Sunday, August 20, 2023

Rav Zalman Nechmiah Goldberg to Rav Shalom Kaminetsky - Establish beis din to evaulate heter

Contrary to rumors which have been circulating Lakewood recently, Rav Goldberg has not given his approval to the heter.


  1. Interestingly I sat next to Rav Zalman Nechemia on the 72 bus about 2 months ago. I was the first person to tell him of this case. He said he had no idea about it and that it sounded strange. But he also quoted the sugya of טעה בדבר משנה.

  2. Can you transcribe please

  3. Reb salty K will zicher rains that since rabbi millers name is mentioned the letter is worthless, despite it being rather commonsense and evenhanded

  4. If you read carefully rav Rosenberg s letter u will see his protest was because there was no bai's din involved, and not the heter itself, also rzng does not seem to have the same outrage as rav Shlomo miller shelita

  5. Contrary to rumors which have been circulating ... recently, Rav Goldberg has not given his approval to the heter.

    Why is it that the K supporters don't realize to themselves that their is obviously something really wrong here? Why are they continuously making false claims and behaving in truly unbecoming ways?

  6. He was smart enough to play 'dumb' (bkohl kvodo), but at least he got an opinion from ''the man in the street."

  7. Dated 9 shvat.

    To RSK:

    Appeared before me s shlomo miller ... (RSK) should establish a bet din of 'choshuveh rabbonim ....

  8. Who is the new rabbi Shlomo miller, I've never heard of him before, is he related to my rebbe avigdor miller, or is he related to the well know rav of yarma, the well known rav Yackov miller
    Is he from Lakewood. Nj, or Brooklyn NY

  9. It's obvious that he knows what's going on, and rather than say it's posul, which everyone knows already, says they should separate until a beis din.
    By saying less, he actually said more.
    1. A beis din must convene.
    2. They separate till it happens.

  10. לכבוד הרב שלמה מילה שליט"א
    ראיתי שמך מוזכר הרבה פעמים בנוגע לפרשת תמר עפשטיין, והנני רוצה לדעת קצת רקע עליך, מי סמכה לרב, ובעיקר האם אתה יכול להשתוות בלימוד לרבותינו מועצת גדולי תורה שהיא הסנהדרין שבימנו, האם אין זה

  11. Very possible
    But I sit next to him on the bus fairly often. He gives a shiur at yeshurun in the morning and i have had the zchus to sit next to him many times and I have asked him other highly charged questions and he has never avoided it.

  12. You call that a transcribed anything? Either do a full job or leave it alone!

  13. In a certain sense he is calling their bluff. They keep on claiming that they need a Beis Din, RZNG said "Fine. But separate until then." Rav Cohen clearly goes a step further by adding Hashem should help that there should not be more such cases.

  14. OK, Now you explained yourself..

  15. R' Zalman Nechemia did not say they should separate. That was R' Shalom Cohen's addition.

  16. Why does RSK still think that he can sell this fraud?

  17. It says nothing different then what RSK has been saying all along. It actually is surprising to see RSM asking for a Beis din. He has stated unequivocal that no matter what anyone paskens he is not mivatel his daas to anyone. Even if Reb Dovid Feinstein would pasken he wouldn't listen to him either.

  18. Whats wrong with my spelling

  19. Are you that crazy to realy think of the moetzes so chashuv for sure not sanhedrin not even a beis din most can't pasken any shailos not even for rice cakes

  20. Horav Shlomo Miller is the only אדם גדול in America who will unilaterally stand up to the establishment. I'm sure Rav Miller tried to build a coalition of Rabonim to confront this פירצה but they are all afraid and wouldn't join him.
    Boruch Hashem we have Horav Miller who is fearless.

  21. I myself saw novominsker rebbe eat ultra thin riceakes and a piece of shmalz herring on top, so ur comment is inappropriate to say the least
    However I do believe that they would do well to add rav brudny on the panel of gedolim, to make it fully comprised of gedolim

  22. Btw is reb Shlomo of Toronto also a mohel besides being a schaichet

  23. He probably doe,$n't even care

  24. Politically IncorrectJanuary 25, 2016 at 1:45 AM

    We witnessed Nathan grow up on this blog from toddler to educated student. He first fought with us with his diehard leftist and feminist ideology. He fought for long with Rabbi Eidensohn, director of this blog that he had no letters to support his assertions. He also fabricated halachic teshuvos to conform with his outlook which was taken by some with consternation, while by others with entertainment.

    Time passed and as more letters came out, he was quiet and even understood where Rav Eidensohn and like minded individuals over here were coming from.

    Simultaneously, he passionately argued for mekoros whether a get is obligated in this and similar scenarios. We fought at that too at length and he began to appreciate another form of thought, based on Torah sources and got on the way to be a budding scholar.

    Lately, he was slacking off to earlier

  25. I indicated its incomplete, but contains all the relevant information. Including incorrect information that i properly presented.

  26. My name is Nathan formerly from gush gatif

  27. So why is this letter addressed to him, as if he is actively defending it.

  28. Sadly many my not join him for other reasons , not because they fear anyone, in Lakewood some months ago his son was running around for signatures and noone wanted to join, some say it had to do with a pharmacy DT and the kashruth of a certain medication, and rabbi Forchheimer

  29. לכבוד רבי שלמה מילה שליט"א אב"ד כולל טאראנטו
    האם יש לך משרה רבנית מטעם ועד רבנים דטאראנרו, האם זה נכון שאתה מוציא לעז על הגיטין שמסדרין בעירך, שנקבע ע"י גדולי תורה מדור העבר, האם זה נכון שאתה מזלזל בכבודו שח ת"ח כמו הרב אקס שליט"א

  30. Can anyone tell me about rav henoch saltz from lkwd

  31. Rav Henoch Zaltz is a Talmid Muvhak of Horav Shlomo Miller. He is a Messader Gittin in Lakewood, NJ. In 2015 he performed 57 Gittin in Lakewood, NJ. He's in 1st place for the most Gittin performed for 2015.
    He is also a self appointed consultant & sabotager for AF regarding the divorce proceedings with TF.

  32. Rav Shlomo Miller's children are huge ת״ח, and רבנים in Lakewood. It is a well known fact that Rav Shlomo Miller's children in Lakewood have zero involvement in anything that their father needs to do.

  33. Politically IncorrectJanuary 25, 2016 at 4:55 AM

    I know him somewhat.

  34. Politically IncorrectJanuary 25, 2016 at 4:57 AM

    You seem to be talking in riddles. ...

  35. Politically IncorrectJanuary 25, 2016 at 6:15 AM

    I am saying that it took a while for you to understand and also contend to the Da'as Torah on this blog regarding the falsification of the heter, important rules in p'sak regarding Hilchos Gittin and p'sak, man, you've come a long way,'ve grown so much ........and now, you've just regressed, talking like you used to, like you've never learned any of that. .....don't regress!

  36. I don't know what you mean by behaving in an unbecoming way but they do realize there is something very wrong and it is how Rabbi Miller his sons and henchmen saltz and zucker have behaved from the begging you wouldn't ask that question if you knew the details.

  37. 57 gittin this year alone?
    Or 57 gittin since he began
    I didn't know that there's a competition as to who's first place
    Who is 2nd and 3rd place

  38. Which bracha did he make

  39. Those in the know, know what I'm talking about

  40. I saw him look at the rice cake and then at the herring, he's geonic eyes darting back and forth, from the herring to the ricecake and vice versa, he then consulted with the entire moetset and it was decided that since a rabbi issued a Holocaust denial statement, no herring should be consumed

  41. No there you go again securing the facts he does not want to go before BD, he said specifically rabbi DF , the curious fact is that anyone who knows RDF , knows he has never ever got involved with anything controversial so basically it's a dare do the impossible, like al mnas shetali lerakia. well Rabbi Miller got wise according to my sources and agreed to go to RDS and the K's refused. most probably since his opinion has finally come to light that he is opposed to the ruling like everyone else has appointed someone to work on separating them.

  42. Finally someone else is posting about this! BH


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