Sunday, June 11, 2023

Beth Alexander's estranged ex-husband insists: ‘It’s all lies!’

“Unfortunately, journalists can still be found who believe these stories… in Austria I took legal action against all the media and was able to win the cases very quickly.”

A psychiatric examination of Dr. Schlesinger should decisively resolve the custody fight

After spending  countless hours dealing with this sad case, I think it is necessary to take stock and ask a simple question. What will resolve the dispute? From the many comments of the supporters of Beth and Michael - it is clear that many perhaps most commentators on both sides really have no idea of what has gone on and what is going on now. However there are a significant number that clearly have knowledge about the events and the people. 

After having seen the documents involved it becomes clear that what is going on is a dispute by two sincere intelligent individuals who have totally different understanding of reality.  In other words one of these parties has a serious misunderstanding of objective reality in this case. The result is not only pain for both of them, but their children are being destroyed. While I hope to publish the main documents with translation in the near future, I don't think that is going to resolve the issue. Let me explain why.

One of the most forceful and cogent opponents of Beth is a commentator name Bubbe.   see comments here. Bubbe obviously has full access to Dr. Schlesinger's inner most thoughts as well the documents in this case. In fact she/he sounds amazingly similar to Dr. Schlesinger himself. Nevertheless Bubbe's understanding of events is not that of Beth nor is it consistent with my understanding or that of of others familiar with the case. Thus publishing the documents probably will not resolve anything.

It is very important to note the incredible fact that through all of this - Dr. Schlesinger has not been given a psychiatric examination.  Clearly either he or Beth is seriously misunderstanding reality. Beth has already been examined by a professional and declared to be free of mental illness. 

 I think that the final resolution of this matter would come about if Dr. Schlesinger agrees to be  given a mental health evaluation by a neutral psychiatrist (i.e. has no ties to him or his family or judges who are connected to his family). If he is declared to have a serious problem in understanding the reality in this case that would validate Beth's position. On the other hand if he gets a clean bill of mental health - I don't think that Beth would have any further basis for continuing her fight.

Therefore I call on both parties to reach an agreement as to what conditions the fighting will stop - which includes as a minimum as psychiatric evaluation of Dr. Schlesinger. I think in addition that it would also be important if the twins are given a full mental health and developmental evaluation. The goal of the evaluation should be to determine what is in the best interest of the twins.

If the evaluations determine that the fault lies with Beth - as Bubbe claims - then I think she shoud agree to stop fighting for her children. On the other hand if the fault lies with Dr. Schlesinger - he should give up custody and Beth should be allowed to return with them to England.  

Update: I am not calling for a public posting of anyone's psychiatric reports. I am simply requesting that Michael have an evaluation as mandated by the Vienna Appeals and Supreme Courts and which was never done.  

It is important to note that this proposal is my own and I have not discussed it with either Beth or Dr. Schlesinger.

Schlesinger Twins: Beth urgently requests Chabad to let her attend her sons' birthday party

The following is a letter that Beth Alexander asked me to publicize. I am greatly saddened and disgusted that she had to publicize this request. It is inconceivable to me that anyone who  has a Jewish heart would refuse her - and yet so far she has been unable to get permission from Chabad. This is especially troubling given the importance that the Rebbe and Rav Moshe Feinstein held of birthdays. 

Furthermore I have been informed that my publicizing Beth's plight irritates members of the Vienna community - including its rabbis.  I have been told that there is muttering about "Why air this on the Internet?" I in fact share your concerns but I see no alternative at present. I welcome any suggestion that would take care of these matters of common decency - without publicity. So far private requests have accomplished nothing!
update - The Law of Austria regardiing child custody European Commission
In the case of sole custody, the non-custodial parent has the following minimal rights.

The right to information, statements and representation

The custodial parent is obliged to inform the non-custodial parent about important matters and changes in the life of a child of both parties (eg change of school, change of address, illnesses which are not just minor, success at school).

The non-custodial parent has the right to make a statement about these topics. The custodial parent also has these rights, ie the parents are obliged to inform each other about these things. The non-custodial parent also has to care for and rear the child and represent him/her in everyday matters, as long as circumstances permit, e.g when the custodial parent is not present and the child is lawfully spending time with the non-custodial parent.

I address this simple request to Chabad International; to every Chabad Shalich, Rabbi, Rebbetzen and Chabadnik, in every country and in every continent of the world:

You are the so-called emissaries of the Rebbe. You have chosen a very noble role; to publicly take upon yourselves the onus of 'caring for' and 'reaching out' to Jewish souls all over the world. Your ethos: when you hear a cry of distress, you rush to help. When you see suffering, you do everything in your human power to relieve the pain.

Samuel and Benjamin Schlesinger will be 5 years old this Shabbos. I've been told the normal procedure on a child's birthday is as follows:

The Chabad kindergarten in Vienna, Rav Biderman's school, celebrate with a party in the class and crown the child a birthday 'king or queen.' The child's parents are invited to be there to join in.

Since my twins' birthday is on Shabbos, I assume this party will take place on Friday.

My little princes will have their turns as the birthday 'kings.' Their class will sing 'yom huledet sameach' and their friends will congratulate them and give them gifts. There is just one thing missing from this wonderful occasion: the life source who carried them and brought them into this world: their mother.

Every other child takes it for granted that their 'mama' is invited by the kindergarten to their birthday party, that their 'mama' brings them in the morning and picks them up in the afternoon. Sammy and Benji are not that fortunate.

Michael Schlesinger cancelled my visit this Tuesday without giving any reason and the visiting centre cancelled my visit this Sunday.

I therefore have ONE request from you:


Such a simple request yet one which would mean all the joy and happiness in the world to me and my boys. Do not turn me away. There is no court order prohibiting me from attending the kindergarten. No law will be broken if I am present and yet how many Chabad principles will be broken if I'm denied this simple wish?

It is not my intention to inconvenience anyone. I only want to be there for my babies - the children to whom I GAVE BIRTH - on their BIRTHday.

Please have compassion. See our tears and hear our cries. Let the twins' 5th birthday be a happy memory we can look back on and cherish.

Such a lofty mission as you embraced was never meant to be easy. You can choose to take the easy route and ignore me, letting us suffer further, or you can take on the challenge like warriors and honour the name of the Rebbe throughout klall Yisroel.

I charge you, every single Chabadnik around the world, to do EVERYTHING in your power to make Rav Biderman's Chabad school in Vienna do the right thing by Samuel and Benjamin and let my two little boys enjoy their birthday party in the presence of their mother.

Thank you.


National Review editorial board: Impossible to read Trump indictment and ‘not be appalled’“That%20said%2C%20it%20is%20impossible,them%2C”%20the%20editorial%20states.

The board for the conservative news outlet noted that many of the boxes that Trump had moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago at the end of his presidency only contained newspaper clippings, photos, cards and letters, but they also included hundreds of documents with classified markings. 

Donald Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify ‘secret information’

CNN obtained the transcript of a portion of the meeting where Trump is discussing a classified Pentagon document about attacking Iran. In the audio recording, which CNN previously reported was obtained by prosecutors, Trump says that he did not declassify the document he’s referencing, according to the transcript.

Publicly, Trump has claimed that all the documents he brought with him to his Florida residence are declassified, while he’s railed against the special counsel’s investigation as a political witch hunt attempting to interfere with his 2024 presidential campaign.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Trump Indictment

CNN rolls tape on Trump attacking Hillary Clinton over classified documents in 2016

Yes, Trump Said 'No One Will Be Above the Law' Regarding Protection of Classified Information

'No One Will Be Above the Law'

The statement in question was uttered by Trump on Aug. 18, 2016, during an appearance at one of his presidential campaign rallies in Charlotte, North Carolina.

While speaking in front of a crowd, Trump said, "In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law."

Did Trump Sign Into Law Felony for Which He's Indicted?


"Trump signed the bill after spending the 2016 presidential campaign accusing Hillary Clinton of improperly handling classified information."

In 2018, as part of legislation that extended the FISA Amendments Act, Trump signed changes to U.S. Code that upgraded the sentencing protocol for the crime of mishandling classified documents.

Previously punishable by no more than one year in jail, the change meant those found guilty could face up to five years behind bars, upgrading the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony.

'What if we don't play ball?' Why Trump indictment could be so damaging

The indictment offers two specific instances when Mr Trump was allegedly willing to show classified documents to people who did not have adequate security clearances.

The first involves a recording of the former president talking on 21 July, 2021, to a writer, a publisher and two members of his staff.

He told them about a secret US plan of attack against a country that is not named but believed to be Iran.

According to the indictment:

"Trump told the individuals that the plan was 'highly confidential' and 'secret'. Trump also said, 'As president I could have declassified it,' and 'Now, I can't, you know, but this is still a secret."

Friday, June 9, 2023

The conservative Supreme Court might have paved the way for Dems to take the House

In a best-case scenario that could mean three more seats for Democrats in the Deep South, most imminently in Alabama.

Puerto Rico breaks record with 125-degree heat index, causing power outages and serious health risks

“There’s emerging science indicating that there’s a connection to climate change here — the heat wave in Puerto Rico right now has been made at least five times more likely to happen due to man-made global warming,” said John Morales, a meteorologist at ClimaData and a hurricane specialist for NBC Miami.

Colorado’s largest eruv could sprout in Douglas County with fishing line strung between light poles

But Douglas County’s eruv wouldn’t be the nation’s largest. That honor likely goes to the Los Angeles Community Eruv, or L.A. Eruv, which covers 100 to 110 square miles of the nation’s second-largest city and is bounded by giant highways like the Ventura, Santa Monica and San Diego freeways, according to executive director Howard Witkin.

People Sure Think Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Admitted To A Crime On Live TV

Greene said the document was “unclassified,” but a SCIF is typically used only for very sensitive information. Lawmakers generally must check all electronic devices before entering, and cannot take notes while inside.

And usually, information revealed in the SCIF can’t be repeated outside of it.

But Greene ―a conspiracy theorist and close ally of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) who has called for a “national divorce” and spoke last year at a white nationalist event ― said she copied as much as she could once she left the SCIF.