiva backgrounds.

    I don't know anything about the shul

  3. If the hachtara was on shobbos (so says the article) and the caption of the photo says it was taken in the induction, so when the photo was taken ?

  4. If the hachtara was on shobbos (so says the article) and the caption of the photo says it was taken in the induction, so when the photo was taken ?

  5. at the same time is very comfortable with the modern world.
    In what way, secular education? politically aware? techo awareness? appreciation for scientific advancement?
    Translate "comfortable with the modern world".....does that mean uses the comforts of the modern world?

  6. Jack said...

    at the same time is very comfortable with the modern world.
    In what way, secular education? politically aware? techo awareness? appreciation for scientific advancement?

    All of the above.

  7. the Monsey Tzadik said...
    If the hachtara was on shobbos (so says the article) and the caption of the photo says it was taken in the induction, so when the photo was taken ?

    if you would read the article properly then you will see there was a seudoh shlishis together, nomrally after that is maariv, then the photo was taken, abit of common sense please!

  8. tzipschum said...
    Who is Rabbi Liss?
    Give us some background on this synagogue and the new Rov.

    here is a link to the shuls website;

    Highgate is an affluent area in London,UK, home to many of the high class Jewish British proffesionals, located about half way between Golders Green and Stamford Hill


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