Friday, July 23, 2021

Father of 10-year-old rape victim: 'We give the Bedouin everything, and they laugh at us'

 The father whose 10-year-old daughter was raped in her bed by Bedouin Arab intruders from southern Israel participated Thursday in a tour of the Negev, along with MKs from the Land of Israel Caucus.

In his words, the father, A., blamed the government authorities for the anarchy in the Negev.

"The State of Israel has reverse racism towards its Jewish citizens," A. told Arutz Sheva. "The Arabs claim that we are an apartheid state. That's true, but only in the opposite direction. The apartheid is towards Jews. It's unthinkable that there should be quick enforcement against a Jew who moves a millimeter out of bounds, when in the Bedouin settlements the law doesn't even exist - including in so-called 'legal' settlements."

1 comment :

  1. Nowadays the moral high ground belongs to whichever group can scream "I'm the victim!" loudest. A man can rape a woman but if he screams "I'm the victim" louder, society will rush to help him and blame her.


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