Friday, January 5, 2024

Parnossa - relying on miracles is prohibited

 Igros Moshe (OH 2:111): We see clearly from the gemora that it is prohibited to depend on a miracle to provide livelihood without us doing any action or having an occupation. Even though it is necessary to know that all the profit which comes from working or business is only from G d according to what was fixed on Rosh HaShanna - but this is only when we have some occupation or business dealings. This necessity for effort is stated in the Torah “by the sweat of your brow you will eat bread” and is discussed at the end of Kiddushin. Even according R’ Nehorai who only taught his son Torah and not a trade - indicating that there is no need to teach a trade to one’s son - agrees that one cannot rely on a miracle. His view is that the majority of people cannot learn Torah and a trade at the same time while young. Thus his position is that when a person is an adult, G d will provide him some way of earning a living and supporting his family - even if he didn’t learn a trade while a child. However as an adult even R’ Nehorai would agree that it is prohibited to do nothing and rely on a miracle. This understanding is seen in the Rambam who rules like R’ Nehorai that there is no need to teach a trade and rules in Hilchos Talmud Torah (3:10) that it is necessary to have an occupation….

US 'not seeing' acts of Israeli genocide in Gaza

The United States doesn’t believe Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza, US officials said on Wednesday as they slammed South Africa’s appeal to the International Court of Justice for a ruling on the matter.

“We find this submission meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters.

Gideon Levy: Palestinian prisoners get much worse conditions than hostages in Gaza

“They hold hundreds of Palestinians, handcuffed for weeks and months with their eyes and even this is accepted by Israeli society because they are all Hamas and they all participated in the raping and the killing on the seventh and therefore we have the right to do whatever we want,” claimed Levy.


 Levi Feller <>

7:07 AM (2 hours ago)

to me

Hakoreh Lachaveiro mamzer sofeg es ha'arboyim.

Claudine Gay and America’s Institutions

The real lesson of Ms. Gay’s resignation is that too much of the American academy has abandoned its core mission of learning and free inquiry in favor of political indoctrination. In other words, it has abandoned the classical liberal tradition that earned it public respect over decades. That respect won’t return until these institutions return to that mission.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

China, Saudi Arabia Top Spenders at Trump Properties During His Presidency

China and Saudi Arabia topped a list of 20 countries whose governments or state-linked entities pumped millions of dollars into Donald Trump’s properties while he was president, according to a new report and previously undisclosed records that shed light on Trump’s potential business conflicts as he seeks a second term.

Public documents and internal financial records obtained by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee and seen by The Wall Street Journal showed that countries spent lavishly at Trump’s hotels in Washington and Las Vegas. They also shelled out for payments at his New York properties, spending a total of at least $7.8 million during his time in office. 

Israel’s Supreme Court Divides and Rules

There was no good reason for Israel’s Supreme Court to rush and every reason to wait. “United we win” is the ubiquitous slogan on the Israeli home front, where even bitter rivals have formed a wartime unity government. By acting now to quash the remnant of judicial reform, the court risks plunging Israel into the peacetime squabbles of Oct. 6—and the ruinous, provocative months that preceded it.

Hamas Killed My Daughter. My Husband Is Still a Hostage

Almost three months later, the kids are still crying. They miss their father every day. My son only sleeps with me. The Red Cross hasn't visited Tsachi or any of the other hostages, we are told. But, our entire family and a community of friends that has embraced us is resolved to bring Tsachi home. I am doing everything in my power to bring him home alive and well. He's my husband, of course, and my better and stronger half. He has to live for our daughter Maayan, and be able to hug our living children again. He needs to come home.

Harvard agitators turn their ire toward Penny Pritzker

The announcement comes after Bill Ackman, a hedge fund manager and outspoken critic of Harvard’s handling of claims of antisemitism, called on Pritzker, the former U.S. Commerce secretary, to resign over the handling of Gay’s hiring and ultimate exit from the Ivy League school.

“The Board Chair, Penny Pritzker, should resign along with the other members of the board who led the campaign to keep Claudine Gay, orchestrated the strategy to threaten the media, bypassed the process for evaluating plagiarism, and otherwise greatly contributed to the damage that has been done,” Ackman wrote in a lengthy screed on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Call it the battle of the billionaires. Ackman and Pritzker both sit on the Forbes billionaire list and are noted political donors to Democratic candidates. They are also both Jewish Americans and Harvard alums.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Top Hamas Leader Killed in Suspected Israeli Strike in Beirut

A suspected Israeli attack targeted a Hamas gathering in Beirut on Tuesday, killing at least seven members of the Palestinian militant group, including one of its most influential founding members, according to Lebanese and Palestinian security officials, sending shock waves through the Middle East and bringing weekslong hostage negotiations to a halt.

Powerful blasts rocked a Beirut neighborhood early Tuesday evening, killing Saleh al-Arouri, a founder of the Hamas military wing, deputy head of its political bureau and, according to the group, an architect of the group’s Oct. 7 attacks in southern Israel that killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians. The explosions sent shattered glass and car parts flying through the streets near one of the city’s famed sweet shops.

Harvard President Resigns After Plagiarism Allegations, Campus Antisemitism Backlash

Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned from her leadership role Tuesday, capping a dramatic fall from power fueled by both her response to antisemitism on campus and mounting allegations of plagiarism.

The resignation comes after weeks of criticism over her initial response to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel and early December comments at a House committee hearing that equivocated on whether calling for the genocide of Jewish people violated the campus code of conduct.

Though she had maintained the support of Harvard’s governing body, she also faced escalating external calls to resign over allegations that she failed to properly credit other researchers in her published work.

Claudine Gay, first Black woman president at Harvard, to resign

Harvard’s embattled president Claudine Gay announced that she is resigning from her post Tuesday afternoon.

In a statement, Gay said “it has become clear that it is in the best interests of Harvard for me to resign so that our community can navigate this moment of extraordinary challenge with a focus on the institution rather than any individual.”

Divine Providence and the Natural Order (2)

In the previous shiur, we discussed the theory of the Ramban and the Rambam, who maintain that Divine Providence is not universal. Only the righteous enjoy consistent Divine Providence. Regular people who are not particularly righteous have less Divine Providence, and therefore must fend for themselves within the natural order. The Torah expects us to work for a living, to conscript armies and fight wars, and in general to work in the natural order, because not everyone is on the level at which they enjoy consistent Divine Providence.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Wealth depends on Profession

 Pesachim (113a) R. Papa said: If I were not a beer manufacturer I would not have become wealthy. Others say, R. Hisda said: If I were not a beer manufacturer, I would not have become wealthy.