Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Golden Calf


             In contrast to Rashi and the Rasag, the majority of the commentators do not interpret the sin of the golden calf as pure idolatry. When the people requested an idol, they were not so foolish as to think that a man-made idol made from their own jewelry was actually the God who took them out of Egypt.

             What, then, was their intention? Both the Ibn Ezra and his son in law, Rabbi Yehuda Halevi (Spain, before 1075-1141) in his philosophical work, the Kuzari (a polemical work directed against Aristotelian philosophy, Christianity, and Islam), explain that the worshipers did not believe the calf to be an actual god but rather they saw in the calf a physical manifestation, a symbolic representation of the one God. The calf was not a rebellion against God, a worshipping of an alternative power, but was rather an alternative, more corporeal and palpable form of worship:


            The Ramban (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, Spain, 1194-1274) agrees with the Ibn Ezra that the sin of the golden calf was not idolatry in the pure sense of the term. However he rejects Ibn Ezra's interpretation that the calf was a corporeal manifestation of God. Instead the Ramban suggests that the golden calf was meant to be a replacement for Moses.

            Both the Bechor Shor (Rabbi Yoseph Ben Yitzchak Bechor Shor, France, 12 century) and the Chizkuni (Rabbi Chizkiya ben Manoach, France, mid-thirteenth century) agree with the Ramban that the function of the golden calf was to replace Moses as the leader of Israel. They interpret the word 'elohim' in the people's request, "make us a god" (32:1) not as a god but rather a judge and leader. They also offer an explanation for why Aaron agreed to make an idol, an act which involved great risk and danger of pure idolatry. Why not designate himself or some other influential figure as a replacement for Moses? The Chizkuni and the Bechor Shor (see 32:2) suggest that Aaron feared the possibility of a conflict, a power struggle, which would erupt upon Moses' return. He feared that the replacement for Moses would not step down when Moses would return and this would lead to a division of the people into rival camps, each supporting a different leader. He himself was unwilling to serve as leader so as not to betray Moses. He therefore decided to create a harmless figurehead which could be disposed of with little opposition when Moses would return. Otherwise, Aaron feared the people would designate a king to lead them instead of Moses (see Chizkuni 32:22). 

            To summarize, the commentators disagree as to the nature of the request by the people for an idol. They can be divided into two main groups: those, such as Rashi and the Rasag, who regard the golden calf as a form of pure idolatry, and those, such as the Ibn Ezra, Kuzari, Ramban, Chizkuni, Bechor Shor and Shadal, who reject this idea. In the first group, Rashi is of the opinion that Aaron was coerced into making the idol while Rasag maintains that it was a plot to differentiate between the idolaters and those of true faith. In the latter group of commentators, the Ibn Ezra and the Kuzari posit that the calf was a corporeal manifestation of God while the Ramban, Chizkuni, and the Bechor Shor regard it as a replacement for Moses.


  1. The calf was sheker - the purest form of falsehood. It's idolatry component is a halachic discussion, but please Mr Halevi, don't turn it into a mitzva.

  2. “The Golden Calf” http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/23486 “My theory is that among Jews at that time observed well the command “No Israelite woman shall be a cult prostitute קדשה, nor shall any Israelite man be a cult prostitute קדש.” (Deuteronomy 23:18). The Jews kept records of family trees. The rabbinic view is that the Torah attests that the census/enrollment records were true. God created men with יצר הרע God created Jewish men to have a huge יצר הרע for the women of the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. In Egypt, even the saintly Joseph, in the midrash, had a huge יצר הרע for the wife of Potifar. This is how God created mankind. Rabbis decry Jewish men to have sex with non-Jewish women Megilah 25a “IF ONE SAYS, AND THOU SHALT NOT GIVE ANY OF THY SEED TO SET THEM APART etc. In the school of R. Ishmael it was stated: The text speaks of an Israelite who has intercourse with a Cuthean woman and begets from her a son for idolatry.” Wow Rabbi Ishmael says that אשר יתן לזרעו למלך refers to a Jew who has sex with a non-Jewess and begets from her a son.”
    The Jewish ladies in the Wilderness had no interest for sex outside of their husbands and only after they went to the mikvah. The men, alas, had a huge יצר הרע

    “My Theory; Similarity of Sin of Baal-Peor and Sin of Golden Calf”

    My latest book, Ken Follett, The Evening and the Morning, Viking, 2020 p. 10: “A wife who ran away with another man was, in practice, divorcing herself: the Church might not like it, but that was the custom.” In the story, she is 20 and her husband 30, a heavy drinker with no interest in sex.

    My theory. A man that neglects his wife, the wife will sue for divorce. A man that has regular sex with his wife, she probably won’t sue for divorce.

  3. Further: I've never gotten a good answer to this. God descends amid a big cloud to the top of Har Sinai. After giving the 10 Statements, Moshe Rabeinu ascends and enters the cloud. And then what?
    I'd always assumed that the cloud was still there, just sitting on the top of the mountain for the next 121 days. But then my local Lubavitcher said "Oh no! The cloud wasn't there after the 10 Statements.
    Because if the cloud was there, then the Golden Calf couldn't be idolatry. it just would make no sense.

  4. What connection does the calf have to the cloud? It's idolatry, cloud or not.

  5. Because if a visible representation of God is literally in front of your eyes, it makes it harder to say "Hey, let's build an idol!"

  6. "Rashi is of the opinion that Aaron was coerced into making the
    idol while Rasag maintains that it was a plot to differentiate between
    the idolaters and those of true faith. In the latter group of
    commentators, the Ibn Ezra and the Kuzari posit that the calf was a
    corporeal manifestation of God while the Ramban, Chizkuni, and the
    Bechor Shor regard it as a replacement for Moses."

    None of these are good, or truth that we must emulate, chas v'shalom . Also, they can't all be correct interpretations - it can't both be idol and non idol.


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